

Käyntejä: 8 808 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
1540 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 906 (59 %)
Poikia: 634 (41 %)
Sijoitus koon mukaan: 271
31,9 vuotta
Otos: 879 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 31,2 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 32,7 vuotta
Agonist, evidence`, TheLastAeon-, jullegrrr

Jäsenet (1540)


punkkiLuonut: punkkiKeskiviikko 28.09.2011 03:05

Don't look down, don't look back, I am beside you
Close your eyes, know, I'm here

Let me take you away from here
We will find a way to make this last

All I have is you
It is all that I'm breathing for
All I need is you

En pidä kiinni, en työnnä sua pois
ja pyytämättäkin tahtoisit jäädä


Ilman sinua
Olen puolitiessä helvettiin

TinskuliLoveLuonut: TinskuliLauantai 27.08.2011 23:21


DanisSDEAD BY APRIL HUOMENNA !Luonut: DanisSPerjantai 29.07.2011 22:58

Dints !
Elikkäs suunnitelma;
Ensin mennään Wasalandiaan ! Awwww ! n__n
Sitten hurvittelemme siellä. .. .. XD
Odottelemme ja juomme herkkuja.
Sitten fiilikset, kun lauantai vaihtuu sunnuntaiksi ja 00:30 Wasalandian lavan valtaa DBA ! Partyhard !

MickeMANGUSTI_Luonut: MickeMANGUSTIKeskiviikko 13.04.2011 22:39

tried to be all that you need
tried not ever let you down
still I can see it in your eyes
Not good enough

(This time I believed that I really could change)
(I gave it all)
(This time you really had my everything)
(I guess I was wrong)
I guess I was wrong

What can I say, What can I do
This is who I am and I am hurting you
What can I say, what can I do
No matter how strong my feelings are
I always end up hurting you

I always end up hurting you
I'm hurting you

I tried hard only to be him
You've always wanted in life
Still I just bring you misery
(What can I do)

(This time I believed in you, in me)
(When I gave it all)
(This time I could see it all perfectly,)
(I guess I was wrong)
I guess I was wrong

What can I say, what can I do
This is who I am and I am hurting you
What can I say, what can I do
No matter how strong my feelings are
I always end up hurting you
I always end up hurting you

Without you I am crying
With you I am just hurting you

Without you I am dying
With you I am tearing your heart

(Without you I am crying)
(Without you I am dying)

What can I say, What can I do
This is who I am and I'm hurting you
What can I say, what can I do
No matter how strong my feelings are
I always end up hurting you
I always end up hurting you
I always end up hurting you

[emppu•Luonut: [emppuPerjantai 04.02.2011 19:35

chokechain[Ei aihetta]Luonut: chokechainMaanantai 20.12.2010 11:43

I just can't believe,
I am losing you
Maybe I didn't show in every possible way,
how much I care

emmsu]losing yoyLuonut: emmsu]Torstai 30.09.2010 00:28