

Käyntejä: 9 198 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
1540 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 905 (59 %)
Poikia: 635 (41 %)
Sijoitus koon mukaan: 271
32,2 vuotta
Otos: 878 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 31,4 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 32,9 vuotta
Agonist, evidence`, TheLastAeon-, jullegrrr

Jäsenet (1540)

What I'm feeling now
What I'm heading into

I am lost in pain without you
So cold. So alone
Opin vihdoin kuuntelemaan sitä! Hiton hyvä biisi onkin. ♥
What I have in me
In the mind is you

I would die if we were through

What I'm feeling now
What I'm having you do

I am lost in pain without you
So cold. So alone

All I have is you
it is something I'm waiting for
All I need is you

Now I can make it through

All the nights I prayed
Must this all be untrue

I am not prepared to be strong

I just can't believe
I am losing you

Not prepared to going on,
What you see and walk away
So cold. So alone

All I have is you
it is something I'm waiting for
All I need is you

Now I can't make it through

I am losing you forever

I am lost in pain without you

I am leaving ground forever

Distant from all, yesterdays electing me
Murder these thoughts life is disconnecting me
Loving is effecting me, count all the times
You without protecting me

So cold. So alone.

All I have is you
it is something I'm waiting for
All I need is you

Now I can't make it through

I am losing you forever

I am lost in pain without you

I am leaving ground forever

All I have is you

It is all that I'm breathing for

All I need is you

Now I can't make it through

It is all that I'm waiting for

noraniihanaLuonut: noraniKeskiviikko 22.07.2009 02:54

OONAÄN[Ei aihetta]Luonut: OONAÄNLauantai 04.07.2009 18:08

Now you can't give up, not when you've come this far
though you face it all alone, Seek your trust inside within
Now you can't give up, look before you wake,
When your standing all alone, find yourself inside within

Loottoooasdfghj---...Luonut: LoottoooLauantai 04.07.2009 15:30

Ruissi oli kiva

dearmaisie[Ei aihetta]Luonut: dearmaisiePerjantai 19.06.2009 14:04

WHATTA FRANK mä asun turussa jumalauta enkä oo huomannut että dead by april tulee ruissiin ? JUMALAUTA TÄÄ EIJOLE HAUSKAA, mä lähden JUST SILLON PERJANTAINA johonkin saatanan kilpisjärvelle !

frank you -.-

(ämseeärräääääää <3)

jeespu[Ei aihetta]Luonut: jeespuKeskiviikko 17.06.2009 05:41

All I have is you, and all I need is you.

TheLastAeon-Dead by April live.Luonut: TheLastAeon-Keskiviikko 27.05.2009 16:26

Paras keikka ikinä . Kiitos DBA uusiks ruissis miitti.

Dead by April
Dead By April @ Nosturi 26.5.2009

pussinokkaELÄIN828.> need is youLuonut: pussinokkaELÄINKeskiviikko 27.05.2009 04:33

JEEJEE Dead by Aprilin keikka noses , aika vähä porukkaa kyl , empty ja sillee ! :<

mut hyvä setti pojilt :>
ja lämppäri eli One Morning Left oli tosijees !

liked it ja seura oli hyväää =)