•Have you ever:
•1) Self harmed? Nopss
•2) Got into a real fight? Love peace
•3) Been too depressed to move out of your bed? more then enough times
•4) Tried to commit suicide? Hell noo
•5) Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt? all the time.
•6) Watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting? hahah yea
•7) Talked yourself out of serious trouble? yessss
•8) Accused someone of using you? yes
•9) Shoplifted? yes
•10) Gotten drunk/high? yerp :)
•11) Been to a concert where your favourite artist was playing? DUH :D
•12) Skipped doing homework to play a video game? Not me
Right now) Are you:
•13) Suicidal? nope :))
•14) Bored? eh
•15) Avoiding someone? naaa
•16) Avoiding some task? kinda
•17) Depressed? no
•18) Crying? nope
•19) Annoyed with a friend? a little
•20) Worried and confused about something important to you? Sometimes
•Do you:
•21) Get depressed easily? it depends but not really.
•22) Get jealous/envious easily? yeah
•23) Feel listening to music can take your mind off things? yes!
•24) Worry about messing about your relationships a lot? wut…
•25) Try hard in all your classes at school? Not really
•26) Go out drinking? when i can
•27) Smoke cigarettes? sometimes, not really.
•28) Smoke weed? noo
•29) Do any hard drugs? Noo.
•30) If you said yes to 28 but no to 29, Why? lolwut
•31) Believe in God/Belong to a religion of your own free will? HAIL SATAN 666! :D
•32) Avoid people you care about because you feel you will only hurt them? sometimes
•33) Agree that self harm numbs emotional pain? no.
•34) Believe people deserve second chances? depends, but usually yes
•35) Agree with ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’? hahahah what
•36) Think things will get better? they have :)
•37) Feel afraid that you have done wrong and will eventually be punished? maybe
•38) Do you judge people who think differently to you? (seriously, be honest) what do you mean?
•Preference in boyfriend/girlfriend:
•39) Long hair OR short hair? Boths...
•40) (For Girls one) nice smile OR nice abs? smile!
•41) (For Guys one) nice smile OR nice chest? Like i care
•42) Shy OR open? both :)
•43) Eyes OR body? eyes
•44) Religious OR non-religious? doesn’t matter !
•45) Caring OR non-restricting of you? caring <3
•46) Straight edge OR non-straight edge? doesn’t matter, but no heavy drugs…
•47) Piercings OR no piercings? prefer piercings but doesn’t matter
•48) Tattoos OR no tattoos? doesn’t really matter
•49) Quiet stay-at-home type OR party type? both!
•50) Has friends you get along with OR has parents you get along with? both!
•Would you:
•51) Drink alcohol until you were drunk? ahahahahaha yeah
•52) Smoke weed? not anymore
•53) Smoke cigarettes? Yupss
•54) Get even with someone who betrayed you? No hard feeling
•55) Forgive a boyfriend/girlfriend who deeply hurt you? Nooo
•56) Attempt to kill yourself if everything fails you? no.
•57) Keep your faith (any religious view) no matter what? i guess
•58) Join a band as a part time activity? nahhh
•59) Feel sorry for someone who is being affected negatively from alcohol/drug abuse? yeshhh
•60) Stand up for your beliefs if someone strongly goes against them? sure why not
•61) Go vegetarian for a month to see what is was like? i would die.
•62) Fight someone who was harassing your friends/family? Hellyea
•63) Edit photos of yourself before posting them online? not really, just boost the lighting so i don’t look orange XD
•64) Put up with friends who constantly hated against something you believed in/supported? maybe
•65) Be friends with someone who was nice to you, but a cunt to other people? what kind of question is this?
•66) Not like someone simply because your friend(s) didn’t like them? i would like them anyways
•67) Lie to someone close to you because you don’t want them put up with your problems? noooo
•68) Starve yourself so you fit some certain clothes? nada
•69) Get surgery on any part of you? hell no
•70) Sleep naked? Non of yor business... :-D
•You can only choose one:
•71) Black or Orange? black
•72) Metalcore OR Post-Hardcore? i dont care what it says, both! :))
•73) Cellphone or Computer? cellphone!
•74) Chocolate milk OR Coke? coke
•75) Tumblr OR Friends? friends
•76) Apple OR PC? apple <3
•77) TV Shows OR Movies? hmmmm, movies
•78) Old bands OR new Bands? depends
•79) Pop-Punk OR Alternative Rock? Anythng
•80) Reading OR Listening to music? music
•81) Coke OR Pepsi? Define your reason for your choice. COKE ALL THE WAY! :D
•82) Staying who you are OR changing yourself drastically? stay myself
•83) Breakdown OR Clean vocal bridge? huh
•84) Jonny Craig OR Kellin Quinn? KELLIN <3
•85) Ronnie OR Craig? who da hell
•86) Your life as a comedy OR Your life as a documentary? comedy i guess
•87) Go to outer space OR Go all around Europe? europe
•88) Shoes OR Shirts? shirts
•89) Chelsea Grin OR Suicide Silence? chelsea grin <3
•90) Drop out of school to get a job OR stay at school and finish your education. Define your reason for your choice. school and finish my education cause its easier to get a job that way
•Almost over:
•91) So far have you told 90 truths? And for fuck sake be honest. yes
•92) Are you quiet about your social life with your family? Sometimes
•93) Do you want to travel when you are older? yes
•94) Would you let go of people who mean the most to you to follow your dreams? no
•95) Did you notice there are no sex related questions? yeah
•96) Rather be the opposite gender? hahah only when i have to go to the bathroom in public and when happy week comes
•97) What will you name your son/daughter? i have no fucking clue
•98) Do you get harassed more than most people do? not really
•99) What band do you hate the most? one direction.
•100) What makes you a bad person in your eyes? huh ._.