


Miljoonan kilsan tennarit

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my babyLauantai 15.11.2008 17:27

I just came by to let you know
I'll never ever let you go, oh my
Ooo-eee my love
And if you ever, ever stray
I know that that will be the day
That I die, oh my
Ooo-eee my love

I've been around the world a bit
But you're the best thing I've seen yet, oh my
Ooo-eee my love
And if you want to take me on
We might be at it until dawn, oh my
Ooo-eee my love

Hey baby
You see where I've been and you know where I'm going
Oh come on boy
My heart's on my sleeve and my love is showing

And if you stay around
I'm never ever gonna let you down, oh my, oh my
Ooo-eee my love

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