Perjantaina kattomas Jennin ja Tiinan kans New Moon,
oli aikas hyvä! ;)
..ja Jenni oli koko vkl meillä, tuli ainaki valvottuu ja
huomenna pitäis lähtee kouluu.. ei oikei jaksais ;o
tää on tää kohtaus mistä mä olin eka iha sillee : awwww. ja sit eve pilas sen kuiskamaalla : eloveena-mainos.
koko sali tais tajuta sen kans sillä en rupes nauramaa : D
mä silti tykkään tost kohtauksesta, vaikka mun mielessä silti pyörii se eloveena-juttu :---D
Bella Swan: You're sort of beautiful
Jacob Black: How hard did you hit your head?
Quil Ateara: So this is your girlfriend, huh?
Jacob Black: [looks around awkwardly]
I said she was a girl who was a friend
Quil Ateara: [looks at Embry] Do you remember him making that distinction?
Embry Call: No I don't.
Edward Cullen: You promised you wouldn't do anything stupid or reckless.
Bella Swan: You promised it would be as if you never existed. You lied.
Bella Swan: Woah, you're buff. What are you, like 16?
Jacob Black: Age is just a number baby. What are you now, 40?
Bella Swan: Dear Alice, I wish I had your real address. I wish I could tell you about Jake. He makes me feel better. I mean, he makes me feel alive. The hole in my chest... well, when I'm with Jake it's like it's almost healed for a while. But even Jake can't keep the dreams away.
Jacob Black: Quil keeps asking to come over. I think he likes you a little too much.
Bella Swan: Oh... Well... I'm not really into the whole cougar thing.
Jacob Black: What's up with you and age? I mean, how old was the Cullen guy anyway?
Bella Swan: I'm coming with you!
Edward Cullen: Bella, I don't want you to come with me.
Bella Swan: You... You don't want me?
Edward Cullen: No.
Bella Swan: Well, that changes things. A lot.
Jacob Black: Tell me something... You like me, right?
[Bella nods] And you think I'm sorta beautiful?
Bella Swan: Jake, please don't do this.
Jacob Black: Why?
Bella Swan: Because you're about to ruin everything. And I need you.
Jacob Black: Well, I've got loads of time. I'm not going to give up.
Bella Swan: I don't want you to. But that's just because I don't want you to go anywhere. It's really selfish. You know, I'm not like a car that you can fix up. I'm never going to run right.
Jacob Black: It's because of him, isn't it? Look, I know what he did to you. But Bella, I would never, ever do that. I won't ever hurt you. I promise. I won't let you down. You can count on me.
Jacob Black: Please stay here. For Charlie. Or for me.
No mutta. Eräs Edwardin perheenjäsenistä pimahtaa ja yrittää imuttaa Bellaa. Bellakin tahtoisi muuttua glitter-vampiksi, mutta voi, Edward sai jo tekosyyn tehdä bänksit. AIDSia sairastavalta rock-narkkarilta näyttävä vastenmielinen palikkanaama muuttaa muiden metroseksuaalien kanssa kauas pois ja tajuaa pysyä siellä lähes koko elokuvan ajan - kaikki rummut soikoon! Bella rääkyy ja vikisee ja alkaa nähdä näkyjä. Onneksi edellisestä osasta tuttu namu Jacob (Taylor Lautner) lohduttaa suonekkailla muskeleillaan. Miau, gurrr-nau?