
hyi...jumalauta...mikä olo! :D Sunnuntai 22.03.2009 19:51

ah,ensipuraisu! <3Lauantai 21.03.2009 14:52

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 20.03.2009 14:21

juodakko vaiko eikö juoda...hmmm,ehkä huamenna vasta<3

huhhuh!!Lauantai 14.03.2009 11:30

jospa sitä tinais toisenki päivän <3

meheviä<3Tiistai 10.03.2009 23:41

"Mushroomhead - Sun Doesn't Rise"

Some kind of evidence
Some kind of reason
Why I can't find a way
To begin my life

Somewhere in this dying day
If I can only find a way for my escape
I find it hard to concentrate with all my past mistakes

To begin my life

I can't feel my faith can't recall my crime
I think I sealed my fate along the way I may have lost my mind
I guess we're all damaged in our own way
Alone in our own way
Distant headlights desolate highway

Sun doesn't rise at all
Who knows how far I'll fall
Sun doesn't rise at all
Who knows how far I'll fall

With eyes wide open
I can't recall my crime I think I sealed my fate
I can watch my world evolve
Alone in our own way, I think I sealed my fate
Nothing left to die for
I can't recall my crime I think I sealed my fate
Thoughts inside can make me crawl
Think I sealed my fate
Make me drop down on my knees
Break me down until I question me
Darkness can't destroy my drive

Sun doesn't rise at all
Who knows how far I'll fall
Sun doesn't rise at all
Welcome my downfall
Sun doesn't rise at all

Somewhere in this dying day as I plan my great escape
I find it hard to concentrate while you maintain to control
I fold and falter, empty alter, all I gave I pray it makes me whole
I think the brink's around the corner
There's an error in my soul

I can't feel my faith can't recall my crime
I think I sealed my fate along the way I may have lost my mind
I guess we're all damaged in our own way
Alone in our own way
Distant headlights desolate highway

Sun doesn't rise at all
Who knows how far I'll fall
Sun doesn't rise at all
Who knows how far I'll fall

I can't feel my faith
Can't recall my crime
Damaged in our own way
Alone in our own way
Desolate highway

Spineshank - Beginning of the end

The irritation we're
pretending not to show
Has replaced the motivation
That I had not long ago
I know that

I don't ever want to be the one
to make you forget it
to make you resent it
to make you repress it
I don't ever want to be

It's the beginning of the end
And I don't know where we lost control
It's the beginning of the end
And I know that I am all alone

Interrogation has
replaced the trust we had
Your misguided accusations
Helping me to turn my back
I know that

I don't ever want to be the one
to make you divide it
to make you deny it
to make you deprive it
I don't ever want to be

I thought that we would find our way
I thought our life would be ok
I thought that you believed in me
But now it seems so far away

The life we knew before is gone
There is no compromising
The life you save will be your own
To find your inner senses

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 09.03.2009 00:40

ääääää,aamulla töihin...vittuku ei jaksa/huvita yhtään!!! :( jaksais eres nukkua muttei sekää kiinnosta :D

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 02.03.2009 22:09

no nyt on kämpillä netti <3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 28.02.2009 15:32

taaaaaaaidampa riipaista kovan kännin tänään...ei oo oikee muutakaa :D

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 18.02.2009 19:59

tulipaha täälläki käytyä.ei oo nettiä viälä kämpillä,vituttaa xD vajaa viikko menny ihan hyvin,ei mtn suurempaa ongelmaa :D pitää käydä taas ku tuloo ihania laskuja x) saa kommentoira ;D

hah,joopa joo :DPerjantai 13.02.2009 14:03

Voisitko halata minua ystävänpäivänä?<3

Kopioi sitten päiväkirjaasi nii saat eräältä sinulle tärkeältä ihmiseltä
jotain ihanaa ystävän päivänä;)