


I have one goal: Perfection.

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

karu totuus.Tiistai 03.07.2007 01:31

"monen kanssa ei voi seurustella yhtä aikaa,
koska silloin molempien sydän rikkoutuu niin,
ettei se enää tunne rakkautta..."
- mia 8v. -

ja sitten miten poika ajattelee:

"yksi tyttöystävä on parempi kuin kaksi,
tulee liian kalliiksi ostaa kahdet tivoliliput."
- benjamin 9v. -

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 02.07.2007 22:55

ainoa mikä on pysyvää on muutos.
ja yksi harvoista asioista, joita erika ei kestä on muutos.
tänään sen taas huomasin.
"se on erika sitten 112.."

jihaa..Keskiviikko 27.06.2007 02:09

nyt se sit ois vissiin ohi :DD

4,5 h ja Yyteriin <3 -->Perjantai 22.06.2007 06:27

mä pääsen pois täältä.
edes vähäks aikaa!


("but when I'm gone
the pieces of my heart
are missing you..")

"My marriage age is 26"Torstai 21.06.2007 20:02

Put an X in every box that applies to you

[x] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[] You own more than one credit card
[x] You know how to change the oil in a car
[x] You've done your own laundry
[] You vote in every election
[x]You can cook for yourself
[] You think politics are exciting


[] You show up for school/college/work every day early
[] You always carry a pen in your bag/purse
[] You've never gotten a detention
[] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[x} You like to take walks by yourself
[x] You've watched talk shows
[x] You know what 'credibility' means without looking it up
[x] You drink coffee at least once a week


[x] You know how to do the dishes ( put them in dish washer)
[x] You can count to 10 in another language
[x] When you say you're going to do something you do it
[x] Your parents trust you
[x] You can mow the lawn
[x] You can make adults laugh without being stupid
[x] You remember to water the plants
[x] You study when you have to
[x] You pay attention at school/college/work
[x] You remember to feed your pets


[x] You can spell 'experience' without looking it up
[] You work out on a regular basis
[x] You clean up your own mess
[] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine
[] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[x] You can type quickly


[x] You have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[x] You have been to a Tupperware party
[] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[x] You have more bills than you can pay
[] Most of all your friends are older than you are
[x] You can say no to staying out all night
[x] You use the internet most every day
[] Your wardrobe has changed a little or alot
[] You usually read a book and dont finish it


Add up all the x's and title subject with the sum as "My marriage age is __"

Ei kiire..mutta vähän kuitenkin :/
On tää lomailu niin mukavaa :/

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 19.06.2007 20:12

nää kylmät väreet ei vaan lopu :)
mä en muista koska mä olisin viimeks ollut
näin onnellinen jonkun toisen puolesta.
oikein itku tulee..

mut hyväksyttiin sisälle (:Maanantai 18.06.2007 22:16