
Grrrr<33Sunnuntai 30.11.2008 00:12

tampere<3Sunnuntai 30.11.2008 00:10

grrrrr<3 namm<3Sunnuntai 30.11.2008 00:09

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.11.2008 00:58

jee huomenna shoppailee koooooko päiväks;) jeiijjj

aawwwww....Lauantai 29.11.2008 00:57

Tampereella :P nammmmm :P<33Lauantai 29.11.2008 00:55

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 28.11.2008 01:55

I won't look inside no more
I wont wait for comfort signs
I wont listen for the call
I know the answer is too clear

Honest fears
honest doubts
but nothing ever changes

Its nice to talk
nice to smile
that will be the end of us