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- Vanhemmat »

Dream Theater
Ke, 23.09.2009 18:30

Maailman suosituimpiin progressiivista metallirockia soittaviin yhtyeisiin lukeutuva Dream Theater saapuu konsertoimaan Suomeen syyskuussa. Dream Theater tuo samalla Helsinkiin mittavan Progressive Nation 2009 -kiertueensa, jossa nähdään Dream Theaterin lisäksi Opeth, Bigelf ja Unexpect. Konsertti on Helsingin Jäähallissa keskiviikkona 23.syyskuuta.

Konsertti alkaa klo 18.30, ja ovet avautuvat klo 17.30.

- Lippupalvelu

Tuo|MrazLifting shadows...Luonut: Tuo|MrazSunnuntai 22.03.2009 18:33

He seems alone and silent
Thoughts remain without an answer
Afraid and uninvited
He slowly drifts away

Moved by desire and fear
Breaking delicate wings

Lifting shadows
Off a dream once broken
She can turn a drop of water
Into an ocean

As the rain is pouring down
Tears of sorrow wash his mind
Drifting with the current
This stream of life flows on

He seems alone and silent
Waiting on his hands and knees
The chill of winters darkness sits quietly

Moved by desire and fear
He takes a few steps away

Lifting shadows
Off a dream once broken
She can turn a drop of water
Into an ocean

And she listens openly

He pours his soul into the water
Reflecting the mystery
She carries him away
And the winds die slowly

And she listens openly
And she listens openly

Lifting shadows
Off a dream once broken
She can turn a drop of water
Into an ocean

Lifting shadows off a dream
Lifting shadows off a dream

effi[Ei aihetta]Luonut: effiKeskiviikko 25.02.2009 20:41

Lost in the sky
Clouds roll by and I roll with them
Arrows fly
Seas increase and then fall again

This world is spinning around me
This world is spinning without me
Every day sends future to past
Every breath leaves one less to my last

Watch the sparrow falling
Gives new meaning to it all
If not today nor yet tomorrow then some other day

I'll take seven lives for one
And then my only father's son
As sure as I ever did love him
I am not afraid

This world is spinning around me
The whole world keeps spinning around me
All life is future to past
Every breath leaves me one less to my last

Pull me under Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
All that I feel is honor and spite
All I can do is to set it right

Dust fills my eyes
Clouds roll by and I roll with them
Centuries cry
Orders fly and I fall again

This world is spinning inside me
The whole world is spinning inside of me
Every day sends future to past
Every step brings me closer to my last

Pull me under Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
Living my life too much in the sun
Only until your will is done

Pull me under Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
All that I feel is honor and spite
All I can do is to set it right

Pull me under Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
Living my life too much in the sun
Only until your will is done

thaSanttuuuujeahLuonut: thaSanttuLauantai 24.01.2009 12:41

thaSanttu[Ei aihetta]Luonut: thaSanttuPerjantai 19.12.2008 01:00

I'll always remember
The chill of November
The news of the fall
The sounds in the hall
The clock on the wall
Ticking away
"Seize the Day"
I heard him say
Life will not always be this way
Look around
Hear the sounds
Cherish your life
While you're still around

We can learn
From the past
But those days
Are gone
We can hope
For the future
But there might not be one

thaSanttu[Ei aihetta]Luonut: thaSanttuTiistai 16.12.2008 00:39

Vicarious[Ei aihetta]Luonut: VicariousKeskiviikko 10.09.2008 22:35

In the calm of desolation
Wanting to break
From this circle of confusion

In the depths of isolation
Trying to wake
From this daydream of illusion

How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone

If I seem superhuman
I have been

It challenges the essence of my soul
And leaves me in a state of disconnection
As I navigate the maze of self control

Playing a lion being led to a cage
I turn from a thief to a beggar
From a god to God save me

How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone

If I seem superhuman
I have been

Playing a lion being led to a cage
I turn from surreal to seclusion
From love to disdain
From belief to delusion
From a thief to a beggar
From a god to God save me

How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone

If I seem superhuman
I have been

Puske--[Ei aihetta]Luonut: Puske--Torstai 19.06.2008 20:51

Ja minä kun luulin päässeeni siitä yli!


..Antti ja Pexi on vaan niin hotteja....



A doctor sitting next to me
He asked me how I feel
Not sure I understand his questioning
He says I've been away a while
But thinks he has cured me

From a state of catatonic sleep

<3 DT

Puske--Jotain täydellistä...Luonut: Puske--Sunnuntai 20.04.2008 01:55

Dream Theater - Forsaken

For a while I thought I fell asleep
Lying motionless inside a dream

Then rising suddenly
I felt a chilling breath upon me
She softly whispered in my ear

I have come for you tonight
Look in my eyes and take my hand
Give yourself up to me

I waited faithfully
For night to fall again
Trying to silence the fear within me

Out of the night and mist
I felt a stinging kiss
And saw a crimson sting on her lips

I have to know your name

Where have I seen your face before
My dear why don't you be afraid

I have come for you tonight
Look in my eyes and take my hand
Give yourself up to me
Take me far away
Close your eyes
And hold your breath
'Til the ends of the earth

I have come for you tonight
Look in my eyes and take my hand
Fly away with me tonight
Renew my life
Now you are mine
Give yourself up to me
- Vanhemmat »