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_jannna[Ei aihetta]Luonut: _jannnaLauantai 24.01.2009 15:37

Is that what you dream about? Being a monster?
-Edward Cullen

Mostly I dream about being with you forever.
-Bella Swan,

I will stay with you — isn’t that enough?
-Edward Cullen

I love you more than everything else in the world combined. IsnÂ’t that enough?
-Bella Swan

Yes, it is enough. Enough for forever.
-Edward Cullen

dreamersdreamaaaaw <3Luonut: dreamersdreamLauantai 24.01.2009 00:51

"But I thought it was a good representation," he continued. "It's hard and cold." He laughed. "And it throws rainbows in the sunlight."
"You forgot the most important similarity," I murmured. "It's beautiful."
"My heart is just as silent," he mused. "And it, too, is yours."

LAURADlol asd joku nolo oon.Luonut: LAURADKeskiviikko 21.01.2009 22:51

mut se kirja on liian hyvä.......
luin sitä eilen illal vähän, sit nukahin. sit oli pakko ottaa se kouluu ja luin sitä tunneilla, sit tulin kotii ja menin olohuoneesee ja sit menin siihe sohvalle ja otin sen kirjan KLO PUOL NELJÄ ihmiset, ja nyt tulin sieltä pois .................................. LUIN SITÄ PUTKEE KOKO AJAN

TÄÄ AHDISTAA X D ja kohta se kirja loppuu ja sitten tulee itku
se vois jatkuu pitkään ku se on niin kiva.

AAAAAAAAAAAAA JA HUOMENNA LEFFA ::::::::::) &lt;sydän&gt;
Isabella Swan
[ ] Minulla on rusket hiukset
[ ] ja ruskeat silmät
[x] Olen kömpelö
[/] Pyrin suojelemaan läheisiäni
[x] Olen ujo
[ ] Vedän vaaroja puoleeni
[ ] En ole juurikaan seurustellut
[x] Punastun helposti

Edward Cullen
[ ] Häikäisen muita hymylläni, ulkonäölläni ja äänensävylläni
[ ] En ole juurikaan seurustellut
[x] Olen hyvä tulkitsemaan toisten ajatuksia
[x] Pidän musiikista
[/] Tekisin mitä vain suojellakseni rakkaimpiani
[ ] Olen hyvä soittamaan pianoa
[ ] Minulla on kuparinruskeat hiukset
[ ] Olen salaperäinen

Alice Cullen
[ ] Osaan ennustaa tulevaisuuden
[ ] Minulla on mustat hiukset
[/] Rakastan juhlien järjestämistä
[ ] Pukeudun muodikkaasti
[x] Olen hyvin vaaleaihoinen
[x] Olen pienikokoinen
[x] Olen optimisti
[ ] Ihmiset välttelevät minua

Jasper Hale
[/] Olen hyvä rauhoittamaan ihmisiä
[ ] Minulla on vaaleat hiukset
[ ] Minulla on paljon arpia
[ ] Minulla on välillä vaikeuksia itsehillintäni kanssa
[/] Tekisin mitä tahansa rakkaimpani eteen
[ ] Silmäni vaihtelevat väriä
[x] Olen vaalea iholtani
[ ] Ihmiset välttelevät minua

Emmet Cullen
[ ] Olen lihaksikas
[ ] Olen pitkä
[/] Olen hauska
[x] Hiukseni ovat tummat
[ ] Pidän karhuista
[x] Kiusoittelen muita mielelläni
[ ] Ihmiset välttelevät minua
[x] Ihoni on vaalea

Rosalie Hale
[ ] Olen hyvin kaunis
[ ] Ajattelen usein vain itseäni
[x] Minulla on vaaleat hiukset
[ ] Olen kostonhimoinen
[/] Haluaisin lapsia
[x] Osaan olla halutessani ilkeä
[ ] Tunnen olevani parempi kuin muut
[ ] Olen pitkä

Carlisle Cullen
[/] Olen kiinnostunut lääketieteestä
[/] Olen hyvin myötätuntoinen
[ ] Olen yrittänyt itsemurhaa
[x] Veren haju ei häiritse minua
[ ] Minulla on vaaleat hiukset
[ ] Olen innostunut opiskelemisesta
[x] Kutsumukseni on ihmishenkien pelastaminen
[ ] Olen kalpea

Esme Cullen
[x] Osaan rakastaa
[x] Olen kiinnostunut arkkitehtuurista
[ ] Hiukseni ovat vaaleanruskeat
[ ] Olen hoikka
[x] Osaan hillitä itseni
[ ] Olen menettänyt lapsen
[x] Olen kalpea
[ ] Silmäni muuttelevat väriä

Jacob Black
[ ] Minulla on mustat hiukset
[ ] ja ruskeat silmät
[ ] Äitini on kuollut
[ ] Olen hyvin nopea
[ ] Paranen nopeasti
[ ] Olen kiinnostunut autoista
[ ] Saatan olla hieman päällekäyvä
[ ] Joku on särkenyt sydämeni

Olen Esme.. jippiih :D

mmu[Ei aihetta]Luonut: mmuTiistai 20.01.2009 18:39

sitä ne sano, nyt tajuun miks

dreamersdream[Ei aihetta]Luonut: dreamersdreamSunnuntai 18.01.2009 00:54

en yhtään enää ihmettele miks kaikki on ihan koukussa twilightiin. ite olin ihankoukussa ekan viidenkymmenen jälkeen. enkä viekään oo kun jossain puolessavälissä...

Lotte]Ah Edward<3Luonut: Lotte]Perjantai 16.01.2009 17:38

A normal guy would say: “I love you Baby!”
Edward Cullen would say: “You are my life now.”

A normal Guy would say: “I think I am falling for you.”
Edward Cullen would say: “The Lion fell in Love with the Lamb”

Normal Guy would say: “Your hair looks like a haystack; go brush it!”
Edward Cullen would say: "Your hair looks like a haystack but I like it.”

A normal guy would pick a random song from a random artist and dedicate it to you.
Edward Cullen would sing you a song he wrote for you while playing the piano.

If you died, a normal guy would find another.
If you died, Edward would kill himself cause life without you isn’t worth living.

As you leave the house, a normal guy would say: “Bye, see ya!”
As you leave the house Edward Cullen would say: “Come back to me, love.”

As you come back to the house, a normal guy would be watching TV and wouldn’t even notice.
As you come back to the house, Edward Cullen would be welcoming you by playing the piano with a song just for you.

A normal guy would wait for you to make him breakfast.
Edward Cullen would make you breakfast everyday.

While you are both out for dinner, a normal guy wouldn’t keep his eyes off the sexy waitress.
Edward Cullen wouldn’t even notice the waitress was a female.

A normal guy, while driving, would keep one hand on the wheel and one hand on the radio.
Edward Cullen, while driving, would keep one hand on the wheel and the other attached to yours.

While far apart in different places, a normal guy would say: “I miss you.”
While far apart in different places, Edward Cullen would say: “It’s like you've taken half myself with you.”

A normal guy wouldn’t care or notice if you had nightmares.
Edward Cullen would sing until your nightmares went away.

A normal guy does it with everyone.
Edward Cullen only does it with one.

A normal guy buys you flowers and chocolates.
Edward Cullen buys you a car.

ps. pakko päästä kattoo twilight uudestaa <3

ainokki[Ei aihetta]Luonut: ainokkiTorstai 15.01.2009 14:06

Ahh, oikeesti pää vähän hajoo näiihin newborn twilight hehkuttajiin. Voi kun toivoisi, että sitä leffaa ei olisi koskaan ilmestynyt tai, siis voikun ihmiset ymmärtäisi lukea sen kirjan. ♥

Voisi mennä tänään ostamaan Breaking Dawnin muah, sitten mun kokoelma olis lähes täydellinen. Sen jälkeen vaan odotellaan Midnight Sunia. Tosin osaako joku täällä kertoa, että ollaanko sitä nyt julkaisemassa/onko Stephenie nyt kirjoittamassa sen loppuun. Voisi itekkin googlata. Hmh. :)

Vtw onks se leffa vähä pelle, siit puuttuu se blood type/edward kantaa bellan terkkarille muah kohta ja koko leffan tunnelman ja fiiliksen pilaa se Robertin quote missä se sanoo Bellaa spidermonkeyksi (mitäääää). Ja mitä hittoo ähh. Noooo whatever.

I0na[Ei aihetta]Luonut: I0naKeskiviikko 14.01.2009 20:20

Ihan koukussa Twilightiin!

Iiinn. sanoo:
meinasin eile illalla hurahtaa tuohon Edwardiin ihan
liikaa ja lykkäsin treffejä nukkumatin kaa ihan sitten
puoli kahteen asti! : DDD


thanks Stephenie Meyer, now I'll never find a man.
Olisitko sä mun Edward Cullen?
1. Spread rumors that the reason why Edward never had a girlfriend before Bella is because he is gay...

2. Try and start a nudist colony in a school bathroom...

3. Sing "Ninety-nine bottles of grizzly blood on the wall.."

4. Wear a tu-tu and tell everyone to call him Princess Butterfly

5. Attempt to turn inanimate objects, such as pieces of fruit, into vampires

6. Claim aforementioned 'vampire fruit' as his army of loyal minions...

7. ...and try to get them to attack Jasper

8. Call Carlisle 'Gramps'.

9. Run through the school naked with "Momma's boy" written on his chest in whipped cream

10. Burst into tears and run from the room crying after wailing "I thought we had something special!" when Bella asks him to pass the salt at lunch

11. Write children's books (examples: 'Fun, Five Letter Words to Know and Share'; 'Daddy Drinks Because You Cry'; 'Curious George and the High Voltage Fence')

12. Wear leather pants (no matter how good he looks in them)

15. Scratch " 3MM3TT K!CK A" onto walls.

16. Dye his hair black, wear glasses,carry around a stick and tell hordes of 4th graders he is the real Harry Potter

"You think this ought to do it?" Bella asked Edward, as she straightened the list that she had just hung on the wall. She then stood back to stand next to Edward, Carlisle and Alice as they surveyed the list that now hung on the living room wall.

Just then, a loud BAM! was heard from the kitchen. As one, Bella, Edward, Carlisle and Alice slowly turned their heads to see a fist-sized whole in the wall between the living room and the kitchen.

"EMMETT MCCARTY CULLEN!" Came Esme's inevitable scream.

Bella took the ball-point pen Carlisle held out for her.

19. Emmett is not allowed to swat flies with a meat tenderizer


20. Forcefully dress Carlisle in a disco suit...

21. Refer to Jasper's empathy as "Jasper's feminine problem"

23. Tell anyone who will listen that there really is a Voldemort...

24. And that his real name is Aro Volturi

25. Offically declare the third Saturday of every month "Seduce Carlisle Day"

26. Repeatedly sing "I've got a lovely bunch of cocnuts" using items such as Edward's ego, Alice's butt, Bella's klutziness and Jasper's sensitivity as the size of the last coconut

27. fake sob and tell the guidance counselor that he feels like his family is pressuring him to be with Rosalie, and that he's unsure of his sexuality and who he really is

28. Sing "No Sleep Tonight" when Edward leaves to go watch Bella sleep

29. Hum the Jaws theme song whenever Alice walks by

30. Tell the NSA that he overheard Carlisle make a threat on the President's life

31. Ask little girls in a creepy voice if they like puppies

32. Pretend to fall asleep in class...

33. And then pretend to be having a wet dream in which Jasper is the star...

34. Especially when Jasper is sitting in the desk next to his

35. Dye his hair blonde...

36. And then tell everyone blondes really do have more fun

37. Imagine Bella naked in Edward's prescence just to annoy him

Well, that's everything for part two, I suppose." Alice said as she scanned the list.
"Not like it'll make much difference." Bella commented. She, Alice and Rosalie sat close together at the dining room table in the Cullen's house.

"Still, it makes Esme feel better to see the lists mounted in the living room. My husband. Honestly. He acts like he's seven not seventy." Rosalie replied as she put the finishing touches on her manicure.

The three stood, and headed into the living room. Alice took the list and taped it to the wall. The three girls stood back and looked at it.

Just then Emmet came running through the front door with a large object wrapped in a blanket.

"Alice! Thank goodness you're here--I need to hide the nuclear warhead before the feds arrive!"

"YOU STOLE A NUCLEAR WARHEAD!?" Rosalie shreiked.

"I was improving it!" He defended.

Alice grabbed his arm and ran with him outside, presumeably to show him a place where no one would find it. Bella and Rosalie stood in shocked silence for a minute before Bella sighed, turned to the list and scrawled at the bottom:

38. Steal nuclear warheads to improve them. Correction: he is not allowed to steal anything, including but not limited to government property, underwear, kitchen utensils and cheese wheels

Wait there's more...

39. Is not allowed to bring Edward to a strip club for his bachelor party

40. Bejewel the butt on all of Edward’s pants, saying, “Property of Emmett Cullen”

41. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to follow Mike Newton around...

42. ...And insist that he's in love with him.

43. Hide in the closet, then when his family is in the room, jump out and say in an extremley gay voice, "Hey everybody, I just came out of the closet!"

44. Ask Carlisle if he's met Dracula

45. Tell Bella that she was adopted by Charlie and Renee and her real parents are aliens from Jupiter, thus why Edward isn't able to read her mind

46. Get a dog then attempt to turn it into a vampire dog demon

47. Persuade Edward to get a Facebook or Myspace, then tell all the Team Edward fangirls about it...

48. ... or the Team Jacob fans about it

49. Emmett Cullen should not post videos of the family when they hunt on youtube.

50. Speak in an English accent while carrying around a cup of tea and repeat, "Pip pip, da doodley do" just to harrass Carlisle

51. He should not wear a green tuxedo with a wand and a pair of wings, then go door to door saying he's Tinkerbell's brother-in-law

52. Wear a pink pearl colored dress and walk up to emo and goth kids during school, then shout in their face, "Polly Pocket Rules! Oh my good golly goshness, don't you just love her?!"

53. Tell Alice that he and Jasper are secretly dating

''Finally, we're finished with part three. I just really hope he follows these." Bella said as she got up from her chair and went to put the list next to the other two.

"That was sort of annoying when he kept bugging me about how Dracula was." Carlisle said, as he walked into the room. Just then there was a loud yell from the living room, and Emmett came bursting into the kitchen.

"I just had 38 bets on me on ebay!" He yelled. "This one old dude betted two thousand dollars!" Rosalie shook her head and turned back to the list, and added,

54. Emmett Cullen must not sell himself on Ebay for any reason, whatsoever

55. Attempt to get drunk…

56. … then pole dance in front of Alice and Bella.

57. Refuse to speak, and only pass notes

58. Speak only Chinese for a month…

59. … then switch to only Swedish

60. Get a tattoo of an oak tree…

61. … on his inner thigh…

62. … then worship the almighty oak

63. Grow a mariguana farm in Esme's garden...

64. ... then when they are fully grown, replant them in Mike Newtons front yard

65. make up innapropriate lyrics to Bella's lullaby

66. climb the empire state building and claim to be king kong

I think this should do it." Bella sighed.
"You've done a good job Bella," Edward replied. She smiled and leaned against his chest as Rosalie taped the newest list on the wall.
"You would've thought, that after 73 years my husband might be just a little more mature than this." Suddenly, there was a loud crash coming from the living room. The Cullens ran to the other room, to see Emmett sitting on the floor with test tubes in front of him. His eyebrows were blackened and there was a hole in the ceiling.
"I'll get the broom..." Rosalie said. Bella just shook her head and turned to add another one to the list

67. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to buy a chemistry set then experiment trying to create a cure for cancer

That's so funny -Jessica Stanley