Ross: I'm gonna be happy this year. I'm gonna make myself happy!
Chandler: So you want us to leave the room or..?
Joey: Hey! Some girl ate Monica.
Monica: Oh, shut up! The camera adds ten pounds.
Chandler: how many cameras are actually on you?
Chandler: And... condoms?
Joey: Who knows how long we are gonna be here, we might have to populate the earth!
Chandler: And condoms are the way to do that?
Chandler: I can see the headline now: "Lottery winners' friend filled with regret eats own arm".
Ross: Why would I eat my own arm?
Chandler: Well you wouldn't, but we own the paper, we can print whatever we want.
Joey: I'm hungry.
Phoebe: We could eat the wax! It's organic.
Chandler: Oh great, food with hair on it.
Phoebe: No, not the used wax.
Chandler: Because THAT would be crazy.
Nora Bing: Hi, Chandler. This is Dennis. He's a great guy.... and a fantastic lover.
Chandler: Hello, Dennis. Thank you for pleasing my mother so.
Joey: You didn't cry when Bambi's mum died?
Chandler: Yes, it was so sad when the guy stopped drawing the deer!
Huomenna sit kapeen kahen junalla...
Vituttaa nii paljo et pakko päästä
moikkaan frendei sinnekki<3
Soittelen sitten ilmisille kun sielä olen
R: Let me go grab my jacket, i finished this when i get home
C: What about if we finished this for him, Joey? "Also, I cloned a dinosaur in my lab. Shes now my girlfriend. I dont care what society says, its the best sex i've ever had." And send.
J: No no no, you cant do that to him.
R: Alright lets go.
J: Dude!
R: I think you made clear it that you cant be trusted with a ball inside the house.
J:... And send!