


IG joni_kristiann SNAP buranasd

!<3Torstai 20.10.2011 23:18

On olemassa yksi ihminen, jostä välitän eri tavalla kuin muista. Tämä ihminen on mukava, hauska, kiva, ihana ja kaikkea hyvää. Tuskin ajettelen mitään muuta kuin häntä. Toivon vain, että voisin nähdä hänet. Olla hänen kanssaan. Nauraa hänen kanssaan. Puhua hänen kanssaan. Toivon, että se yksi ihminen lukisi tämän ja ymmärtäisi, että tarkoitan häntä. ♥
Give me gun, one bullet and run. You dont wanna see me when I'm done. So much sorrow, so much pain. My game is over, see ya in hell. Where's the joy, where's the happiness? I don't know, ask someone else. Beat me, break me, punch me in the face. Burn me, drown me, choke me now! Tommorow is the day that I never want that come. Throw me in to lake, bury me deep. 6 feet under, are you kidding me? Fuck this shit, just give me the gun, I'll pop my head of, and sleep very tight. Beat me, break me, punch me in the face. Burn me, drown me, choke me now! Tommorow is the day that I never want that come!
Wake up in the middle of it's any other night. With some tears on my pillow and there's some blood on my knife.

!Tiistai 18.10.2011 22:35

You: hi
Stranger: hii
Stranger: i want a opinion
You: ye sure
Stranger: can u answer me a question first?
You: ok
Stranger: now
Stranger: what is the most popular thing in the world?
You: sex?
Stranger: no
Stranger: ice cream
You: ok
Stranger: now listen
Stranger: many people get their hands dirty with ice cream
Stranger: so i have a idea
Stranger: gloves for ice cream
You: okay
Stranger: what do u think?
You: that makes sense
Stranger: yeah, great proposal of busines
Stranger: now listen
Stranger: 6 billion people in the world
You: 6,3
Stranger: yeah watever
Stranger: and
Stranger: everybody likes ice cream
You: not every1
Stranger: i never meet someone who doesn't like ice cream
Stranger: i can sell 12 billion gloves
You: now u do
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: i gonna be rich
You: ye
Stranger: do u wanna be my partner in busines?
You: sure
You: split the price?
You: or i get 1/3 and u 2/3?
Stranger: no, 50/50, our company gonna be called: you/stranger gloves for ice cream
Stranger: the best gloves in the market
You: description could be ''For people who loves ice cream''
Stranger: yeah lol

It's like I'm twofaced!Maanantai 17.10.2011 16:37

!Sunnuntai 16.10.2011 16:58

1. olenko kiva ?
2. voisitko seurustella kanssani ?
3. olenko suloinen ?
4. mikä minussa on ärsyttävää ?
5. halaisitko minua ?
6. pidätkö minusta ?
7. suutelisitko minua ?
8. jos lähtisin ikävoisitkö minua ?
9. kuinka paljon pidät minusta 1-100% välillä ?
10. jos kävelisin sinua vastaan mitä tekisit / sanoisit ?
11. voisitko sanoa minua kauniiksi, söpöksi ja ihanaksi ?
12. voisitko pitää minua kädestä kiinni kadulla ?
13. voisitko suudella minua 10min ?
14. anna arvosana ulkonäölleni asteikolla 4-10 ?
15. rakastatko minua ?
16. lisäätkö tämän nyt blogiisi ?

!<3Sunnuntai 16.10.2011 05:06

Every night, before I go to sleep, I wish I could see your face, for real.
Every morning, when I wake up, I wish I could say to you 'hi, how did you sleep last night?''.
Every day, when I see your picture, I wish I could kiss you and hug you.
Every day, when I think of you, I miss you more and more.
Through the day's and night's, I'm thinking of you, because I can't get you of my mind.
Night comes again, I wish I could see your face, kiss your lips and to wish you a good night, sleep tight.
Morning comes again, I wish I could say to you 'hi, how did you sleep last night?''
I'm thinking of you again. Darling, why can't you be here. Every day and every night, You are in my mind.
I wish someday it will happen. Then I'm full of joy, not anymore missoury, not disappoint.
I love you, my sweetheart!

!Sunnuntai 16.10.2011 01:02

Lately I've be feeling strange, deep down inside. Something kinda hard to explain like butterflies. Suddenly I'm longing for the hot stuff. Something inside me tell's me this is real. Now I've got the vibe, tell me that's the same way you feel for me. So baby can you fix me, cause my fever is only getting stronger. It's burning like a fire. Baby let's rock the night away. So baby can you fix me, cause my body suffers for my hunger. A superstrong desire. Baby let's rock the night away.

!Lauantai 15.10.2011 01:32

You make me smile. Don't need drugs, cause you got me high. Girl you are special. You are everything, you are my life. Don't wanna mine, I wanna live your life. You are in my mind, the whole time. Dont need light, cause you are my light! You are my life!