

Käyntejä: 11 991 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 35
1016 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 636 (63 %)
Poikia: 380 (37 %)
Sijoitus koon mukaan: 509
30,8 vuotta
Otos: 434 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 30,0 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 31,5 vuotta
blooderi, järskä, J-o-N-i, parasniff, paskalolol, tuhkapimppi

Jäsenet (1016)


mmarika_Luonut: mmarika_Lauantai 19.11.2011 01:00

You'll never really find those perfect words.
Something more than just 'Goodbye.'
It's hard to remember the good times when there's just so much heartache,
But they deserve more than that.
They deserve more than just one single moment of sadness.
So just remember that when there's enough love in our hearts it burns like a fucking supernova
And there sure as hell is enough love in our heart to smile that famous smile
We all lose someone at some point in our lives,
But don't ever let go of that smile.
Hold on forever.
Because that's our final dedication.

LASTPINEAPPLEah <3Luonut: LASTPINEAPPLEKeskiviikko 09.11.2011 22:21

SoffiiaROAWRLuonut: SoffiiaKeskiviikko 12.10.2011 23:33

Asking Alexandrian uus musiikkivideo lauluun Not the American Average oli pettymys .
Sitä oli odotettu niin kauan . :<
Tommone laulu olis tarvinnut parempaa ;(

parkwaydrive;_;Luonut: parkwaydriveMaanantai 03.10.2011 19:38


PULINASAURUSAsking Alexandria <3Luonut: PULINASAURUSMaanantai 19.09.2011 20:46


oon raiskannu spotifys koko Reckless and Relentless-albumin ;____;

+ OMG mul on 4 poikaystävää jost ykskää ei oo poika :D:D lolwut xd

[x] kiinnosti

LEDGERHEATH[Ei aihetta]Luonut: LEDGERHEATHPerjantai 05.08.2011 14:34

You'll never really find those perfect words,
Something more than just, goodbye.
It's hard to remember the good times when there was just so much heartache,
And they deserve more than that.
They deserve more than just one single moment of sadness, so just remember,
When there's enough love in our hearts to burst like a fuckin' supernova,
Then there's sure as hells enough love in our heart, to spark that famous smile.
We all lose someone at some point in our lives,
But don't ever let go of that smile.
Hold on forever, because that's our final dedication.

annicaawLuonut: annicaawKeskiviikko 13.07.2011 00:41

Even though I'm on my own, I know I'm not alone
Because I know there's someone, somewhere praying that I make it home
So here's one from the heart, my life right from the start
I need a home sweet home to call my own

\sanna-Luonut: \sanna-Maanantai 20.06.2011 05:30

Kerro tämän hetken 5 lempibändiäsi/-artistiasi ja listaa jokaiselta heidän 5 omasta mielestäsi parasta kappaletta:

Countless Goodbyes
1. Innocent
2. Take My Hand
3. CG
4. Through Your Eyes
5. Your Lies

Asking Alexandria
1. When Everyday's The Weekend
2. Morte Et Dabo
3. A Prophecy
4. Not The American Average
5. A Candlelit Dinner With Inamorta

Bring Me The Horizon
1. Blessed With A Curse
2. It Never Ends
3. Crucify Me
4. Fuck
5. Don't Go

1. SM&NS
2. Reptile
3. Still Getting It
4. Fucking Die
5. Slats Slats Slats

Hey Heather
1. Sunday Morning Breakfast
2. Drop Dead Time
3. She,Killer!
4. Regrets?
5. These Moments Under The Sun

AMYOkhylLuonut: AMYOLauantai 18.06.2011 02:52