

Televisio ja elokuvat
Käyntejä: 4 342 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
222 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 144 (65 %)
Poikia: 78 (35 %)
34,6 vuotta
Otos: 147 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 34,5 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 34,9 vuotta

Jäsenet (222)


verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Torstai 04.09.2008 16:13

i've been training hard core, getting the core hard carved, hard as wood. to match my head.

verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Torstai 04.09.2008 15:51

patterns are the most efficient gateway to the mind.

mayra[Ei aihetta]Luonut: mayraMaanantai 25.08.2008 19:02

Pacci ilmesty ruutuun - mä vingun ja teen kuolemaa.
Chris Pacci <3

mayra[Ei aihetta]Luonut: mayraSunnuntai 24.08.2008 00:58

Kuollut mies puhuu. Gibbs alaisineen tutkii työtoverinsa raakaa murhaa. Tutkinta vie heidät kyttäyskeikalle, jonka aikana Tony kokee elämänsä yllätyksen.

~ Ei se turhaan ole koko ekan kauden paras jakso. (Tony <3)

verrrmu|Good dog!Luonut: verrrmu|Tiistai 24.06.2008 03:10

Nellie McKay - The Dog Song

I'm just a walkin' my dog
Singin' my song
Strollin' along
Yeah it's just me and my dog
Catchin' some sun
We can't go wrong

My life was lonely and blue
Yeah I was sad as a sailor
I was an angry 'un too
Then there was you
Appeared, when I was entangled
With youth, and fear, and nerves
Jingle jangle
Vermouth and beer
Were gettin' me mangled up

But then I looked in your eyes
And I was no more a failure
You looked so wacky and wise
And I said, lord I'm happy
'cause I'm just a walkin' my dog
Singin' my song
Strollin' along
It's just me and my dog
Catchin' some sun
We can't go wrong
'cause I don't care 'bout your hatin' and your doubt
And I don't care what the politicians spout
If you wanna companion
Well just go right to the pound
And find yourself a hound
And make that doggie proud
'cause that's what it's all about

My life was tragic and sad
Yeah I was the archetypal loser
I was a pageant gone bad
Then there was you on time
And wagging your tail
In the cutest mime
And you was in jail
I said woof, be mine
And you gave a wail
And then I was no longer alone
And I was no more a boozer
We'll make the happiest home
And I said lord I'm happy
'cause I'm just a walkin' my dog
Singin' my song
Strollin' along
It's just me and my dog
Catchin' some sun
We can't go wrong
'cause I don't care 'bout your hatin' and your doubt
And I don't care what the politicians spout
If you need a companion
Well just go right to the pound
And find yourself a hound
And make that doggie proud
'cause that's what it's all about
That's what it's all about
That's what it's all abow-wow-wow-wout
That's what it's all about

Good dog!

verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Perjantai 13.06.2008 01:25

All right, listen up people. Our fugitive has been on the run for ninety minutes. Average footspeed over uneven ground. Barinjuries, it's four miles per hour. What I need, each and everyone of you, it's a hardtarget search of every gasstation, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in the area. Our fugitive has a name and it is..

Corporal Damon Worth.


verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Torstai 22.05.2008 17:05

NCIS will return for a sixth season. Same time. Same station.

<3 :')

verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Keskiviikko 21.05.2008 16:41



</3 :''''''''(