One of the most diabolical entities is sitting right in front of you as you read this. It offers you everything you could possibly want; free music, movies, games, and pornography. A sense of companionship and community, an endless wealth of information for your mind to pore over. The price is your time, energy, and ultimately, your life. One has to wonder if the cables running from these vampiric constructs are not to supply it with energy, but to transport your own away.
So now, as you sit in an empty room, detached from the rest of the world, you feel a sense of emptiness and loneliness; that something is wrong. But you deny that idea by occupying yourself with more distractions... Still, that moment inches closer as time waits for no man. It is the final price you will pay for this. Ask yourself now, is this the life you wanted for yourself? Because your time is running out.
mä tien miks mun kone lagaa SITUATION DIRTY DIRTY
joo siis niin.
se lagaa siksi, koska se KÄSKEE
mun lähteä koneelta
'meenny lukemaa kokeisiin, teenny läksyt, teenny tutkielmaa'
mä oon viisas :) oon aina tienny sen
että tavaratki osaa ajatella.
AAAAAAAah. eiku.
eiku siis helkama vaan♥ :--)