

Ennen yhteisöajanlaskun alkua
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rouzna[Ei aihetta]Luonut: rouznaLauantai 21.11.2009 00:52

You are owner No. 2147 / 4000 of
the coffin
The Complete discography

Tämä plus Hynynen plus Rakkaudella, Hynynen plus nimmari. Thx Levykauppa Äx. <3
so I guess, huh, it's 'bout to time to fucking BLEED

Kuntopyörä toiminassa, ekat 40km ajettu. Tänään paukutetaan lisää, samoin huomenna, ylihuomenna... tajusit varmaan?

EcGc on älyttömän kovaa kamaa: 26 päivää ilman paskaa ja hyvin menee. Tässä vaiheessa ei enää parane lopettaa. Antaa mennä vaan kun on alamäki.

Painoa on lähtenyt jonkun verran ei käsitystä, huomaan uusia suonia ihon pinnassa <3

The veins show clearly through, my blood is running wild

Kun sais 3500-4000km ajettua välillä 1.11-1.5 niin hyvä tulis. Siihen vielä uinnit, juoksut ja -6kg päälle.

I live to ride and ride to live
And long for driving endlessly
Each time I ride I'm born again...

_trigger-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: _trigger-Perjantai 25.09.2009 00:06

Baby, have you seen, there is a snake in our paradise
A serpent that's wriggling between us
and freezing our feelings to ice

And with each drop of blood we bleed because of this
something so precious dies and it feels it really is...

Killing Me Killing You
Killing all we have
As our loves wither away

Burning Me Burning You
Burning us to ash
Drowning us in a sea of flames

Kill me kill me kill me again with your love
and chase the storm away
Bring me bring me bring me the end with your love
and haunt the demons away

iita||End of the road.Luonut: iita||Keskiviikko 09.09.2009 01:39

Here we are, now lay the burden down
We're coming to the end of our road
Sorrowful yet glorious somehow
To be humming this one last ode

So calm and still... it wasn't all that bad, or was it now?
Fulfilled... it doesn't only hurt to end it now

The funeral

The memories beneath the dust of years
They seem like those of someone deceased
There's no more to be done, or hoped or feared
Just waiting for the final release

So calm and thrilled... it wasn't all that bad, or was it now?
Still, it doesn't only hurt to end it now

Is life over, this life's over?
Or has it only just begun?
It grows colder, starts to moulder...
Coming apart yet still not done

Forever one. &lt;sydän&gt;
Mediaplayer kertoo, että Farewellin säveltäjät ovat Liahi, Miika Tenkula ja Sentenced
For the Love I Bear, One with Misery, säveltäjät: Lihiala; Miika Tenkula; Sentenced
Grave Sweet Grave, säveltäjät: LopakkaSentenced; Miika Tenkula

Harro! U want know who composer of song? Too bad! I not write rightry! Fuck u!

Bing[Ei aihetta]Luonut: BingTorstai 16.07.2009 03:11

So many times I have brought you down
that I have already lost all count
and I seem to be doing it again
No matter how hard I have tried
I have crumbled time after time
and kept failing in the end

Sometimes it feels it would be better for you all
If I ceased to exist or was never born at all

So many times I have let you down
shadowed the shine of our sun
and drowned you in tears and misery
that it is hard for me to see
how you can after all these years
still be standing by me

Sometimes it feels it would be better for us all
If I ceased to exist or was never born at all
Sometimes it feels it would be easier to fall
than to flutter in the air with these wings so weak and torn

jeespu[Ei aihetta]Luonut: jeespuSunnuntai 14.06.2009 04:01

I'm amazed,

how damn low people can go only by being themselves.

ZakkMateKaunistaLuonut: ZakkMateSunnuntai 26.04.2009 21:24

Oltiin tuossa viime lauantaina Sentenced Kitaristin Miika Tenkulan muistokonsertissa Oulussa Club Teatrialla, jossa soitti Forever One seinäjoelta. Väkeä oli teatrian täydeltä ja tunnelma oli haikeudestaan huolimatta katossa.

Bändillä oli vierailevia laulajia Lauri Tuohimaa (Embraze, Charon), Tuomas Tuominen (The Man-Eating Tree), Mikko Hyttinen (ex-TheRMS), Antti Railio (Celesty), ja minä...Tapani Kangas (Celesty & The Knob)

Tässä videot jossa olen mukana

Forever One feat: Tapani Kangas "Sun Won`t Shine"

Forever One feat: Kaikki laulajat. "Noose"