

Käyntejä: 5 512
380 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 331 (88 %)
Poikia: 49 (12 %)
30,5 vuotta
Otos: 138 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 30,5 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 30,7 vuotta
vveeera, eltsupiu, jyliäh

Jäsenet (380)


^essi^-I wanna be a billionaireLuonut: ^essi^-Torstai 03.11.2011 17:17

VIIVIMARIA- !!! ♥Luonut: VIIVIMARIATiistai 26.07.2011 15:54

MickeMANGUSTI_Luonut: MickeMANGUSTIKeskiviikko 01.06.2011 01:06

öthö[Ei aihetta]Luonut: öthöPerjantai 27.05.2011 16:13

today i swear i'm not doing anything :P
(Verse 1)
Standing at this liquor store,
Whisky coming through my pores,
Feeling like I run this whole block.
Lotto tickets and cheap beer
hat's why you can catch me here,
Tryna scratch my way up to the top.
Because my job got me going nowhere,
so I ain't got a thing to lose.
Take me to a place where I don't care,
this is me and my liquor store blues.
I'll take one shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow.
Get messed up today, I'll be ok tomorrow.
One shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow. Get messed up today,
I'll be ok tomorrow.
(Verse 2)
Me and my guitar tonight, singing to the city lights,
tryna live on more than what I got.
Cause '68 Citrus ain't gonna pay the rent,
so I'll be out here til they call the cops.
Because my job got me going nowhere,
so I ain't got a thing to lose.
Take me to a place where I don't care,
this is me and my liquor store blues.
I'll take one shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow.
Get messed up today, I'll be ok tomorrow.
One shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow.
Get messed up today, I'll be ok tomorrow.
(Damian Marley)
Here comes junior gong
I'm flying like I'm Superman
I'm thinking that I run the whole block.
I don't know if it's just because
Pineapple kush between my jaws
Has got me feeling that I'm on top
Feeling like I would have stand up to the cops
I saw the puda? dey? guys
A got a hula? de? mas?
I got a talk and walk talking
And fly? making shop?
No kind? for you and the best? kick me drop
Give me this one shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow.
Get messed up today, I'll be ok tomorrow.
One shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow.
Get messed up today, I'll be ok tomorrow.

MMm]soutruuu!Luonut: MMm]Lauantai 19.03.2011 16:30

Lady Gaga opetti että on okei olla erillainen♥
Kesha opetti elämään täysillä.
Pink opetti minua olemaan oma itseni,välittämättä mitä toiset ajattelevat.♥
Taylor Swift opetti ettei jokainen poika tule kohtelemaan minua oikein.
Emimem opetti, että vaikka elämä potkii päähän selviät siitä.♥
Bruno Mars opetti minut tekemään kaiken rakkaani eteen.♥
Michael Jackson opetti minua rakastamaan kaikkia läheisiäni♥♥
Kopioi blogiisi jos musiikki opetti sinut elämään♥

MickeMANGUSTI_Luonut: MickeMANGUSTIPerjantai 11.03.2011 19:13

Bruno Marsia ja suklaata... Huolestuttavaa O_____________________o

MickeMANGUSTI_Luonut: MickeMANGUSTIPerjantai 11.03.2011 19:00

Becouse you love this, and i love you

Gatsu-121.Luonut: Gatsu-Keskiviikko 02.03.2011 23:21

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back

You're all I have
You're all I have

At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself

Talking to the Moon
Try to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too

Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

elizaa[Ei aihetta]Luonut: elizaaTorstai 24.02.2011 23:37

IÂ’d catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
IÂ’d jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same