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ku alotin lataamaan, siihen tuli et "98 tuntia ja 27 minuuttia jäljellä" ja halusin nähä, kui paljo se voi siit kasvaa. tota suuremmaks ei enää muuttunu.

Uniklubi ♥Torstai 30.09.2010 23:36

Uniklubi oli tänää hesan äxässä vetämässä akustisen levynjulkasukeikan.

menin sinne edeltä ja olin hesassa puolenpäivän aikaan. äxässä kattelin vähä huolestuneena ku missää ei ollu mainintaa uniklubista ja pelkäsin jo et oli väärä päivä tai et keikka oli peruttu. menin stockalle pyörimään ja ostin sims 3:een uuden lisäosan, baana auki :D

karkki tuli kahen maissa, mentiin yhessä takas ja kysyttii asiasta, helpotus tuli ku päivä oli oikee eikä mitää ollu peruttu. jäätiin äxään sit hengailemaan, tutkimaan levyjä ja poksuttelemaan kuplamuovia xD puol neljän aikaan uniklubi tuli lämmittelemään.

ne veti yhen biisin ja sit lähti taas :D vitsailtii et "tossa se keikka sit oli. takahuoneesta saa nimmareita."

no ei mitä :DD kirsi tuli paikalle siin viittä vaille neljä (lopultakin 8D) ja viiden minan päästä ne sit alotti ja veti tällasen listan (akustisesti siis):
  • Juhlahuone
  • Hopea
  • Kultakalat
  • Maailma puhaltaa
  • Aikasi on nyt

kuvasin kokonaa Hopean ja Aikasi on nyt'n, muista otin puolen minan - minan pätkät (:
Faceen menee kuvia, ehkä tänneki sit ku jaksan xD jos jaksan. profiilikuvan ainaki vaihan.

ja keikan jälkee nimmarit - vihkoon, levyyn, maijulle ja laukkuun. plus yhteiskuvat.

siistiä ♥

sen jälkee mentii sitte ulos ja nähtii rastapääkitaristi kävelevän metrin päässä meistä 8D yritettiin hiihtää sen viereen ja sanoa moi, mutta se hiihti liian kovaa :__D yhyy. noh, ens kerral sitte xD

#13Torstai 30.09.2010 22:47

DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.

DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

#12Keskiviikko 29.09.2010 14:11

DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.

DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

ylläri :--DTiistai 28.09.2010 20:04

"What do you do when you're very very VERY bored?"


jaylostprophets answered mel483, 4 minutes ago via Spring

#11Tiistai 28.09.2010 03:23

DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.

DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

ainiiMaanantai 27.09.2010 19:25

ehkä näytän täälläki tän vuoden koulukuvani jonka sain perjantaina

tähä mennes ehk parhaiten onnistunu kuva. en hymyile liikaa enkä näytä tyhmältä. loistavaa ♥

#10Maanantai 27.09.2010 19:18

DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your a family/best friend.

DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

#9Sunnuntai 26.09.2010 16:22

DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.

DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your a family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

#8Sunnuntai 26.09.2010 00:55

DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.

DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your a family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.