
lol I did..Maanantai 18.07.2011 00:15

it...poor snake xddd I steped on it xD
Gonna make a one more visit to anime shop -u-
Need more stuff \@3@/
It is hot here olololo
Was in banja o3o -w- mmmmm banja
Tasted ChackChack ":D

Kazan KazanKeskiviikko 13.07.2011 00:00

I went to anime shop today)))Bought some....ah shit xd bougt there almost everything xDDD thank u ZanZara *_*

russiaMaanantai 11.07.2011 19:13

Sooo I am in Kazan o3o Yay~
Bought manga in Moscow,and meeted ma friend, it was sooo coool x3
Here in Kazan is soo beautiful **
Gonna visit anime shop here soon)))
+ here is one little and one big dog,they are soooo cute >w<
and Arbat in Moscow is soo awesome!!<3
Visited there Starbucks,yum yum *_)__* want moooore

oh mother Uruha @_@Perjantai 08.07.2011 21:44

Imma ready to go :DD
I will miss ma friends t_t
Glad that there will be internet.
(anime shops *_*) -_-'
can't waaaaait aiaiaiaiiaaiaia lallllaaaa @_@
Gonna visit Starbucks :D
Oh o_o I'll go make some coffee :3

мать твою О-ОPerjantai 08.07.2011 21:41

LMFAO - Champagne Showers - get this song out of ma head -3-'

ohohoPerjantai 08.07.2011 05:20

Tomorrow o-o wanna stay home xDD

waaaa my eyes @_@Tiistai 05.07.2011 04:02

3 days left~Tiistai 05.07.2011 03:37

On 9th of july I will leave Estonia,and I will spend 3 weeks in Russia.
Already have plans in Moscow,must meet there my friend and visit 1 or 2 anime shops.Then I will go to the Red Square,and then to the Sokolniki Park~Can't wait
Then in the end of day ,me and my grandfather will go to Kazan,there we will be living for 3 weeks.Want to see where my mother spend all her childhood :) I was there last time when I was 3 years old o3o
There I will visit another anime shop and then I will go to my aunt,and visit her school.And visit some other places x))
But I will miss my friends т_т

aw :3Tiistai 05.07.2011 03:01