
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 28.11.2008 01:55

I won't look inside no more
I wont wait for comfort signs
I wont listen for the call
I know the answer is too clear

Honest fears
honest doubts
but nothing ever changes

Its nice to talk
nice to smile
that will be the end of us

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 27.11.2008 22:30

Laita Tämä Päiväkirjaasi Jos rakastat jotain paljon.

it was a biggest mistake of my lifeTorstai 27.11.2008 19:11

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 27.11.2008 19:10

vittu galleria sekoilee lisäilee ihmisiä mun mustalle listalle jne :o

just justKeskiviikko 26.11.2008 16:10


Voimasi eivät riitä joka paikkaan vaan olet vaarassa sairastua. Kaikkea ei voi kahmia yhdellä kertaa, joten keskity parhaan saamiseen.

nimenomaan !! ;)Tiistai 25.11.2008 13:45


Et kestä hiljaiseloa ja kaipaat uusia tuulia. Ne eivät löydy kotinurkista, vaan sinun on lähdettävä täysin uuteen ympäristöön.

why does it hurt so much?Tiistai 25.11.2008 02:48

it just hurts so muchTiistai 25.11.2008 02:48

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 25.11.2008 01:59

Don't wanna leave it all behind,
But I get my hopes up and I watch them fall every time
Another color turns to grey, and it's just so hard to watch it all slowly fade away
I'm leaving today, cause I gotta do what's best for me

I know you like no one else could know you ever
You're number one, always in my heart
And now I can't believe that our love is torn apart

I just thought we were meant to be
I guess now, we'll never know
The only thing I want is for you to be happy
Whether it be with me, or without me
I just want you to be happy