
miss...Torstai 16.07.2009 05:22

no jes :DTiistai 14.07.2009 16:26

Hoivaviettisi on selkeästi korkealla. Kesä on painanut sinussa esiin ihmisen, joka haluaa olla muille hyvä ja kannustava persoona.

no ehi huomen lepikällleeeeeeeMaanantai 13.07.2009 20:35

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 13.07.2009 20:31

I feel so untouched
And I want you so much
That I just can't resist you
It's not enough to say that I miss you
I feel so untouched right now
Need you so much somehow
I can't forget you
I'm going crazy from the moment I met you

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 13.07.2009 14:45

If you leave me you'll make me cry
When I think of you saying good bye
Oh the sky turns to a deeper blue
That's - that's how I'd feel if I lost you

tänäääänn mikkeliiiinnnnnPerjantai 10.07.2009 19:35