* From my limited scale (lvl 21 main, few lvl ~10 alts), quests are fine. Up to 20 there's in fact "too many" quests (meaning you'll go way past their level before you have time to complete them all). Some of the quests are boring mob-hunts, some are great scripted stories.
* Money is.. running out. Constantly. For a game that takes a stand *against* gold farmers, Aion seems to be weirdly designed as a gold farmers' heaven. Quests give just a little bit of money, but EVERYTHING. COSTS. EVERYTHING. From skills and crafting to flight paths and teleporting. From time to time you'll *lose* money while doing a quest, instead of getting a reward that's bigger than you had to pay to get it done. Dying costs. A LOT. At lvl21, one death is about 6000. This in while quests give about 2000, if at all. Teleporting (from main city, where crafters are, for example) costs about 2000. (And all this is level-dependent. The higher you are, the higher the costs go).
* You can't swim :( :(
* Asmodans (I play as an Elyos) are dickheads. One quest made me teleport to their side, and as I play a Healer, I don't stand a snowball's chance in hell to survive anything there. Even though I acted peacefully (not even in combat mode), just walking. The bastards ganged up on me in 10+ numbers and killed me. Twice. I hate world PvP. I dread the day I need to spend most of my time in Abyss..
* Flight is toooo limited! For a game that is marketed as the MMO where you can fly, it's really a pitiful amount of places that allow you to fly, really. Not even the main cities :(
* Queues are the shite. I hope that'll pass soon.
* Character limit (8) is PER ACCOUNT?? Which is the stupidest idea in the known universe, right after the money-grind -mentality.
* UI is kinda, nice, but there's room for improvement there.
* Chatboxes NEED a slider to adjust transparency.
* Now way to turn of sticky targetting!! ARGH!! meaning you can't unselect your current target by clicking empty ground, need to hit ESC. SUXXxxXX!!
* Character customization is... unbelievable <3 <3 I could just make characters the whole day :) Also, they're verrrry pretty <3
* Friends List sucks partially, because the person needs to be online for you to add her to the list. Makes adding alts a pain in the proverbial.
* ALL settings are per character, which makes it infuriating to change them separately with each character... d'oh.