


Willie Nelson - You Were Always On My Mind

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Bret Michaels-All I Ever NeededMaanantai 12.10.2009 18:47

There you lay and here I stand
He knelt down on his knees and took her by the hand
We seen some good times been through some bad
But somewhere between the laughter and the tears
We sure had a lot of great years, she said

We didn't need fortune didn't need fame
Just a little shelter from the rain
Your hand to hold onto, when times got tough you pulled me through
We didn't need a castle made of stone
Just you there as I grow old
Your heart to hold onto
All I ever needed was you
Was you

Remember our first dance, our first kiss
I pictured my life with you to be just like this
You stood by me, I stand by you
We share the laughter joy and pain
But it's a moment like this I hope it never ends

We didn't need fortune didn't need fame
Just a little shelter from the rain
Your hand to hold onto, when times got tough you pulled me through
We didn't need a castle made of stone, just you there as I grow old
Your heart to hold onto,
All I ever needed was you
Share my life with you, girl

I thank you for sharing your life with me
For giving me a reason to believe
For loving me for who I am


You're all I ever needed

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