


IG joni_kristiann SNAP buranasd

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.11.2011 03:13

I'm sorry for what I did to you, I'm sorry for breaking every piece of you.<3

The world is mine!Maanantai 31.10.2011 23:16

Let me talk to these people man
Uh, ay!
I know you wanna see me fall man
I know you would rather see me lose it all
But I'm a born winner, hehe
I was put on this earth to make a difference homie
The world is my playground
The birds left the cage I'm doing things my way now
Man I'm willing to die for the cause
That's the difference between me and y'all
To be the best, you have to beat the best
I'm undefeated, my style is everlasting
And I'ma never back down, you fucking clown!
Hahaha, yeah
We win, you lose
We live, you die
The world is mine!

!Maanantai 31.10.2011 21:54

Im Living life at the fast lane.
Moving at the speed of life and I cant slow down.
Only got a gallon in the gas tank.
But im almost at the finish line, so I cant stop now.
I dont really know where im headed, just enjoying the ride, just gonna roll till I drop and ride till I die.

!Maanantai 31.10.2011 04:28

Jokainen taaplaa tavallaan..
Shattered in pieces, I am. Shattered in pieces, is my mind.
Broken apart. Bones in pieces.
Oh please, take me, take me away. Oh please, save me, save me from my self!
Please wake me up from this dream!
I see you, but why I cant feel you? This is just a dream.
All I see is reflections. All I see is mirrorimages. Oh please, wake me!

All I want is you. All I want is to be with you.
Im screaming here alone, why this have to be dream?
All I need is you. All I want is you!
Im screaming here alone, why you cant be here with me?

Im breaking apart. Im shaking. This all fades from me away.
I can't feel my heart beating. This must be dream!
My shadow is fading. My reflection has gone away.
Oh please, take me, take me away. Oh please, save me, save me from my self!
Please wake me up from this dream!
I can't even see you anymore. Why I only hear you? Oh please, wake me!

All I want is you. All I want is to be with you.
Im screaming here alone, why this have to be dream?
All I need is you. All I want is you!
Im screaming here alone, why you cant be here with me?
Please, I'm begging, never leave me!

Onko ees paras peli fo evah!!???Perjantai 28.10.2011 23:29

!Perjantai 28.10.2011 22:57

1) Millä nimellä esiinnyn kännykässäsi ?
2) Kuinka tärkeä olen sinulle ?
3) Oletko ollut ihastunut muhun ?
4) Jos saisit pyytää minulta mitä vain mitä se olisi ?
5) Kerro yksi muistosi/haaveesi minun kanssani.
6) Halaisitko minua ?
7) Voisitko suudella minua ?
8) Voisitko nukkua kanssani ?
9) Mukavinta mitä olet tehnyt kanssani ?
10) Voisitko olla ystäväni ?
11) Ensimmäinen sana, joka minusta tulee mieleen.
12) Väri, joka minua muistuttaa.
13) Kappale, joka muistuttaa minusta.
14) Voisitko seurustella kanssani ?
15) Mikä minussa tekee sinut hulluksi ?
16) Mikä yhdistää meitä?/mikä on meidän juttu ?
17) Haluaisitko viettää enemmän aikaa kanssani ?
18) Jaksaisitko olla seurassani yli 3 tuntia ?
19) Mitä mieltä olet ulkonäöstäni ?
20) Kopiothan tämän itsellesi, että pääsen kostamaan

Perjantai 28.10.2011 21:49

Nallekarkit on hyviä.♥ :) mut kyl mä suaki rakastan berttuli!♥♥♥ ;p kaikella rakkaudella!♥ :)

The KidTorstai 27.10.2011 04:23


Once upon time, there was just a normal kid. Kid who didn't understand this evil and cruel world. Who didn't know how much evil there could be. How much it can hurt him. The kid kept going and growing. Ignoring the cruel world. Through days and years kid keeps going. Still thinking, that there isnt any evil. Parents kept him safe, gave him love. Years passes by. The kid grows. Everything changes step by step. Days go, and the kid gets new challenges in his life. He had to start to live like a man. Parent's allways said, we support you, and understand what ever you do. Again, years go. The kid is teenager. Parent's got problems. Problems that couldn't be solved. They separated. Kid is confused, depressed, nothing to say, nothing to think. He thought in his mind. Now I know, what they ment with cruel and evil. Few years goes, both parent's left him. Now the kid is all alone. No one would take care of him anymore, no one would give him love. The kid had to figure the way out, to better life. He was speechless. He didn't know what to do. Now there is only cruelty and sorrow in his life. Day by day, he tries. Day by day, he fails. He hopes, that someone could help him, take him good care, to love him. Now here I am. Trying so hard to find good life. Oh please, someone, help me!