tässä on siis pääasiassa ne asiat mitä ostin sieltä, lukuun ottamatta vielä muutamia juttuja... mut niitä en jaksa kuvata ja ne ei oo mitenkään ihmeellisiä : D hehe.
ostin vähän lehtiä... :
))))))))) yhteensä kahdeksan XD lol
and some BLINGGGG~
...turhaa krääsää ja hiusmömmöjä.. GATSBY <3
nomnomnom<3 molemmat on Fabric Connectionia. :--)
en voinut vastustaa leopardi-kuosista kravattia <3 ;_;
se... on irl siisti.. XDD tää kuva tekee siitä kurpsahtaneen norsunperseen näköisen... mutta... <:--DDD what can u do.. hehe
COCOLULU<3 from Shibuya 109-2
harmaa paita-asia on Shibuya 109-2:sta ja liivijuttu Harajukulta, Nudy Boysta. <3 se harmaa paita oli btw __kallis... <:--D n. 70€.
kermana pohjalla, the GazettEn keikalta ostettu julistekansio. paitsi et noi on pahvia ja ne hohtaa valoa ja ne makso 4000jeniä. XD mut jokaisesta jäsenestä on 2 isoa kuvaa. tossa vähä lehteä kokovertailuna.... \o
hinnoista saa tulla kyselee ! ;---) olettaen, et muistan kaikkien hinnat vielä XD mulla kyllä on aika hyvä numeromuisti.. mut silti : D
Once again, I'm drooling at some stunning high heeled shoes. I try them on and gaze at them trough the mirror. How much money is there still on my account? For shoes like these I could eat porridge for a week Ok, I'm saying to myself, time to be rational. I'm terrible at walking with high heels and I don't even know where to wear them: they're too fancy for school, there are not big parties coming up... And they're also 60 euros, too much for such impractical shoes. I put them back to the shelf, giving them one last look and then walking away. So gorgeous, I want to own them! My, my, mine! But no, I have to leave them in the shop. They haunt me for the rest of the week. As an ex-shopholic I should be avoiding shoe shops. "I don't need it, I don't buy it!" is my new motto.
Why do we overshop? Its obvious that we have learned that if something seems good, we have to own it. Is this a primitive instinct? The one with best weapons wins the battle, right? Or is it just newly learned in this consume society? Is just too hard for the modern human being to admire something from distance? Rationally thinking, does it matter if the fancy shoes are on the shop shelf or in your's if you're really not going to wear them? Of corse, you think you're going to wear them a lot when you buy them. That is the time to count to ten and think rationally when you would really wear them.
Overshopping is spending our natural resources. But I'm only able to save the planet after someone saves me from shopaholism. After two mouths those shoes are still haunting on my mind. What am I supposed to do if I only got peace of mind after I've bought them? But after that I'm only going to drool to some other shoes, or maybe handbag. This madness is going to kill me someday.