


IG joni_kristiann SNAP buranasd

The world is mine!Maanantai 31.10.2011 23:16

Let me talk to these people man
Uh, ay!
I know you wanna see me fall man
I know you would rather see me lose it all
But I'm a born winner, hehe
I was put on this earth to make a difference homie
The world is my playground
The birds left the cage I'm doing things my way now
Man I'm willing to die for the cause
That's the difference between me and y'all
To be the best, you have to beat the best
I'm undefeated, my style is everlasting
And I'ma never back down, you fucking clown!
Hahaha, yeah
We win, you lose
We live, you die
The world is mine!

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