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Exclusive interview: Bill: I wanted to give up everything!

Bill had never been that thoughtful before!
Only in BRAVO the Tokio Hotel-front man explains why he is so sad sometimes.

BRAVO: Bill, are you happy?
Bill: Im totally happy with my career. Our new album Humanoid goes well. In most of the european countries its even better in the charts than the last two albums! I wish itd be like that in private. I dont know, what I need, to be satisfied but I am unsatisfied.

BRAVO: Do you have a reason for this?
Bill: Maybe because I dont have time, to be happy about what Ive reached. I can not be happy or celebrate our success. Because I always have to do something new. And theres still love missing. Sadly.

BRAVO: How could you find love?Could we help somehow?
Bill: I dont know it eigther. (sighs) There are a lot of people who try to find their love in reality shows. Bill in love wouldnt fit to me! To arrange feelings for a girl in front of a camera is not possible. That I get to know someone in private is improbable. I dont even get out of the house to shop.

BRAVO: Why dont you simply escape out of your world and go out without securiety?
Bill: To be honest I dont want to try that out, Im also scared of doing it. Especially in europe it is hard for me to visit a club on my own. Even if bodyguards are with me I feel like being in a photo or signing session. Then I feel like an animal in a zoo. But that comes with being a celebrity. Maybe I get to know someone via my job who knows? If love comes truely it happens by accident.

BRAVO: Are you satisfied with yourself then?
Bill: Sometimes I absolutely can not stand myself. Performance of myself, I dont watch them on TV I hate myself! It also annoys me I always think about something! That Im so nervous all the time and not relaxed.I always check if the door is locked twice. I almost check it ten times to be sure I hadnt forgot it. I guess I need to become more relaxed. Thats it.

BRAVO: Are you afraid of the future?
Bill: Yes. Who knows what Im doing in 5 or 10 years? My horror vision would be an office job! Thats nothing for me. At school I had authority problems, too. I can not listen to someone else but me. I hope, I can always be my own boss.

BRAVO: Do you freak out sometimes or are you always the nice guy?
Bill: Im absolutely full of emotions, I often screamed at the others or team members, when something went wrong or didnt fit to me.

BRAVO: How do we have to imagine a Tokio Hotel-argument?
Bill: We've bet each other in the past. Nowadays it's more psychological pressure.

BRAVO: Seriously? How do we imagine that?
Bill: We dont talk to each other anymore. Or we cancel some dates because we know it: If Im totally excited about the next photo-shooting and Toms angry about me then he cancels the shooting secretly. But everything is fine the following day.

BRAVO: Did anyone say in an argument:Thats enough! I leave.?
Bill: No one said this loudly yet, but the thought of it surely had everyone. There also were moments I thought: I don't want to do this anymore, I give up everything! ..and this thought is still in my mind: I think that I just want to have time for myself.

BRAVO: Could you explain some situations when you think like that?
Bill: When I dont know how to go on or if I dont have ideas anymore. Then there are days I only want to take my stuff not to have anything to do with that band. But in the end I think of all the fans again, of the energy and fun they give us, the fun being front man of Tokio Hotel.
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have had a crush on.

okok oon ollu kuses vaik kui monee mut nää kaks on ollu kaikkie aikoje pahimmat :'D

BILLA~mjau n---n~Luonut: BILLATorstai 11.11.2010 20:24


... mä oon nero. toivon vaa et aika riittää .__.

HarusakihaaLuonut: HarusakiLauantai 30.10.2010 17:35

Kattokaa ny sitä. Siit o tullu tollanen mies??!! no joo :) silti soma. <3 Mut hei Bill kasvata ny silti ne pitkät hiukset takas, olit kaunis niillä XD ja en tykkää tosta septumistakaa.. XD no joo emmä viitti valittaa enää. Bill on silti kova muija <3xD

jääristorstai 29.10.2009Luonut: jäärisPerjantai 29.10.2010 19:11

mä olin kipee ja menin youtubeen ja kuuntelin tokio hotelia. sitte se vähän niinku jäi...

1 vuosi
12 kuukautta
365 päivää

tä vuosi on menny älyttömän nopeesti ja siihe on mahtunu monet upeet suunnitelmat, mut ei niistä sit sen enempää...

okeiokei vuosi on oikeesti tosi lyhyt aika mut mulle se on paljon koska yleensä mä kuuntelen jotain bändiä maksimissaan kaks kuukautta ja se siitä

mä oon nyt ylpee itestäni

sooonjaXDLuonut: sooonjaPerjantai 22.10.2010 18:41

billil on iiiha sellai tom-ilme tos 00:12 P---;

CAS_mäki. «3Luonut: CAS_Sunnuntai 10.10.2010 00:42

aww «3 :

CAS_«3Luonut: CAS_Sunnuntai 10.10.2010 00:36

mäki tykkään ♥
Tai sitten se on syntynyt uudesti :D