


Mähä oon puoliks turha alkaa kyselee hei! :D
  • Kuvassa:
  • BaBy_D

    BaBy_DTää on sulle kulta koska oot aina mun vierellä<33 oot rakas<33

  • kiba-sama

    kiba-samaSun kans nong sao koska sanot et oon söpö :3 <3

  • kaunotar tää on sullekki <333
    Koska oot aina mun sydämmessä<33

  • If death comes for me tonight, boy
    I want you to know that I love you
    And no matter how tough I wouldn't dare

  • Only to you I would reveal my tears
    So tell the police I ain't home tonight
    Messin' around with you is gonna get me life

  • Oh when I look into your eyes
    Man, you're worth that sacrifice
    If this is the kind of love
    That my mom used to warn me about

  • Man, I'm in trouble
    I'm in real big trouble
    If this is the kind of love

  • Some One please Call 911...

    I Feel my body gettin' cold...

Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love<3

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