Basics of course
Full Name? Suvi Marianna
Birthdate? 040488
Day of the week born? dunno, maybe it was tuesday...
Time of Birth? 2347
Where were you born? in the hospital.
Where do you live now? Far away from the place I was born.
Have any siblings? I think I have 3 siblings, 3 step-brothers and 1 step-sister.
Names? Joni, Seppo, Kari, Anne, ummm... Tomi, ??? something that starts with J and ?
Parents names? Merja and Pauli
Are they still together? no.
Grandparents names? This is tough one... um. Annamari + Juhani and Helmi? + ???
What grade are you in? I'm not in school xP
Play any sports? Marie<3
Favorite sport to play? Soccer.
Have any pets? :( Nappe :'D
What are their names? Nappe
Hobbies? Computer?
Collections? Some random manga xD
In your room....
do you have your own phone? My cell yes.
phone line? no? who uses them anymore?
tv? no.
vcr? dah.
dvd player? xD laptop
stereo? yea. don't use it though.
computer? throw a good guess.<3
What size bed do you have? 120? too big xD I use it as an extension of my table.
posters? nouh. dont hobby them.
what of? :*
pictures? a couple
of who? my friends.
Do you have...
a scanner? nah.
webcam? yearrr.
mic? *nod*
your own cell phone? daaah. :P sure. Can't live without it.
car? :( nou.
trampoline? in finland...
journal? no.
more than 50 CD's? hell no.
more than 200? oO
your own photo book? no :(
an xbox? :(
a ps1? oO no.
ps2? jea.
psp? :( no would like to have.
gameboy advanced? no.
gameboy ds? no.
a yoyo? ??? no.
a boomerang? no.
a satellite? wtf no.
a job? some kind of.
a goal? loads of.
Would you ever?
bungee jump? Sure if someone would "help" me. (read: push.)
sky dive? sure, it would be cool.
scuba dive? yea.
go to the moon? nah.
sail a ship alone? and play a rubber-duck? I'll skip.
buy a motorcycle? sure.
drink and drive? no.
get in a fight? um. xD
die for someone else? yes.
drive a race car? it could be fun x'D
swim with sharks? NO. x'D
train a lion? why not? :D
go on a safari? nah. not intrested.
Do you want to..?
meet the president? ?? well I've sen her but I don't see why I should meet her.
go to france? have been there.
how about germany? YES! the next country I'll go is going to be germany!
alaska? is there any 5 star hotels?
meet the queen? it would be awesome.
live in a dorm room? well. If i have to..
stay in your home town forever? NEVER. I'd rather kill myself.
move to a foreign country? ??? well i'm living in one right now...
kill bush? no oO
learn another language? trying to.
have kids? adoption.
adopt kids? lol
get married? with the right person.
find true love? I tough that I foud it but I guess I was wrong.
live in a manshion? SURE.
go to college? Uni.
keep in touch? why not?
be an author? no... too boring.
learn somethign new? ofcourse.
get a new pet? <3 would love to.
Can You....?
roll your tongue? *rolls the tongue*
fold it up? yea.
turn it sideways? ???
cross your eyes? sure xD
cross your eyes 3 different ways? x) xD xo
wiggle your nose? nou xD
how about your ears? no :P
pop a bone by just moving it? yak. no.
ride a bike? really is there a one who can't?
swim? :P
rollerblade? really poorly.
ice skate? yea.
skateboard? hihii, not really but it's really fun!
do any tricks on a skateboard? I've tried some but they don't really work xD
how about a bike? when I was younger :P
sing good? hell not.
say your alphabet backwards? no :P
hold your breath for more than a minute? sure... oO
speak another language? make a guess<3
see into the future? yea. I know I'm going for a walk after this.
dance? hell no.
go a year without internet? KILL ME. maybe after that.
2 weeks? no.
stay up 2 days straight? If I have to.
how about more than 24 hours? -
go a day without food? If I have to.
a week? If I have to.
contort your body? if there is no other option. lol.
lie good? i guess.
drink a case of mountain dew and not be hyper? I wouldn't drink.
drive a car? lol. sure.
Have you ever?
lost someone you loved? yea.
cheated on someone? um. what is counted in cheating?
more than onece? . -,-'
lied? ye. :/
read the dictionary because you were bored? :D yes.
how about an encyclopedia? that too.
driven a car? sure.
kissed someone? :*
stole someones boyfriend/girlfriend? don't think so...
been to alaska? no
hawaii? no
on a plane? sure
on a boat? lol. yea.
to bermuda? no...
any foreign country? hah yea.
outta your state? :P US centric world.
told someone you loved them? <3 i love you.
told someone you loved them and not meant it? no.
meant it? yea.
burned a cd? maybe... :P
caught your hair on fire? no?
been to a concert? :D yes.
been to over 50 concerts? :( no
been to a ballet? it was fun.
fell asleep during a movie? :P yes.
done somethign illegal? I think so.
been to jail? once visited in Konnunsuo. :D
been arrested but not put in jail? no
cried yourself asleep? well small kids do that quite often.
been published? no...?
almost drown? yea. I wouldn't mind if I leave that way.
almost died? so the doctors said. well a couple times. xD
killed somone? hopefully not.
killed an animal? mosquitos?
met someone famous? sure. xP
became friends with someone famous? not famous but fabulous<3
contracted a deadly disease? it can kill xD
gave blood? yea, and I'll recomend to everyone to do that.
gave money to charity? yea.
given clothes to goodwill? I'll when the next clothes collection comes... BUAHAHAHA.
to the salvation army? no.
seen a ghost? loads of them!
talked to ghosts? aha. :P
used a ouija board? no.
gotten a ouija board to work? no? :P
cussed in church? :P
been so lonely you cried? yea.
been married? hopefully not. because I don't remember so.
had a kid? no
had an abortion? no
seen a death? yea.
seen a dead body? well after the death it was an dead body...
been to a funeral? jea :(
dated someone out of sympathy? no.
made fun of someone til they cried? sure. xD
been made fun of til you cried? i think so.
been shot? yea :P
Do you believe in? (not your view on)
God? some sort of.
Heaven? no.
Hell? no.
Satan? no.
gay marriage? well I don't belive in marriages in general.
abortions? yea. We have right to decide if we want to have a baby or not.
ghosts? I think so.
paranormal? dunno. sorta.
Buddah? kinda.
Karma? sorta.
aura's? yea.
fate? kinda.
everything happens for a reason? no.
The Bible? no. there are loads of shit in it. but something wise too. but in general I belive in humans, not old fashioned books.
organized worship? they can work...
illegal relationships? (too big of a age difference) No. or... sometimes.
premarital sex? lol. I would say no marriage before sex.
war? no.
What is your view on....
war: I think is useless and stupid. I think things can clear with talking.
premarital sex: You do it when you feel so.
gay marriages? do I heve to have an opinnion?
gay people? lol. gay. :P jeez...
organized religion? people who get into those things are just weak and want to push their responsibilities to hands of "God" and say it was ment to be like that even wen it was fully their fault. I don't understand what they see in those kinds of things. If we have a God who is good, why we have wars? Why religions don't accept eacother? why we have violence? And shit about stuff about sins. I belive in moral. Mostly because christians blame me to be a sinner. All my extistence is a sin. Fuck. I could write a book about how I think organized religion (read: most christian religons) are from ass. But I don't have nothing against buddhism or shinto etc. But christianity is partly just a stick in a flesh.
george bush? I think he made a couple political mistakes, but at the end he just tries to be a good leader.
legalizing marijuana? no in hell.
being in iraq? as usefull as picking a nose.
masochism? If you like it... then I don't have nothing against it. as long as you don't harm anyone else.
mosh pits? MENTAL. xD
women rights? in some countries they really need to work with them. But it would be awesome if men and women were equal.
black rights? What's wrong with black people? They are PEOPLE too.
mystical creatures? they are funny :P
greek mythology? Nothing against :P I think some of them are quite entertaining.
government? they try their best.
anarchy? a beatyful tought but it won't work.
Whats your favorite...?
candy? teddy-candies!
genre of music? emo-core.
genre of movies? anime xD
color? mint green.
food? nodels are good :D Michael makes delisious food!
restaurant? MD xD
car? Porche Boxer, white or black. <3
tv show? Shaun the sheep.
cartoon? dunno.
movie? Naruto Shippuden movie.
actor? Suvi's sugar daddy.
actress? dunno.
tv channel? RTE 2
show on TV Land? ???
Do you....
read? yea.
write? yae.
play an instrument? kinda.
love someone? many.
love love? no...?
have a boat? no :P my dad has :P
care abotu people? yea.
your best friend? I have many of them.
what are your other friends names? dun tell
who's been there the longest? Terhi.
whos' the oldest? dunno.
how old are they? :P
how old are the rest? :P
who's smartest? Terhi :D
funniest? Suvi
dumbest? Too.
most trustworthy? Suvi
most loyal? Suvi
who do you go to all the time for advice? Suvi xD
to cry on their shoulder? Pillow. a band for ever letter of the alphabet..
A Aural Vampire
B Boys like Girls
C Cute is what we aim for
D Dasboard Confessional
E Eisley
F Funeral for a friend
G Good Charlotte
H Hurriganes
I Iio
J Jimmy eat world
K Kill Hannah
L Le Tigre
M My chemical Romance
N New Young pony club
O Oakenfold
Q ???
R Robyn
S Silverstein
T The Used
U Uffie
V Velvet
W Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart xD
X ???
Y Yellowcard
Z ???
did you do it? no :(
did you think of one for X? :(
did you get help? No :D
Word association
cold ice
rat cheese
rabbit carrot (am I hungry?)
remote tv
car wheels
road sand
rose roots
beautiful girl
rain rainbow
window glass
pain black
blood vampire ???wtf
blade emo
cigarette cancer
water sea
calm boring
tranquility ?
woods animals
brick thin
safe jail
tree leaves
First word that comes to mind that starts with...
A Alphabet
B Bonus
C Canine
D Dead
E Elephant
F Focus
G Giggle
H Handycap
I Illegal
J Joint
K Kilt
L Levitation
M Monarchy
N Naked
O Orgasm
P Porn (what am I thinking???!!!???)
Q Quote
R Racist
S Stubborn
T Talented
U Unusual
V Vital
W Worm
X xovirax
Y youthfulness
Z zeebra
Who comes to mind (use people you know) when you hear...
high Suvi
jail Pyry
cold Raisa
flower Jessica
cake Jenni
batter Suvi
baseball Jenni
ice cream Too
ball Me
foot Suvi and her long toes!!!
sidewalk Pyry
pole Jessica
smart Terhi
alaska Me
cigarette Jenni
party Suvi
Random Lee
did you liek this survey? 'k
was it too long? a bit.
are you stll bored? more i guess-
what\'s your favorite kind of shoe? sneakers but superstars and converses are COOL.
what's your favorite name to give a child? Caoilflhionn spelled as Keelin. Cute isn't it?
do you like music? love it, can't live without it.
was my quiz redundant? a bit.
do you have a livejournal? not anymore.
is that why you took this? no.
have youe ver kissed an animal? Nappe<3
The end
are you happy its the end? I AM.
why? It was so loooooooong.