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-ZwitterR.I.PLuonut: -ZwitterPerjantai 20.02.2009 17:41

R.I.P Miika Tenkula (1974-2009) </3

Yks näitä harvinaisia loisto kitaristeja lähteny pois. Lepää rauhassa.

Sentenced - Lower the flags

He's gone, he's dead
His remains upon the hearse ahead
As silently we wander through the mist
He's free

This is the end
Your journey is over, night descends
Below, into the abyss,
Farewell, my friend, you will be missed

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

He's gone, he's dead
Six feet of earth upon his head
Now lay your wreaths upon the
One who lies beneath

Although you're gone
In memories you shall live on
Asleep... in peace now rest
The weight of the world is off your chest

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

That mourning light I'll always remember
And these August nights, cold as December

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

Paha_AsiaR.I.PLuonut: Paha_AsiaPerjantai 20.02.2009 17:12

-Ravenheart-Miika Tenkula R.I.P.Luonut: -Ravenheart-Perjantai 20.02.2009 15:17

Miika Tenkula
6.3.1974 - 19.3.2009

So brief was the light on your way

Rest In Peace


The bells again...someone has died
The bells of the end toll to remind
that life´s but a race against time

At your back you´ll always hear
The Chariot of Time hurrying near
The faster you run the closer it comes
A pursuer you can not outrun

Hear these words I say:
-Make the most out of your day
For brief is the light on our way
On this momentary trail

Hear these words, awake:
-Make the most out of your day
For brief is the time, so brief is the time
that we´re allowed to stay

The bells again...whose turn this time?
To reach the end, yours or mine?
Each funeral just makes us realize
that life´s but a series of goodbyes

Life passes by, melts away like snow in the spring
We all are blind to the running of time

(Sentenced -Brief is the light)

JenpeLuonut: JenpePerjantai 20.02.2009 12:44

He's gone, he's dead
His remains upon the hearse ahead
As silently we wander through the mist
He's free

This is the end
Your journey is over, night descends
Below, into the abyss,
Farewell, my friend, you will be missed

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

He's gone, he's dead
Six feet of earth upon his head
Now lay your wreaths upon the
One who lies beneath

Although you're gone
In memories you shall live on
Asleep... in peace now rest
The weight of the world is off your chest

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

That mourning light I'll always remember
And these August nights, cold as December

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

Rest In Peace, Miika Tenkula

marina^R.I.P Miika TenkulaLuonut: marina^Perjantai 20.02.2009 02:04

shewwockEi voi olla totta.. R.I.P.Luonut: shewwockPerjantai 20.02.2009 00:29

R.I.P Miika Tenkula


Sentenced - Lower The Flags

He's gone, he is dead
His remains upon the hearse ahead
As silently we wander through the mist
He's free

This is the end
Your journey's over, night descends
Below... Into the abyss
Farewell, my friend, you will be missed

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

He's gone, he is dead
Six feet of earth upon his head
Now lay your wreaths
Upon the one who lies beneath

Although you're gone
In memories you shall live on
Asleep... In peace now rest
The weight of the world is off your chest

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

That mourning light I'll always remember
And these August nights; cold as December

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse
He's gone, he is dead
His remains upon the hearse ahead
As silently we wander through the mist
He's free

This is the end
Your journey's over, night descends
Below... Into the abyss
Farewell, my friend, you will be missed

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

He's gone, he is dead
Six feet of earth upon his head
Now lay your wreaths
Upon the one who lies beneath

Although you're gone
In memories you shall live on
Asleep... In peace now rest
The weight of the world is off your chest

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

That mourning light I'll always remember
And these August nights; cold as December

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

JIM-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: JIM-Torstai 15.01.2009 16:31

The fire in my eyes is dying
and the dream I had is gone

Tuli silmissäni on sammunut
ja unelma joka minulla oli on poissa


[Kride^[Ei aihetta]Luonut: [Kride^Sunnuntai 26.10.2008 21:58

1. Valitse artisti: Sentenced

2. Vastaa ainoastaan valitsemasi artistin kappaleiden nimillä seuraaviin kysymyksiin:

3. Mies vai Nainen?: Her Last 5 Minutes

4. Kuvaile itseäsi: Routasydän

5. Mitä muut ajattelevat sinusta?: Shadegrown

6. Mitä sinä ajattelet itsestäsi?: Broken

7. Kuvaile unelmiesi poika-/tyttöystävääsi: You Are The One

8. Missä asut?: Hoem In Despair

9. Missä sinä haluaisit olla/minne mennä?: End Of The Road

10. Mitä haluasit tehdä?: I'll Throw The First Rock

11. Kuvaile kuinka elät: Ever-Frost

12. Kuinka rakastat?: Bleed In My Arms

13. Mitä haluaisit sanoa ihastuksellesi?: Ypu Are The One

14. Mitä pyytäisit jos sinulla olisi vain yksi toive?: One More Day

15. Jaa viisaus kanssamme: Aika Multaa Muistot

17. Sano heihei: Farewell