

Käyntejä: 3 512 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
73 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 72 (99 %)
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26,0 vuotta
Otos: 45 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 26,0 vuotta
|Nessaja|, Mells

Jäsenet (73)


INVISIBLE-BOY290.Luonut: INVISIBLE-BOYPerjantai 25.03.2011 18:11

MickeMANGUSTI_Luonut: MickeMANGUSTISunnuntai 05.12.2010 14:12


Mä katon houkutuksen ja uuden kuun,
ja kesken uuden kuun, mä tajuun et
siit ei oo pal paskaakaa aikaa ku luin
sen, mut en siltikää muistanu siit paljoo

Mut koska mä harrastan jossitteluu
varsinki leffa juonista ja kirja juonista,
ni minkä helvetin takia se ei valinnu
ihmissutta joka ei feidaa sitä, vaa
vampyyri joka feidas sen jo kerra,
ja joka on muutenki vähä itsekeskeine

Olisko mahollista saada versioo, jossa
Bella valitseeki Jacobin, ni saisin
nyyhkyttää vähä lisää?
Koska oikeesti en arvosta sitä, et kaikis
tälläsis käy nii, et muija haluu vaa jtn
vaarallisuut ja jännityst elämää ja
sen takii valitsee vampyyrin, joka
feidailee sitä vähä välii...

Sori mut en arvosta et mun lempparit
feidataa jonku helvetin ruman vampyyrin
takii... -_________-

Olen puhunut, ja tiedän, että on tyhmää
kirjottaa ja valittaa tälläsest, mut tää
on mun tapasta ja tää on mun mielipide
joten totutelkaa siihen : )

rietu-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: rietu-Sunnuntai 21.11.2010 16:52

ryro-65.Luonut: ryro-Maanantai 19.07.2010 13:52

_saara__<3Luonut: _saara__Keskiviikko 19.05.2010 22:56

TrixieKitAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!Luonut: TrixieKitPerjantai 07.05.2010 22:07

True True :D

kinoboiFlying JacobLuonut: kinoboiMaanantai 25.01.2010 14:32

Today we had Flying Jacob for lunch. Now Jacob ain't flying no more. :')

jeppawounew moon replay ♥Luonut: jeppawouTiistai 12.01.2010 01:58

T A Y L O R L A U T N E R !
jeppawou ♥ t r u e l o v e ♥
I'm sure pretty much ev'ry1 already knows how much I dis the whole Twilight phenomenon, but dude, I came across this, and I, like, totally went all LoL, b'coz srsly, this is so much win:

Jacob Black: "The hardest part is feeling… out of control. Feeling like I can’t be sure of myself—like maybe you shouldn’t be around me, like maybe nobody should. Like I’m a monster who might hurt somebody."

I just about ROFLd. =DDD

If I had to choose a favorite from Twilight, it would be this guy. He's got the valley girl speech down to a tee with all the unnecessary 'likes' and talking about his emotions (well, the fact that he's talking about his emotions is scary in itself, but hey it's the new era where also men can be touchy-feely and talk about their feelings..) with the uncertainty that only a real (emo) teenager can feel and express - which is badly, like presented here. "LIKE, I DON'T REALLY KNOW WHAT I'M, LIKE, SAYING, BUT I, LIKE, TOTALLY FEEL THAT--" *luuuuuuuuulzzzzz* :DDD

(*whispers* If anyone was left wondering, what the hell is a "valley girl", it's the English equivalent for "pissis". Maybe that helps you understand the funniness of the above context a bit better. XP)

I wonder if the books are full of that kinda speech - it'd be hell to read. And we wonder why the kids speak in such a manner these days... I say, let's blame Stephenie Meyer (c'mon, the woman's own name is spelled all wrong, what can you expect from a person like that :D) for making sparkly vamps, your-mostly-friendly-neighborhood-werewolves and emo!kids the new 'it' thing.

But maybe there's hope for the Twilight saga yet, if there were to be more valley girl speaking, angsting gays, oops I meant guys (or did I xP), like Jaakoppi. Forget about emo!suicidal!Edward and welcome prissy!Jacob. Keeping meh fingers crossed, while flipping the bird, 'coz bitch... PLS. :DD

ScarredAxel[Ei aihetta]Luonut: ScarredAxelPerjantai 18.12.2009 00:16