08.01.2009 22:59 <TheDirtAngel> _NUKKUMAAN_
08.01.2009 23:00 <Ikävänkantaja> Kyllä äiti, heti kun olen saanut jokaviikkoisen annoksen nahkatakkisia demoninmetsästäjiä <33
Dean Winchester: I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot.
Dean Winchester: Ya' know she could be faking.
Sam Winchester: Yeah, what do you wanna do, poke her with a stick?
[Dean nods]
Sam Winchester: Dude, you're not gonna poke her with a stick?
Officer: So, fake U.S. Marshall. Fake credit cards. You got anything that's real?
Dean: My boobs.
Dean: Yeah, well, if you were a six-hundred-year hag and you could come any costume to come back in, wouldn't you go for a hot cheerleader? I would. Mmm.
Dean: We still got to see the new Raiders movie.
Sam: Saw it.
Dean: Without me?
Sam: You were in Hell.
Dean: That's no excuse.