

Käyntejä: 14 131 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 1
2090 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 1374 (66 %)
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Sijoitus koon mukaan: 168
30,4 vuotta
Otos: 976 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 30,2 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 30,8 vuotta

Jäsenet (2090)


gorillavarpunen[Ei aihetta]Luonut: gorillavarpunenTorstai 19.03.2009 18:10

Moi. Avasin Veeran vauvan pään. <3
Saan sen pissinäytteen kohta.

Ja btw, rakastan teitä<3
Kohta alkaa L-koodi töllöstä<3
Kahdeksan päivää Poriin ja Lovexin keikkaan<3
Kohta on kesä<3
Ja sitten on hauskaa<3
I luv ya! <3

stef`ECT<3Luonut: stef`Perjantai 30.01.2009 14:39

ah orgasmi!


dreamersdream[Ei aihetta]Luonut: dreamersdreamTorstai 29.01.2009 22:15

joo kiitti vaan ihan helvetisti teille. olin ihan freaked out seuraavat jokkut kakskyt minsaa ja vaan tärisin hulluna. meinasin oikeesti saada tyyliin jonkun sydärin. ei enää tollasia pllis...

dreamersdreamsomebody else's armsLuonut: dreamersdreamKeskiviikko 21.01.2009 22:09

Saw you laughing aloud to your friends when I was across the room,
I was across the room.
I sick of standing alone when youÂ’re here.
WhoÂ’s good enough for you?
WhoÂ’s good enough for you?

Well itÂ’s only love itÂ’s not real anyways.
YouÂ’re gonna die in somebody elseÂ’s arms
And I have to live with that.
YouÂ’re gonna die in somebody elseÂ’s arms
And I have to live with that.
Well I hope you have a good life, hope you have a good life.
Well I hope you have a good life, hope you have a good life.

And IÂ’ll say "Send me a card when you can, to where you think you should be."
Are where you think you should be?
Too bad, youÂ’re missing the boat and IÂ’m gone.
Call me when you come around.
Will you call me when you come around?

Well itÂ’s only love itÂ’s not real anyways.
ItÂ’s only love, itÂ’s not real.
YouÂ’re gonna die in somebody elseÂ’s arms,
And I have to live with that.
YouÂ’re gonna die in somebody elseÂ’s arms,
And I have to live with that.
Well I hope you have a good life, hope you have a good life.
Well I hope you have a good life, hope you have a good life.

IÂ’ll be happy to see you happy, if itÂ’s with me or without me around.
IÂ’ll be happy to see you happy, if itÂ’s with me or without me around.

ThereÂ’s too much, too much I know IÂ’ll never say.
Please take me back, please take me back.

But youÂ’re gonna die in somebody elseÂ’s arms,
And I have to live with that.
YouÂ’re gonna die in somebody elseÂ’s arms,
And I have to live with that. (I have to live)
Well I hope you have a good life, hope you have a good life. [x4]

enkä turhan monesti oo kattonu noita sanoja...

jeppawou:)Luonut: jeppawouTiistai 06.01.2009 01:52

tiizle`inside !Luonut: tiizle`Sunnuntai 04.01.2009 02:35

neean oma "ehkä osku-ilme"! : DDDDD

kulta oot söpö ! <3
coat weat kaveri ! &lt;pusu&gt;&lt;sydän&gt;
Elli : OMG, mä oon käyny kyylää sun kuvia! ::;::;OOOOOOOOOOOoOO

Johanna: mitä?

Elli toistaaaa saman uudelleeen, jälleen kerran.

Johanna: niin?




tosta ei tajua niin hyvi mutta tiiätte ton :O "äänen" sen HOOOHHHHH OMG

RierJusa on nyt isopoika. <3Luonut: RierLauantai 27.12.2008 02:13

Nyt ei jusa enää saa polttaa taloo. ;<<
MUN KULTA ON 15.v! &lt;sydän&gt;


monstah[Ei aihetta]Luonut: monstahLauantai 20.12.2008 21:20

whatever i gotta be
i'll be for you
whatever you need from me
to see you through

everyone of us has stumbled
everybody's humbled
we hit the ground and our lives crumble

whatever i gotta be
i'll be for you
i'm for you
if you never knew