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np. Busted - What i go to school for <3Sunnuntai 11.03.2007 00:57

Nää sanat on jotain niin huvittavaa. :DD

(Oh yeah yeah)

Her voice has echoed in my mind
I count the days till she is mine
I Can't tell my friends coz they will laugh
I love a member of the staff
And I fought my way to front of class
To get the best view of her ass
I dropped a pencil on the floor
She bends down and shows me more

That's what I go to school for
Even though it is a real bore
You can call me crazy
But I know that she craves me
That's what I go to school for
Even though it is a real bore
Girlfriends, I've had plenty
But none like Miss McKenzie
That's what I go to school for
That's what I go to school for

So she may be thirty-three
But that doesn't bother me
Her boyfriend's working out of town
I find a reason to go round
I climb a tree outside her home
To make sure that she's alone
I see her in her underwear
I can't help but stop and stare

(repeat chorus)

Everyone that you teach all day
But you're looking at me in a different way
I guess, that's why
My marks are getting so high
I can see those tell-tale signs
Telling me that I was on your mind
I can see that you wanted more
When you told me that I'm what you go to school for
I'm what you go to school for

She's packed her bag it's in the trunk
Looks like she picked herself a hunk
We dropped by school to say goodbye
My friends they can't believe their eyes

(repeat chorus)

Jamesin hiukset <3Sunnuntai 11.03.2007 00:42

"Which ugly person do you fancy?"
"If they looked ugly, i wouldn't fancy them"

naughty naughty James!

Oi, se on niin söpö kun se suuttuu niistä poliiseista! :D

"What's the real story behind James Bournes hair?"
"The real story is that it's not real, i can move it like this... without doing anything"

Ei oikeesti, hajosin pahasti tolle kohalle! :DD

"It was a nice hug"

Moonwalk JamesSunnuntai 11.03.2007 00:25

Tyhmä James. :D
Miksei se video toimi, missä James moonwalkaa pitempään kun pari sekuntia. ARGH!

LOLSunnuntai 11.03.2007 00:17

Naughty naughty boy!Sunnuntai 11.03.2007 00:12


Oikeesti, James on niin söpö tossa videossa. <3 Hieno imitaatio tolta juontajalta, en yhtään revenny tai mitää!

James BourneSunnuntai 11.03.2007 00:04

aww tota videota. Ihana. :D

np. Busted - What i go to school for <3Lauantai 10.03.2007 23:57

Ahaha! Tajusin äsken kattoo tarkemmin mitä toi James tossa yhessä vaiheessa tekee. Repesin oikeesti niin pahasti. Kunnon moonwalkit! Ärsyttää, kun yks video ei toimi, missä James vetää moonwalkia! :D On se vaan niin hyvä. <3
2.56--> Jamesin ihanat moonwalkit. Ollaanko kenties vähän ihania ja hyviä?? :D


nyt mä oikeesti hoin sitä Jamesia Lotta! :DD

np. Busted - Thunderbirds are go <3Lauantai 10.03.2007 23:47

Voi, musta tykätään taas. Sophie ja Lotta on yhessä mua vastaan. Toinen sanoo, että "McFly on ainut oikee" ja toinen "Pitää omistautua vaan yhdelle bändille"! :D Mä oon syrjitään täällä! Ja vaan sen takia, kun mainitsin parissa (okei okei, varmaan 20:ssä) merkinnässä Jamesin & Bustedin. :D Surullista.

Mut James vaan on niin <3. :D

np. Son of Dork - Eddie's song <3Lauantai 10.03.2007 20:54

Täähän on kans hyvää, tää Jamesin uuden bändin musiikki. Luultavasti johtuu siitä, että kaikki missä James on, on yksinkertasesti hyvää. :D