

- Vanhemmat »

parasta<3Sunnuntai 24.12.2006 01:54

jes huomen saan kinkkuu!!

Joulukinkku <3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 23.12.2006 13:16

Klikkaa kymmenen satunnaista galleristia ja laita niiden oletuksen kuvatekstit numeroiduille paikoille klikkailu järjestyksessä heittomerkkien väliin.

1. Heräsin tänään aamulla ja totesin: "omm;p-uma:lle<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 "

2. Toistelin: " liian väsyny "

3. Sanoin luokkatoverilleni:" Khyyl. "Aziz, light!"...."Too much light, Aziz."

4. Sitten piti tehdä: "Tanhutyttö"

5. Joka kerta kun oon kännissä sanon: "Uskallatko tulla lähemmäs?"

6. Vaihdan ehkä oletuskuvani tekstiksi: "Minä.. hyi.. "

7. Oon saletisti: "Pariisi, rakkauden kaupunki."

8. Kiljasin eilen kaupungilla: "because we believe"

9. Ensivuoden tuleva mottoni on: "Kesä 05.. "

10. Viimeiset sanani tulevat olemaan: "Mitenhän tää lähtee käyntiin?"

<3Maanantai 04.12.2006 23:35

Found myself today
Oh I found myself and ran
Something pulled me back
The voice of reason I forgot
I had
All I know is just you're
not here to say
What you always used to say
But it's written in the sky

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life
turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the
dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me

Seen that ray of light
And it's shining on my
Shining all the time
And I wont be afraid
To follow everywhere it's
taking me
All I know is yesterday is
And right now I belong
Took this moment to my

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life
turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the
dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me

It doesn't matter what
people say
And it doesn't matter how
long it takes
Believe in yourself and
you'll fly high
And it only matters how true
you are
Be true to yourself and
follow your heart

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life
turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the
dark I'll still believe
That I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life
turns around
And I will be strong
Even when it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the
dark I'll still believe
That someone's watching over
Someone's watching over me ♥
- Vanhemmat »