

Tietokoneet ja Internet
Käyntejä: 7 079 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 15
201 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 113 (57 %)
Poikia: 88 (43 %)
33,3 vuotta
Otos: 100 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 31,7 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 35,8 vuotta

Jäsenet (201)

Life's like a pen. I can use white out to cover the mistakes up, but I will always be reminded of where I went wrong.

The ultimate truth of Life: "Success always kisses me in Private, but Failure always slaps me in Public!"

If someone wants to be in your life, they will work to be a part of it. So don’t bother saving a spot for someone who won’t.

Everybody's online... except the person I'm waiting for.

It hurts when I want to express what I feel, but all I can do is stay quiet.

I thought it was a long story... until I told someone and it took about 10 seconds.

It annoys me when I'm trying to peel the price or a sticker off of a book or a CD, and it doesn't come off completely.

I go to your fb/twitter/some other page because I miss you, then regret it because of what I see.

I wish I could record my dreams and watch them later.

We've all accidentally pressed or clicked something random, and the computer did something you didn't know could happen.

Dear Microsoft Word, please understand that my name is not a spelling mistake. I know exactly how to write it.

You say something but no one hears. Then someone else says the exact same thing and the whole class goes crazy.

Just because I smile, doesn't mean that I'm happy. Sometimes it takes one smile to cover a million tears.

Its funny how in your dreams everything seems perfectly normal, but when you try to explain it you sound mental.

I don’t forgive people because I'm weak, I forgive them because I'm strong & mature enough to know people make mistakes.

I may not be able to undo the damage or reverse the consequences, but I can always make a new start.

I am in a long distance relationship because my boyfriend lives in the FUTURE.

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.

Relationships or friendships are worth fighting for, but not if I am the only one fighting.

#ihatequotes, #DamnItsTrue
@ Twitter

envysd198Luonut: envysdPerjantai 01.07.2011 18:40

Alennuin, teidän tehtävä on seurata mun twitterii!

Jence[Ei aihetta]Luonut: JenceKeskiviikko 27.04.2011 23:15

'' hey are u a korean celebrity too(^_^)v ?''

adhafaidjhgfaliengkaejlo no en ihan :---D mut aw

yawdregaaaaa en kestäLuonut: yawdregTiistai 29.03.2011 16:01

ei hitto nauran tääl

Watching the news. How are animals still escaping from the zoo? We have hovercrafts but we can't invent a monkey-proof lock

@chriscolfer dude the monkeys want IN on the hovercrafts that's why they're busting loose. THAT'S the problem.

@DarrenCriss Now I'm thinking of monkeys driving hovercrafts and being chased by zoo keepers. I've been laughing for hours, thanks DC.

:D:D:D:D:D:D i lolstenholme'd so bad

yawdregLuonut: yawdregTiistai 22.02.2011 04:46

aaaa en varmaan koskaan kyllästy tähän videoon ♥

ja lololololol "there's a spark in you" ja Kurt kaatuu ja aaaaa lol :D:D:D:D

aaaaa Chris why u so ♥

ps lolololol mul on hauskaa spämmään Chrisiä twitterissä :D:D:D

pps mul oli just 69 seuraajaa twitteris mut sit joku Paige E. Roderick alko seurata mua D::

ppps kauheeta Frankin syrjintää Tomon suunnalta, seuraa Gerardii Mikeyy Rayta ja jopa Aliciaa mut ei Frankii D::

pppps Tomo seuraa mua ihq se seuraa vaa 7070 tyyppii ja mä oon niitten joukossa oon special <69

sstanleyPEEÄRRÄÄN.Luonut: sstanleyLauantai 29.01.2011 18:37

_hennis:____DDDDDDDDLuonut: _hennisLauantai 29.01.2011 15:32

_hennisarimuraLuonut: _hennisMaanantai 24.01.2011 23:11

In Hong Kong, at the harbour, I was talking for about a minute to the darkness behind me. Everyone has times like this, I think.

mirukutiiPSLuonut: mirukutiiTorstai 13.01.2011 22:21

tavoite saavutettu!!!!!!11

nyt ompi hyvä fiiliz

GHITwitterLuonut: GHITiistai 16.11.2010 03:47!/strayGHI

Hankin nyt senkin, koska tiedän että teitä niin kiinnostaa kuinka juon joka aamukahvia etc.