
[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 07.05.2008 23:47

Let's do this.

What's your name? [killTHEkid]
How old are you? 2zero
Where are you located? in my bedroom
Date of birth. 0404

Love and Such

What is, first of all, your gender? F.
Your sexual orientation? oriented.
Have you ever been in love? sure.
ARE you in love? no.

List your crushes. Won't do that<3 it's Cgret.

Describe your first kiss. wet.
Describe your first date. boring.
Describe your first sex. "when is this going to end? ~boriiiiiiiiing.*
Are you in a relationship? If so, with who? no.
What's the most important thing in a relationship? dunno, maybe freedom.
What personal qualities do you look for in a potential mate? ummm. I'm not looking for a potential mate...
What physical qualities do you look for? Hair. legs. :P
Is personality or appearance more important? personality. absolutely.
Do you want to get married? If so, at what age? dunno. If I find the right one.
Do you believe in love at first sight? kinda ;P
Do you believe in soul mates? no.
Is romance even important to you? if I would be in a relationship...
What IS romance, to you? caring and being there.
Describe the person you currently like/love the most, romantically. um... I don't want to.
More space if needed. It could reveal something... I don't want some people know. :P

Your Past and Present
What is your favorite memory? When i was about 4 and my dad gave me a good night kiss on my cheek and I knew he loved me.
What is your least favorite memory? When I was a bit partying and my friend's cat got lost and she called me to get my mums car to look for the cat and I said I couldn't drive 'cos I wasn't home and I was drunk. She got really upset about it and next day when I went to school (late, because I had a doctor appointment earlier that morning) all of my friends came back from lunch and she had told them that I was drunk last night etcetc. that's not the big deal but the thing that really hurted me was the faces that my friends showed me when they saw me at school. How they were angry 'cos they thought that I was skipping and I was going to skipp our music practices. It hurted ti know that they didn't trust me and already had talked shit behind my back. I can still see their faces. It makes me sick. There is so much more in that case, but I'm too tired to write xD
So far, what has been your favorite age? mmmm... 19? x'D
Why is that? funfunfun
Do you enjoy the age you are now? Why or why not? sure :D It's fun too :D
Who was your first best friend? Do you still talk to him/her? I think my first best friend was... Marika . No, we don't talk... she went to school before me andwe just somehow got separated.. :P
When you were in grade school, what did you want to be when you grew up? be lawyer.
Now, what do you aspire to be? a billionaire<3
Have you "found yourself yet"? If so, describe this experience. hm. I could say that I'm still looking, but in some parts I have found myself. Sometimes it was painful, sometimes it was joy.
More space if needed.
Who is your current best friend? Too, he sleeps with me every night, so I won't get scared.
Name some other good friends. Pyry, Too, Kristiina, Jenna, Nita, Janette
Have you enjoyed life so far? yea! :P worth of living.
What could be better? I could be a billionaire...

Who is your favorite musical artist? hm. Yellowcard or funeral for a friend.
What is your favorite song from that artist? dear bobbie of paper walls.
What is your favorite song of all time? Silverstein - Heroine<33333
What's the best thing about that song? lyrics... all. :D
Quote your favorite lyrics.

"'cos when I die,
then I'll die loving you."

What genre(s) do you generally listen to? emo-core, screamo, dance, alternative etc.
Do you have a variety of musical tastes? i think so.
How do you feel about country? Don't match with me.
About jazz? cool. :D
About classic rock? jea.
About the 80s? some is 'k
About modern music? :D
About classical music? yay! :D
Which decade provided the greatest music, in your opinion? hmmm... 60's?
Do you listen to Queen? (You should!) no...
To the Beatles? sometimes :D<3
To Fall Out Boy? yea.
To Shania Twain? no in hell...
To Backstreet Boys? nope.
To Britney Spears? rarely.
To Michael Buble? ???
To Miley Cyrus? sometimes xD I love to watch Hannah Montana x'D *my dark secret*
To My Chemical Romance? suuuure. :D
To Journey? ????
To Ben Jelen? ???
List other musical artists that you enjoy. The Used, Silverstein, Alexisonfire, Bullet for my valentine
List musical artists that you can't stand. the YATTA-people... oO
Is there a band you wouldn't be caught dead listening to but you do anyway? hmm... no.
Are you in a band? If so, what's its name? no.
What musical instruments can you play? nothing well.
What would you LIKE to play? piano, violin, flute, guitar, harp.
What's your favorite musical instrument? piano or violin.
Have you ever aspired to be a rock star, or other sort of musical artist? jea xD ROCK!
Can you write songs? sometimes.
Who is your favorite lyricist? hmm... dunno there are lots of good ones!
Other thoughts on music? love, peace and rock'n roll!

Beliefs And All that
What is your religion? Suvimsn.
Do you believe in God(s)? sorta.
Is there a messiah? If so, who? no.
Are you anti-semitic (prejudiced against Jews)? no..?
Do you believe in miracles? yea.
Do you believe in heaven and/or hell? no.
How do you feel about Christianity? I could write a novel about it.
About Islam? same as above.
About Wicca? cool religion. I respect their toughts.
About atheism? cool.
About Hinduism? ummm. if you like it.
About Buddhism? ok :D
If you weren't the religion you are now, what religion would you follow? mmm... wicca, shinto or buddhism.
How religious are you? -4804058
Is God very important to you? no
How was the earth created? No one didn't create the earth...
How do you feel about abortion? if you want to do it then do.
About same-sex marriage? Coool and it's good that it's allowed in finland. kinda...
About same-sex adoption? I totally supporting it. It can't be wron to have loving parents.
About homophobia? Those people have some real issues inside them...
About theocracy? :D cool.
Do you believe America should be a Christian nation? wtf? was that a joke?
How important is the first amendment to you, in every aspect? unimportant.
What do you live by, like a life motto or whatever? I want to live the way that don't make me regret things I've made.
How do you feel about religious fundamentalists? 'k it's actually quite good thing. we live in 21st century...
About born-again believers? I belive in thet, kinda.
About President Bush? too tired to write...
About the war in Iraq? useless
About marijuana legalization? no.
About cherry-picking from the Bible and other holy texts? lollollollol.
About communism? 'k but not my thing.
About America? messed up.
About people who don't follow your belief system? everyone has right to belive what they want.
About liberals? jihaa xDD
About conservatives? get a life :P
About Barack Obama? I haven't been really intrested about the elections of US.
About Hillary Clinton? wins, but I would give my vote to obama.
About John McCain? who?
About saying "that's so gay", etc.? lol. I say that my self. I know it can offend some people but I still do it. sorry.
Do you know who YouTube's TheAmazingAtheist is? no.
If so, do you like him? Why or why not? ???
Do you know who Jezuzfreek777 is? no.
How do you feel about HIM? used to make good music, not anymore.
If you believe in God(s), why? I know that there isn't really one. we are alone but still sometimes when life sucks it's nice to ask help.
If you don't believe in any gods, why not? they just don't exist.
Is organised religion an evil to the world? If so, why? can't write xD

Other thoughts on your beliefs.
This Or That

Love or money? money
Love or lust? love
Evolution or creation? evolution
Rock or rap? ROCK
Writing or reading? reading
Sports or literature? both.
Liberal or conservative? liberal
Obama or Clinton? obama
Gay or straight? gay
Filthy rich or aesthetic? filthy rich (then you can buy yourself a new face!)
Happily obese or miserably thin? miserably thin
Rain or snow? snow!!!!!!!!
Clouds or clear blue sky? clear blue
Stars or the moon? stars
Day or night? night
Dawn or dusk? dusk
Awake or asleep? asleep
Phone or IM? both x'D
Myspace or Facebook? both
Surveys or quizzes? both
Ship or plane? plane
Hot or cold? cold
Freezing to death or burning to death? EITHER.
Drinking puke or diving into a pool of cockroaches? wtf??? I won't do that...
Action movies or romantic comedies? either.
Fiction or non-fiction? i dun care.
Old or new? new.
Pens or pencils? pens
Spiral or bound? bound
Sims 1 or Sims 2? (Ole, Sims 3!) sims 2
Television or internet? internet
National Geographic or MTV? both!
Eating or drinking? drinking
Junk food or health food? health food
Vegetarian or vegan? vegan
Rock, paper, or scissors? rock
Sexy or cute? cute
Cruel hot person or extremely sweet and funny hideous person? esafh
Quasimodo or Phoebus? either...
The Phantom or Raoul? the phantom
Flik or Z? z
Tomboy or girly girl? tomboy
Being alone or being in a crowd? being alone
Conforming or non-conforming? conforming
Being popular or being an outcast? both.
Stars or hearts? stars!
You or them? me.

Complete the statement.

When I die... then I'll die loving you.
If I rubbed a magic lamp and a genie soared out, my 3 wishes would be... 1. I want to be a bilionaire. 2. I want to be happy 3. I want to be ........
I should currently be... a billionaire. xD
I love _ more than anything else in the world. air
If I were to walk in anyone's shoes for a day, it would be... marie's.
My first thought waking up... Today we're going to malahide.
The weirdest dream I ever had was about... dun remember.
If I was the only person left on the planet... it would be sad.
If I were to write a story, it would be about... love.
The greatest thing about my life is... freedom.
My room looks like... a mess.
The ideal life would include... me being a billionaire. x'D
_ is why I am the way I am. LOL
My parents/guardians would describe me as... nutz

I skipped the favourites section because I hate it.
So here are two spaces to list your favourite things.
... money
... traveling

Wrapping it up.
Did you enjoy the survey? kinda.
What was your favorite question to answer? can't think.
Did you lie or exaggerate? no.
Which was your favourite section? complete the statement.
Do you plan to share this with anyone? no.
If every human took this, whose results would you be most interested in? Miss J
What question do you wish I had asked? Favorite HP character xD
Now answer it. Dudley!
Final thoughts. ovarida.

nasty.Keskiviikko 07.05.2008 02:41

Mie oon palanu vielä enemmin. :( ja se et mie kääriydyin huppariin ymym. on saanu aukaan sen et miun kasvot ja KÄMMESELÄT on ruskeet ja muute oon ihan valkonen... ... ... ... mie oon vähän turhautunu just nyt. :P

Lisäksi mie kuulin ihan huippu-jutun tänään. No ei se nyt ihan huippu ole mut aika hauska kuitenkin. :P 300km liike lounaaseen on saanut aikaan sen että galleriasta löytyy ns. feikki "teini-itsemurha"-kirje. Tai ainakin jotain mikä kuulostaa ihan siltä. Gosh. x'D
Dääänks hyvist nauruist. rImelt<3 loovjatuu

Sit kun mie kuolen... (luoja miul on suunniteltu jo kaikki valmiiks!)

"Kiitos äiti ja isä. Työ kasvatitte miut."
"Kiitos veljet. Työ kasvatitte miuta vielä enemmin."
"Kiitos ystävät. Työ olitte miun luona sillon kun mie tarvitsin teit<3<3raksutan teit4evö."
"Kiitos muut. Mä raksutan teitki<3 te teitte miust sen mitä mie oon!"
"Kiitos kaikki!!! DRAAMAORGASMI AAAAaaaAH!"
"MÄ OON NIIN KIITOLLINEN. haistakaavittupaskasaatanaprkl."
Ja sit mie vedän henkee silleen
Ja sit mie kuolen.
(huom. tätä tilannettahan voi myös soveltaa)

(Huomasitteks työ?)
Jos huomasitte, niin antakaa miulle HUOMIOTA! (kommenttejaplz)

Juups x'D nose pickers.<3333
Luoja armaha miuta.

Ainiin. Tää miun on pitäny kirjoittaa jo eilen. (unohin)
Alempana mie hieman valaisin näkökantaani organisoituun uskontoon... mie oon yhä sitä mieltä, MUTTA nyt mie haluan sanoa, että mie myös ymmärrän ihmisiä, jotka on mukana organisoidussa uskonnossa. Miut herätti tähän toteamukseen eräs podcast, jota mie kuuntelin sunnuntai-iltana. Tuo samainen podcast sai miut myös hieman katumaan sitä mitä mie olin kirjottanu... Mie ymmärrän ja tiedän sen tunteen, kun tahtoo kuulua johonkin yhteisöön. Ja sitten kun pääsee tähän yhteisöön sisälle, se tuntuu uskomattomalta. Tällä tasolla mie ymmärrän heitä.


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 05.05.2008 23:25

Mie oon palanu :( ei kivaa :((( enkä mie ees ottanu aurinkoo! pidin koko päivän hupparin päällä ja farkut jalas, mut silti paloin. perkle tätä aurinkoo tääl. Tuntuu ku olis heinäkuun tappohelteet. Sit ku mein talos ei tunneta sanaa ilmastointi ni halleluja. Viimeyönki nukuin molemmat ikkunat auki.

Huomenna Brayhin!!! Merenrannalle. jee. ja Ylihuomenna Malahideen!!! jee. :P Mie kerään loads of simpukoita xD onneks tää on tällast... muute en kestäis. Koska täl viikol miul tule olemaan 56 "työtuntii" et JEE!!! 11h tehty<3 aamuseiskalt alkaa ja ilta kuudelt loppuu xD Ja au pairit ei tunne sanaa "tauko". Mut kyl mie tän pusken läpi. (Sen takii uhraanki omat rahani et pääsee pois talost.. muute sekoisin tän viikon aikan.) Ja tänään täällä oli Bank holiday, ja kaikki oli kiinni ja kuollutta. :P tylsäääääääää.

Suville<3Maanantai 05.05.2008 01:59


Rakas Seq_.
En tiedä miten sanoisin tämän, mutta olen rakastunut siskoosi. Luulen että ymmärsin sen kun kompastuin seesamin siemeneen bussin alla, ja näin sinut vittuilemassa isälleni. Olen varma että olet tarpeeksi kiihottunut ymmärtämään kuinka paljon oikeasti painan.
Lähetän sinulle takaisin rakkauskirjeesi, mutta pidän postimerkkikokoelmasi muistona.
Haluan että tiedät että minä tulen aina vihaamaan munakoisofetissiäsi.

Pala helvetissä,




Rakas, hyvän ystäväsi nimi/rakkaasi nimi.

En tiedä miten sanoisin tämän, mutta __1__. Luulen että ymmärsin sen __2__ __3__, ja näin sinut __4__ __5__.

Olen varma että olet tarpeeksi __6__ ymmärtämään __7__.

Lähetän sinulle takaisin __8__, mutta pidän __9__ muistona.

Haluan että tiedät että minä __10__ __11__.



sininen %u2013 romanssimme on ohi
punainen %u2013 suhteemme on kuollut
valkoinen %u2013 aijon käydä kirkossa
musta %u2013 vihaan sinua
vihreä %u2013 horoskooppimme eivät sovi yhteen
harmaa %u2013 olet pervo
keltainen %u2013 kävelen kadulla
vaaleanpunainen %u2013 sieraimesi ovat kuin loukkaus
ruskea %u2013 poliisi etsii sinua
ei paitaa %u2013 olet nolla
muu %u2013 olen rakastunut siskoosi

tammi %u2013 sinä yönä
helmi %u2013 viime vuonna
maalis %u2013 kun kääpiösi puri minua
huhti %u2013 kun kompastuin seesamin siemeneen
touko %u2013 viimeisin ensimmäinen toukokuuta
kesä %u2013 kun löit minua lankulla
heinä %u2013 kun oksensin
elo %u2013 kun näin sen kutistetun pään
syys %u2013 kun uimme alasti
loka %u2013 kun esitin joulupukkia
marras %u2013 kun koirasi juoksi pihalla
joulu - kun vaihdoin lenkkareita

taco %u2013 kämpässäsi
pizza %u2013 asuntovaunussasi
pasta %u2013 lähikaupan nurkalla
hampurilainen %u2013 bussin alla
salaatti %u2013 sillä aikaa kun söit
kana %u2013 kaapissasi
kebab %u2013 pastorin kanssa
kala %u2013 naisten vaatteissa
leipä %u2013 joulujuhlissa
lasagne %u2013 lentokoneessa
makkara %u2013 transsissa
muu %u2013 naapureittesi kanssa

keltainen %u2013 iskemässä
punainen %u2013 loukkaamassa
musta %u2013 ärsyttämässä
sininen %u2013 koputtmassa
lila %u2013 kaatamassa siirappia - päälle
valkoinen %u2013 vittuilemassa
harmaa %u2013 repimässä vaatteita irti - päältä
ruskea %u2013 asettamassa iilimatoja - päälle
oranssi %u2013 nipistämässä
vaaleanpunainen %u2013 repimässä peruukkia - päästä
ei sukkia %u2013 istumassa - päällä
muu %u2013 suutelemassa

musta %u2013 paras ystäväni
valkoinen %u2013 isäni
harmaa %u2013 presidentti
ruskea %u2013 pierutyynyni
lila %u2013 paahtoleipäni
punainen %u2013 Kerttu
sininen %u2013 avokaadoviljelmäni
keltainen %u2013 kirjeystäväni Zimbabwesta
oranssi %u2013 minun Matti ja Teppo levykokoelmani
vaaleanpunainen %u2013 koirani
ei alusvaatteita - patsas
muu %u2013 hullu pastori

Scrubs - miehekäs
O.C. - tunteellinen
One Tree Hill - avoin
Heroes - jälkeenjäänyt
Lost - kiihottunut
House - arpinen
Simpsons - luuseri
Idol %u2013 masokistinen
Family Guy - seniili
muu - hävettävä

iloinen %u2013 kuinka huonosti olen voinut
surullinen %u2013 kuinka tympeä olet
tylsistynyt %u2013 että joulupukkia ei ole
vihainen %u2013 että inhoan ruokiasi
masentunut %u2013 että olemme serkuksia
ylipirteä %u2013 että tähän ei ole ratkaisua
hermostunut %u2013 kuinka vähän maksoin sinusta
huolestunut %u2013 että autosi on säälittävä
apaattinen %u2013 että olen käynyt sukupuolileikkauksessa
häpeävä %u2013 että olen allerginen hamsterillesi
hellyydenkipeä %u2013 että kiihotun roskakuskeista
iloisempi kuin koskaan %u2013 että en ikinä aikonut soittaa sinulle vaikka toisin sanoin
muu %u2013 kuinka paljon oikeasti painan

valkoinen %u2013 sormuksesi
keltainen %u2013 rakkauskirjeesi
punainen %u2013 Darth Vader - julisteesi
musta %u2013 ajokorttisi
sininen - sohvatyynyt
vihreä %u2013 puhelinluettelon
oranssi %u2013 tekohampaasi
ruskea %u2013 osoitekirjasi
harmaa %u2013 hammasharjani
lila %u2013 latino - CD:si
vaaleanpunainen %u2013 leikatut varpaankynnet
muu %u2013 armeijamuistosi

A/B %u2013 kuvasi
C/D - öljykanisterin
E/F %u2013 naapurisi Orvokin
G/H %u2013 neitsyyteni
I/J %u2013 verikokeen tulokset
K/L %u2013 vasemman korvasi
M/N %u2013 itsemurhakirjeesi
O/P %u2013 puhelinnumerosi
Q/R %u2013 äitisi
S/T %u2013 postimerkkikokoelmasi
U/V/W %u2013 rikosrekisterisi
X/Y/Z %u2013 tennissukkasi
Å/Ä/Ö %u2013 todistuksesi

A/B %u2013 tulen aina muistamaan
C/D %u2013 en tule ikinä unohtamaan
E/F %u2013 olen aina halunnut rikkoa
G/H %u2013 sain AIDS:in
I/J %u2013 tulen aina vihaamaan
K/L %u2013 aijon kouluttaa
M/N %u2013 tuhopoltin
O/P %u2013 haastattelin
Q/R %u2013 ilmoitin psykiatrille
S/T %u2013 voin pahoin kun mietin
U/V/W %u2013 yritän unohtaa
X/Y/Z %u2013 pärjään paremmin ilman
Å/Ä/Ö %u2013en ikinä pitänyt

vesi %u2013 ystävyytemme
kalja - vanhuus
limsa %u2013 elämäni kloonina
tiivistemehu - eskimoreinkarnaatio
maito - vuokra-asuntoni
viini - viinakaupan myyjä
siideri %u2013 intohimoinen kiinnostus hiiriä kohtaan
tuoremehu %u2013 munakoisofetissisi
mineraalivesi %u2013 nolo ihottuma
Oboy %u2013 Gollum - imitaatiot
viski %u2013 pilata toinen maailman sota
muu %u2013 vihata isääsi

Thaimaa %u2013 lämpimin terveisin
USA %u2013 ystävällisin terveisin
Englanti %u2013 onnea oikeudenkäyntiin
Espanja %u2013 hukuta itsesi
Kiina %u2013 unohdin ruokkia kalasi
Saksa %u2013 helpottuneesti
Japani %u2013 pala helvetissä
Kreikka %u2013 ikuinen vihollisesi
Austraalia %u2013 lähetä terveisiä isoäidillesi
Egypti %u2013 häivy nyt
Ranska %u2013 kivuissa
muu - haluan rahani takaisin

Another survey.Sunnuntai 04.05.2008 18:04

Basics of course

Full Name? Suvi Marianna
Birthdate? 040488
Day of the week born? dunno, maybe it was tuesday...
Time of Birth? 2347
Where were you born? in the hospital.
Where do you live now? Far away from the place I was born.
Have any siblings? I think I have 3 siblings, 3 step-brothers and 1 step-sister.
Names? Joni, Seppo, Kari, Anne, ummm... Tomi, ??? something that starts with J and ?
Parents names? Merja and Pauli
Are they still together? no.
Grandparents names? This is tough one... um. Annamari + Juhani and Helmi? + ???
What grade are you in? I'm not in school xP
Play any sports? Marie<3
Favorite sport to play? Soccer.
Have any pets? :( Nappe :'D
What are their names? Nappe
Hobbies? Computer?
Collections? Some random manga xD

In your room....

do you have your own phone? My cell yes.
phone line? no? who uses them anymore?
tv? no.
vcr? dah.
dvd player? xD laptop
stereo? yea. don't use it though.
computer? throw a good guess.<3
What size bed do you have? 120? too big xD I use it as an extension of my table.
posters? nouh. dont hobby them.
what of? :*
pictures? a couple
of who? my friends.

Do you have...
a scanner? nah.
webcam? yearrr.
mic? *nod*
your own cell phone? daaah. :P sure. Can't live without it.
car? :( nou.
trampoline? in finland...
journal? no.
more than 50 CD's? hell no.
more than 200? oO
your own photo book? no :(
an xbox? :(
a ps1? oO no.
ps2? jea.
psp? :( no would like to have.
gameboy advanced? no.
gameboy ds? no.
a yoyo? ??? no.
a boomerang? no.
a satellite? wtf no.
a job? some kind of.
a goal? loads of.

Would you ever?

bungee jump? Sure if someone would "help" me. (read: push.)
sky dive? sure, it would be cool.
scuba dive? yea.
go to the moon? nah.
sail a ship alone? and play a rubber-duck? I'll skip.
buy a motorcycle? sure.
drink and drive? no.
get in a fight? um. xD
die for someone else? yes.
drive a race car? it could be fun x'D
swim with sharks? NO. x'D
train a lion? why not? :D
go on a safari? nah. not intrested.

Do you want to..?
meet the president? ?? well I've sen her but I don't see why I should meet her.
go to france? have been there.
how about germany? YES! the next country I'll go is going to be germany!
alaska? is there any 5 star hotels?
meet the queen? it would be awesome.
live in a dorm room? well. If i have to..
stay in your home town forever? NEVER. I'd rather kill myself.
move to a foreign country? ??? well i'm living in one right now...
kill bush? no oO
learn another language? trying to.
have kids? adoption.
adopt kids? lol
get married? with the right person.
find true love? I tough that I foud it but I guess I was wrong.
live in a manshion? SURE.
go to college? Uni.
keep in touch? why not?
be an author? no... too boring.
learn somethign new? ofcourse.
get a new pet? <3 would love to.

Can You....?
roll your tongue? *rolls the tongue*
fold it up? yea.
turn it sideways? ???
cross your eyes? sure xD
cross your eyes 3 different ways? x) xD xo
wiggle your nose? nou xD
how about your ears? no :P
pop a bone by just moving it? yak. no.
ride a bike? really is there a one who can't?
swim? :P
rollerblade? really poorly.
ice skate? yea.
skateboard? hihii, not really but it's really fun!
do any tricks on a skateboard? I've tried some but they don't really work xD
how about a bike? when I was younger :P
sing good? hell not.
say your alphabet backwards? no :P
hold your breath for more than a minute? sure... oO
speak another language? make a guess<3
see into the future? yea. I know I'm going for a walk after this.
dance? hell no.
go a year without internet? KILL ME. maybe after that.
2 weeks? no.
stay up 2 days straight? If I have to.
how about more than 24 hours? -
go a day without food? If I have to.
a week? If I have to.
contort your body? if there is no other option. lol.
lie good? i guess.
drink a case of mountain dew and not be hyper? I wouldn't drink.
drive a car? lol. sure.

Have you ever?
lost someone you loved? yea.
cheated on someone? um. what is counted in cheating?
more than onece? . -,-'
lied? ye. :/
read the dictionary because you were bored? :D yes.
how about an encyclopedia? that too.
driven a car? sure.
kissed someone? :*
stole someones boyfriend/girlfriend? don't think so...
been to alaska? no
hawaii? no
on a plane? sure
on a boat? lol. yea.
to bermuda? no...
any foreign country? hah yea.
outta your state? :P US centric world.
told someone you loved them? <3 i love you.
told someone you loved them and not meant it? no.
meant it? yea.
burned a cd? maybe... :P
caught your hair on fire? no?
been to a concert? :D yes.
been to over 50 concerts? :( no
been to a ballet? it was fun.
fell asleep during a movie? :P yes.
done somethign illegal? I think so.
been to jail? once visited in Konnunsuo. :D
been arrested but not put in jail? no
cried yourself asleep? well small kids do that quite often.
been published? no...?
almost drown? yea. I wouldn't mind if I leave that way.
almost died? so the doctors said. well a couple times. xD
killed somone? hopefully not.
killed an animal? mosquitos?
met someone famous? sure. xP
became friends with someone famous? not famous but fabulous<3
contracted a deadly disease? it can kill xD
gave blood? yea, and I'll recomend to everyone to do that.
gave money to charity? yea.
given clothes to goodwill? I'll when the next clothes collection comes... BUAHAHAHA.
to the salvation army? no.
seen a ghost? loads of them!
talked to ghosts? aha. :P
used a ouija board? no.
gotten a ouija board to work? no? :P
cussed in church? :P
been so lonely you cried? yea.
been married? hopefully not. because I don't remember so.
had a kid? no
had an abortion? no
seen a death? yea.
seen a dead body? well after the death it was an dead body...
been to a funeral? jea :(
dated someone out of sympathy? no.
made fun of someone til they cried? sure. xD
been made fun of til you cried? i think so.
been shot? yea :P

Do you believe in? (not your view on)
God? some sort of.
Heaven? no.
Hell? no.
Satan? no.
gay marriage? well I don't belive in marriages in general.
abortions? yea. We have right to decide if we want to have a baby or not.
ghosts? I think so.
paranormal? dunno. sorta.
Buddah? kinda.
Karma? sorta.
aura's? yea.
fate? kinda.
everything happens for a reason? no.
The Bible? no. there are loads of shit in it. but something wise too. but in general I belive in humans, not old fashioned books.
organized worship? they can work...
illegal relationships? (too big of a age difference) No. or... sometimes.
premarital sex? lol. I would say no marriage before sex.
war? no.

What is your view on....
war: I think is useless and stupid. I think things can clear with talking.
premarital sex: You do it when you feel so.
gay marriages? do I heve to have an opinnion?
gay people? lol. gay. :P jeez...
organized religion? people who get into those things are just weak and want to push their responsibilities to hands of "God" and say it was ment to be like that even wen it was fully their fault. I don't understand what they see in those kinds of things. If we have a God who is good, why we have wars? Why religions don't accept eacother? why we have violence? And shit about stuff about sins. I belive in moral. Mostly because christians blame me to be a sinner. All my extistence is a sin. Fuck. I could write a book about how I think organized religion (read: most christian religons) are from ass. But I don't have nothing against buddhism or shinto etc. But christianity is partly just a stick in a flesh.
george bush? I think he made a couple political mistakes, but at the end he just tries to be a good leader.
legalizing marijuana? no in hell.
being in iraq? as usefull as picking a nose.
masochism? If you like it... then I don't have nothing against it. as long as you don't harm anyone else.
mosh pits? MENTAL. xD
women rights? in some countries they really need to work with them. But it would be awesome if men and women were equal.
black rights? What's wrong with black people? They are PEOPLE too.
mystical creatures? they are funny :P
greek mythology? Nothing against :P I think some of them are quite entertaining.
government? they try their best.
anarchy? a beatyful tought but it won't work.

Whats your favorite...?
candy? teddy-candies!
genre of music? emo-core.
genre of movies? anime xD
color? mint green.
food? nodels are good :D Michael makes delisious food!
restaurant? MD xD
car? Porche Boxer, white or black. <3
tv show? Shaun the sheep.
cartoon? dunno.
movie? Naruto Shippuden movie.
actor? Suvi's sugar daddy.
actress? dunno.
tv channel? RTE 2
show on TV Land? ???

Do you....
read? yea.
write? yae.
play an instrument? kinda.
love someone? many.
love love? no...?
have a boat? no :P my dad has :P
care abotu people? yea.

your best friend? I have many of them.
what are your other friends names? dun tell
who's been there the longest? Terhi.
whos' the oldest? dunno.
how old are they? :P
how old are the rest? :P
who's smartest? Terhi :D
funniest? Suvi
dumbest? Too.
most trustworthy? Suvi
most loyal? Suvi
who do you go to all the time for advice? Suvi xD
to cry on their shoulder? Pillow. a band for ever letter of the alphabet..
A Aural Vampire
B Boys like Girls
C Cute is what we aim for
D Dasboard Confessional
E Eisley
F Funeral for a friend
G Good Charlotte
H Hurriganes
I Iio
J Jimmy eat world
K Kill Hannah
L Le Tigre
M My chemical Romance
N New Young pony club
O Oakenfold
Q ???
R Robyn
S Silverstein
T The Used
U Uffie
V Velvet
W Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart xD
X ???
Y Yellowcard
Z ???
did you do it? no :(
did you think of one for X? :(
did you get help? No :D

Word association
cold ice
rat cheese
rabbit carrot (am I hungry?)
remote tv
car wheels
road sand
rose roots
beautiful girl
rain rainbow
window glass
pain black
blood vampire ???wtf
blade emo
cigarette cancer
water sea
calm boring
tranquility ?
woods animals
brick thin
safe jail
tree leaves

First word that comes to mind that starts with...
A Alphabet
B Bonus
C Canine
D Dead
E Elephant
F Focus
G Giggle
H Handycap
I Illegal
J Joint
K Kilt
L Levitation
M Monarchy
N Naked
O Orgasm
P Porn (what am I thinking???!!!???)
Q Quote
R Racist
S Stubborn
T Talented
U Unusual
V Vital
W Worm
X xovirax
Y youthfulness
Z zeebra

Who comes to mind (use people you know) when you hear...
high Suvi
jail Pyry
cold Raisa
flower Jessica
cake Jenni
batter Suvi
baseball Jenni
ice cream Too
ball Me
foot Suvi and her long toes!!!
sidewalk Pyry
pole Jessica
smart Terhi
alaska Me
cigarette Jenni
party Suvi
Random Lee

did you liek this survey? 'k
was it too long? a bit.
are you stll bored? more i guess-
what\'s your favorite kind of shoe? sneakers but superstars and converses are COOL.
what's your favorite name to give a child? Caoilflhionn spelled as Keelin. Cute isn't it?
do you like music? love it, can't live without it.
was my quiz redundant? a bit.
do you have a livejournal? not anymore.
is that why you took this? no.
have youe ver kissed an animal? Nappe<3

The end
are you happy its the end? I AM.
why? It was so loooooooong.

PITÄÄ OLLA VAIKEA.Sunnuntai 04.05.2008 01:45

Name: Anything that begins with letter S and [killTHEkid]
Birthday: In April.
Birthplace: dun tell
Current Location: faaar away.
Eye Color: hard to say. Blue, maybe.
Hair Color: Let's not talk about that...
Height: Well, I'm taller than the shortest one and shorter than the tallest one. 'k I'm 5'5
Right Handed or Left Handed: have them both.
Your Heritage: pinky.<3
The Shoes You Wore Today: white GOLA with blue stripes.
Your Weakness: grlz with black duck-butt hair, bondage and cute-items.
Your Fears: mnz
Your Perfect Pizza: flavour of melted ice-cream, sunny days and strawberry-cider.
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: get a serious job.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: OMG. I really CAN see spirits.
Thoughts First Waking Up: WTF? Where am I? What's happening? oh. It's the alarm. ... I wanna die.
Your Best Physical Feature: My fangs. (Really. I've been told that one man went to sharpen his canines that they would look like mine... How weird is that???)
Your Bedtime: 9PM. SHARP.
Your Most Missed Memory: I've lost it.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
MacDonalds or Burger King: MD but it's always full, so I end up in BK.
Single or Group Dates: I am an iceberg.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: dun kr.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: no thnx.
Do you Smoke: nöy.
Do you Swear: rarely.
Do you Sing: Not really.
Do you Shower Daily: I'll try to.
Have you Been in Love: guess so.
Do you want to go to College: University would be nice.
Do you want to get Married: With a right person. yes. otherwise no.
Do you belive in yourself: Yes... or... do I?
Do you get Motion Sickness: No. I take pills.
Do you think you are Attractive: No.
Are you a Health Freak: otaku.
Do you get along with your Parents: Sometimes. Mostly I'm just too queer to understand anything and then they get pissed off from that.
Do you like Thunderstorms: 'k as long as I don't need to turn off my laptop.
Do you play an Instrument: I play my mouth.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Nöy. I ... think?
In the past month have you Smoked: Nöy.
In the past month have you been on Drugs: um... sorry about that...
In the past month have you gone on a Date: someone could have called it a date but I'm an iceberg.
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: sure.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: I don't think so.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: :( no, loved to.
In the past month have you been on Stage: on dancing stage!!!<3
In the past month have you been Dumped: njaa-a... I guess.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Hell no. x'D
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: hmmm. no.
Ever been Drunk: Sure not.
Ever been called a Tease: x'D lol.
Ever been Beaten up: yea. deserved it.
Ever Shoplifted: no.
How do you want to Die: Someone could blow me off. it would be cool.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a poly billionaire.
Is your name Kyle Asselin: Nou.
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Whatever as long as not brown. x'D or white. it looks disgusting.
Favourite Hair Color: Black with mint green.
Short or Long Hair: ummm. I like the both.? oO
Height: Maybe not under 4'5
Weight: does it really matter?
Best Clothing Style: Scene
Number of Drugs I have taken: don't be silly.
Number of CDs I own: ... 0? ...
Number of Piercings: Nun.
Number of Tattoos: Nun.
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Lol. xD
Do you prefer sleeping or eating? Sleeping is always nice.<3
When was the last time you took your younger sibling to the cinema? I think it was in december.
Who are you, and why? I'm me. And that's all because of my parents. Really we should keep a list who is allowed to breed.
Do you prefer Robot girls or Human girls? Haven't met any robot girls lately...
If someone stabbed you with a cigarette, what would you do? I would cut my wrists open and sing macarena. jeez... what do you think?
What colour hair do you wish you had? I like black but with red and white OR white and mint green OR white and ice blue OR mint green and pink OR white and peach. It's so hard to decide. :(
If someone holds a camera to your face, what do you do? I make my supercool *disappear*-efect.
What is your favourite fruit? Cherry. (And do NOT think it double minded!)<--- really... did I tell you not to?
What is your favourite colour? mint green
Juice or Alcohol? water.
What is your favourite kind of nut? ummm hazel is good. (I once had a teacher named as Hazel. She was nice<3)
What nationality is your cleaner? Jamaican.
Have you ever been to a Gay club? wanna quess? :D
Do you own a Jumpsuit? No. and I live in misery.
Do you ever refer to yourself in the third person? no
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like wrapping paper? -10

Sorry about my shitty english.<3 I found this a bit entertaining and I was too lazy to translate it in finnish soooooooou.

THE USEDLauantai 03.05.2008 15:39

I'm learning how to love,
I'm melting in your eyes,
I've lost my place could stay awhile,
and I'm melting...

Every second I'm without you,
I'm a mess.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 02.05.2008 19:16

Eilisilta klo n. 21.35

Mie olin koomassa ja pesin hampaita. :P
Koht Marie ryntää mein vessaan.
Mie: ?
Marie juoksee ympäri vessaa.
Mie: ???
"Mharhie? Hwhahth haar hyou dhoingh?" <--- suu täynnä hammastahnaa.
"I'm chasing spirits. I'm chasing spirits..."

Mie katoin sitä lasta vähän aikaa ja tulin siihen tulokseen et se käveli unissaa. xD Tökkäsin hammasharjan suuhun ja talutin sen takas omaa huoneeseesa.

Kävelin zombina takas vessaa, meinasin työntää hammastahnaa piilarikoteloo, kun piti laittaa puhdistusnestettä. Menin omaa huoneesee, yritin sulkee ikkunaa ja kaaduin. (Sängylle rähmälleni onneks.) Sit kömmin peiton alle ja huomasin et miul oli tuulipuvun housut jalas. x'D

Kuulostaa uskomattomalta mut tää on ihan totta. :P Mie kävin ihan liian myöhää nukkuu xD
Ja syy miks mie olin niin väsynyt oli:

Mie ja Marie mentii illal lenkille. No vähän yli kilsan ja puolentunnin piilosleikin jälkee Marie päätti et hää haluu kotii. Mie lähin sit kävelee kotii kohti ja koht se huutaa: "Eiei ku tätä kautta!"
"Mut se on pitempi reitti!"
"Kyl mie jaksan."

200m. myöhemmin.

"Suvi... can I go on your shoulders?"

Minuutti myöhemmin.
"Why you are not running? RUN!"
"I can't anymore..."

Päätelkää et mistä syystä mie vaan konttasin yläkertaa ja Marie oli täynnä energiaa ku päästii kotii?

Miun elämä on joskus niin vaikeeta.