Meinasin kysyä yheltä tyypiltä täällä, onko se tyttö vai poika. Sillä on aika naiselliset kasvot, kulmikkaat silmälasit ja tosi pitkät, nätit hiukset. Sitte tajusin kattoa sen profiilia: nimi oli Juha. : --D
"Just about everyone in my class had a certain nickname, to be used only by your classmates. - - and perhaps the strangest, "Demo-sa". See, this one kid Miyuki would always butt in on people's conversations with "demosa, demosaaa..." so she came to be called "Demo-sa". Apparently there were no hard feeling, though."
"Lunch time! I go to the cafeteria and, after getting stopped by a few people on the way to chat, I go to the glass display case with real live examples of todays menu. I pick whatever I like or, if all equally unappetizing, I go with whichever meal has a name that I can at least partially read."