

Käyntejä: 11 799
Kommentteja: 2
1698 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 996 (59 %)
Poikia: 702 (41 %)
Sijoitus koon mukaan: 233
31,1 vuotta
Otos: 734 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 30,6 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 31,7 vuotta
jonsumoore, Ota-kun, Spekka, SpyHobbit, Riotstarter

Jäsenet (1698)


bätmäntien!!Luonut: bätmäntienTorstai 29.03.2012 01:26

jee weekendfestival lippu saatu ja se ois sit elokuus tonne featurning. oona <vink>
nii ja en malta oottaa et nään noi kaks liven♥♥

vallu-alluaaah ♥Luonut: vallu-alluKeskiviikko 28.03.2012 21:15

inkaannikaso fucking cuteLuonut: inkaannikaMaanantai 26.03.2012 01:54



\sanna-17.8. !!Luonut: \sanna-Tiistai 06.03.2012 19:28

"Weekend Festivaaleilla nähdään Skrillexin täysimittainen live -setti, joka on tuotannollisesti ja visuaalisesti kertaluokkaa suurempi kuin viime kesäinen DJ -veto."

!! AA !!

Weekend Festival 2012 !

uuuuuuuuuuu !

iinaaaa-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: iinaaaa-Tiistai 28.02.2012 16:13


emmagoesjonneanuroinLuonut: emmagoesjonneTiistai 14.02.2012 22:51

"Skrillex, a Gothic icon and Lesbian fashionista whose name is Latin for “Homosexual Satan Wasp”, is the biggest act in Dubstep today — a music genre founded on consuming massive amounts of drugs and having raucous pre-marital sex with numerous partners — and his winnings at the 2012 Grammys prove that his satanic presence will be felt for years to come. As long as Skrillex wins Grammys and is accepted by mainstream media, he will claim souls for Satan and molest our children through his perverse philosophy of futuristic devil machine music.

Skrillex is the inventor of “dubstep” whose sole purpose is to provide a “drop” — common youth terminology for procuring and snorting drugs. In addition, the rhythm patterns he employs in his “music” are known to cause seizures to certain people, which provides ample opportunity for other concert-goers to rape said afflicted person(s).

Skrillex, a known emosexual, was born Sonny Moore. He rose to fame with the satanic Rock ‘n roll band “From First To Last” (a band name that celebrates falling from God’s grace) and soon parlayed that success into something much more blasphemous; something that incorporates elements of Warhol-era rampant homosexuality and perversion, electronic “music” and lesbian-influenced haircuts. It is rumored that 1 in 3 women are raped at a Skrillex concert and forced to abort their children soon after.

Over 100% of homosexual gays listen to, or have listened to Skrillex in their life — mostly while participating in door-to-door recruitment for sex orgies or attempting to molest children in one of the patented “Rape Vans” used by the gay homo community.

In addition, Skrillex has launched a grotesque fashion trend, where upon weak-minded woman destroy their hallowed vessels of child birthing by SHAVING the side of their head — the same thing responsible for the downfall of Samson is being ENCOURAGED by this gnome-ish pervert. Skrillex will stop at nothing to get every teen in America hooked on dubstep and “ecstasy” (a potent street drug responsible for terrorism).

As a proud parent of four, healthy, able-bodied children, I urge all fellow parents to think thrice before allowing their own children to attend a dubstep show. These shows are full of unemployed “Occupiers” who seek to rape and maim your children and family life. Skrillex fans are MORE likely to rob a gas station and set a retirement home on fire than 1000% of Christians.

Please join with me in boycotting dubstep and this evil, satanic harbinger of deceit."

apuaaaaaaXDDDen ehkä oikeesti kestä miten maailmas voi olla noin läppiä ihmisiä

Ruukkunarsisti:DLuonut: RuukkunarsistiTorstai 09.02.2012 13:38


Lauurii SQUARELuonut: LauuriTorstai 02.02.2012 23:44

haistakaa skrillex ihmiset sviidu x-D

I was the one who cared after all.