Lying all alone, wishing you would call Writing all my thoughts has broken all my bones You gave it all up, you threw it all away
There's nothing I can do
What do I think you've done?
You know it's even worse than what's in my head
You don't believe me when I tell you I don't want to be a fraud and pretend that everything's fine I won't be here when you get home I'm not gonna sit here and die
I'll follow through again this time
I'll swallow swords, spit out my pride I'll be just fine
You read me like a book You know I'm running out of legs to stand on
I won't believe you when you tell me These old habits die so hard There's not intervention in sight
There's no point in calling you
We're just gonna stand here and fight
I'll follow through again this time
I'll swallow swords, spit out my pride I'll be just fine
You fill my head with endless lies You're killing me, I'm killing time I'll be just fine
So maybe one day the pain will go away
And I will see your face I won't even care I'm changing all the locks 'cause I can't change you
I'll follow through again this time
I'll swallow swords, spit out my pride I'll be just fine
You fill my head with endless lies You're killing me, I'm killing time I'll be just fine
en oo laiha
en oo kaunis
en oo jätkien eka valinta
en oo hauska
oon varmaan ärsyttäväki
mut oon oma itteni
ja toivon et kaikki
hyväksyy mut tämmösenä
Olen oma itseni, vituttaako?
viime yö meni nii perseellee !!
jouduin nukkuu sohvalla ja nyt väsyttää sit enemmä ku heräilin siinä ku joku aina möykkäs, joko se oli nappi tai iskä tai hiiret JA aamulla mutsi ! (Y)
ja sit miua vituttaa tuo yks tyyppi..
jtn rajaa sinuki käytökses, et sinä voi saada aina tahtoos läpi ! ja kandeisko sinuki joskus kuunnella muita, eikä muiden vaa siua..
Don't you just love the moment when you notice that your friends don't care for nothing else but themselves.
I'm not myself tonight.
They put themselves first and don't care what the other has to deal with.
You can treat me like a shit but I wont go down with it.
Pain just makes me stronger and by every tear I become more complete.
Can I just go already?
I'm a shy little stupid girl, who wipes feelings away, tells you what you wanna hear and never stand on her own.
I always fall in love with untouchables.
These past days I've understood few things:
- I can't be close friends with anyone, because I don't wanna get hurt or make someone else hurt.
- I am so strong that I can't even handle myself.
- Love is something that starts to kill you inside and never stops.
- I am not total idiot, if someone tells me to sleep in car, I won't.
Don't even try to know me,
I've tried it for 18 years
and still haven't figure me out.
joskus must tuntuu et oon lyhyt ja se HARMITTAA , mut kaverit lohduttaa, ja sanoo, kyl joku kääpiö sua tulee rakastaa , joskus tuntuu et oon liia pitkä , ja se harmittaa, mut mut frendit sanoo samaa, kyl se kirahvipoika sua tulee halaa, joskus tuntuu et oisin liia läski , ja se harmittaa , mut veli dissaa , et kyl joku laardi-lasse sua kädest pia ottaa , joksus tuntuu et oisin liian laiha , ja se harmittaa, mut kaverit sanoo , et kyl joku luuranko susta tykkää . kaikki ihmise on erilaisiii , ja on iha vitu turha yrittää olla joku toine
heij kaikki ketkä o omii itsiään , ni kopsaa blogiinsah (=