

Käyntejä: 5 637 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
763 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 662 (87 %)
Poikia: 101 (13 %)
Sijoitus koon mukaan: 759
33,8 vuotta
Otos: 457 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 33,6 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 34,9 vuotta

Jäsenet (763)


wonkyGoddessMusaaLuonut: wonkyGoddessMaanantai 01.03.2010 23:01

Älä katso allaolevia kysymyksiä ennen kuin olet valinnut bändit!
Eli: valitse viisi lempibändiäsi.
Kun olet valinnut bändit, vastaa kysymyksiin.
1. Morning Musume
2. Pink
4. Lily Allen
5. t.A.T.u.

Kuka on hyvännäköisin bändistä 2?
- haha, Pink on hotein ikinä
Lempialbumisi bändiltä 1?
- Hmm... Rainbow 7, Cover You ja Platinum 9 disc
Kirjoita pätkä jostain bändin 5 lyriikoista.
- "Ican't deny my feelings growing strong, I tried to keep believing, dreaming on. But every time i see you I crave more. I wanna pull you closer, closer, closer, closer, but you leave me feeling frozen"
Miten tutustuit bändiin 3?
- Pikkusisko kuunteli tätä aikoinaan non stop :D Lopulta totuin musiikkiin ja aloin kuuntelee lyriikoita tarkemmin.
Milloin kuuntelit viimeksi bändiä 4?
- hmm. viime viikolla ennen ku iPodista loppu virta
Onko sinulla lempijäsentä bändistä 5? Kuka?
- Julia<3
Omistatko jotain bändin 1 oheistuotteita?
- Kalenterin josta tein julisteita, CD:n, konserttidvd:itä, ja kaikkea pientä
Kumman näkisit mieluummin livenä, bändin 2 vai bändin 4?
- Pink on nähtävä ensin mutta rakastan molempia
Lempibiisisi bändiltä 5 (max 3)?
- Malchick Gay, White robe, All the things she said
Onko bändin 4 laulaja hyvännäköinen?
- onhan se nätti :)
Omistatko albumeita bändiltä 2?
- omistan :)
Kumpaa olet kuunnellut kauemmin, bändiä 5 vai bändiä 1?
- t.A.T.u.sta tiestin aiemmin~
Onko bändi 4 ollut koskaan Suomessa?
- on viime kesänä en kyllä nähnyt
Mikä on parasta bändissä 3?
- lyriikat ja energia
Omistatko dvd:itä bändiltä 5?
- en
Miten tutustuit bändiin 1?
- näin AMV:n jossa sen musaa oli taustalla ja myöhemmin etsin sen youtubesta.
Kuinka monta jäsentä bändissä 2 on?
- 1
Lempibiisisi bändiltä 1 (max 3)?
- Iroppoi jirettai, Take off is now, .. liian monta hyvää! :) Ei kai muuten olisi ollut lempibändini viimeiset 3 vuotta.
Omistatko bändin 3 julisteita yms.?
- enpä taida

SIENIMIESS-Luonut: SIENIMIESSSunnuntai 24.01.2010 00:01

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
And I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
When we think it will all become clear
I'm being taken over by the fear


irisnoirit's not fairLuonut: irisnoirPerjantai 18.12.2009 04:28

and it's really not okay, it's really not okay, it's really not okay, oh you're supposed to care, but all you do is take...

hitusen soi nyt päässä. mut joo on se vaan hienoo nähä joku maailmanluokan julkkis livenä, ei voi muuta sanoo. uskomaton fiilis, etenki jos kyseessä on oma idoli.

"this song is for my dad. he is here." lol.

BERTS[Ei aihetta]Luonut: BERTSLauantai 05.12.2009 16:13

Tässä kuvassa näytän kuulemma : OOO
Näyttäisinki : (
Nätti ystävämme WerQ.

eliisabettiahLuonut: eliisabettiSunnuntai 08.11.2009 00:54

Do I feel alright
-no, not slightly

I wanna get a flat I know I can't afford it
it's just the bureaucrats that won't give me a mortgage

Well, it's very funny 'cause I've got your fucking money and I'm never gonna get it just because of my bad credit

Oh well, I guess I mustn't grumble
I suppose that's just the way the cookie crumbles

Oh yes, I'm fine
Everyetihng's just wonderful
I'm having the time of my life

KULLIPUUHyvät Sanoitukset ;) Luonut: KULLIPUULauantai 05.09.2009 03:52

Lily Allen - Not Fair

Oh, he treats me with respect,
He says he loves me all the time,
He calls me 15 times a day,
He likes to make sure that im fine,
You know I've never met a man,
Whose made me feel quite so secure,
He's not like all them other boys,
They're all so dumb and immature.

There's just one thing,
That's getting in the way,
When we go up to bed you're just no good,
It's such a shame!
I look into your eyes,
I want to get to know you,
And then you make this noise,
And it's apparent its all over.

Its not fair,
And i think you're really mean,
I think you're really mean,
I think you're really mean.

Oh you're supposed to care,
But you never make me scream,
You never make me scream,

Oh it's not fair,
And it's really not ok,
It's really not ok,
It's really not ok,

Oh you're supposed to care,
But all you do is take,
Yeah, all you do is take.

Well I lie here in the wet patch in the middle of the bed,
Im feeling pretty damn hard done by, I spent ages giving head,
Then I remember all the nice things that you've ever said to me,
Maybe i'm just overreacting, maybe you're the one for me.

There's just one thing,
That's getting in the way,
When we go up to bed you're just no good,
It's such a shame!
I look into your eyes,
I want to get to know you,
And then you make this noise,
And it's apparent its all over.

Its not fair,
And i think you're really mean,
I think you're really mean,
I think you're really mean.

Oh you're supposed to care,
But you never make me scream,
You never make me scream,

Oh it's not fair,
And it's really not ok,
It's really not ok,
It's really not ok,

Oh you're supposed to care,
But all you do is take,
Yeah, all you do is take 2x

KULLIPUU:))Luonut: KULLIPUUMaanantai 31.08.2009 01:26

Tästä se alkaa pitkä ystävyys ! tuskin montakaan vuotta viel
tunteneet mutta silti kohta tiedämme toisistamme kaiken &lt;sydän&gt;
Haluan olla sinun kanssasi aikuisina ystäviä
OLLA tukenasi ! &lt;sydän&gt;

I see you from the sky
And I wonder how long it will take me to get home
I wait for an hour or so at the carousel
I have a cigarette to pass the time
cause the traffics hell

I don't want anything more
Than to see your face when you open the door
YouÂ’ll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea
And we'll get Chinese and watch TV
Tomorrow we'll take the dog for a walk
And in the afternoon then maybe we'll talk
IÂ’ll be exhausted so IÂ’ll probably sleep
and we'll get Chinese and watch TV

You wipe the tears from my eyes
And you say that all that it takes is a phone call
I cry at the thought of being alone and then
I wonder how long it will take till IÂ’m home again

"Pidä Kiinni Äläkä koskaan Päästä irti" - Titanic

vinkukikkelirakastuin eilen <3Luonut: vinkukikkeliLauantai 29.08.2009 17:50

Look inside
Look inside your tiny mind
Then look a bit harder
'Cause we're so uninspired
So sick and tired
Of all the hatred you harbor
So you say
It's not okay to be gay
Well I think you're just evil
You're just some racist
Who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval

Fuck you, (fuck you), fuck you very very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you, (fuck you) fuck you very very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Do you get
Do you get a little kick out of being small minded
You want to be like your father
His approval your after
Well that's not how you'll find it
Do you
Do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful
'Cause there's a hole where your soul should be
You're losing control of it
And it's really distasteful

Fuck you, (fuck you), fuck you very very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you, (fuck you) fuck you very very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

(Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you)

You say you think we need to go to war
Well you're already in one
Cause it's people like you
That need to get slew
No one wants your opinion

Fuck you, (fuck you), fuck you very very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you, (fuck you) fuck you very very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

(Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you)