
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

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finnbertit tänneMaanantai 03.05.2010 02:08

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 28.04.2010 16:03

Day 01 - Your favourite song
Day 02 - A song that makes you happy
Day 03 - A song that makes you sad
Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 05 - A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 07 - A song that you know all the words to
Day 08 - A song that you can dance to
Day 09 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 10 - A song from your favorite band
Day 11 - A song from a band you hate
Day 12 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 13 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 14 - A song that describes you
Day 15 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 16 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 17 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 18 - A song from your favorite album
Day 19 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re angry
Day 20 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re happy
Day 21 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re sad
Day 22 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 24 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 25 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 26 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 27 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 28 - A song from your childhood
Day 29 - Your favorite song at this time last year

the giant leap-best time of ur life / war of love <suru>

...Tiistai 27.04.2010 15:45

Day 01 - Your favourite song
Day 02 - A song that makes you happy
Day 03 - A song that makes you sad
Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 05 - A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 07 - A song that you know all the words to
Day 08 - A song that you can dance to
Day 09 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 10 - A song from your favorite band
Day 11 - A song from a band you hate
Day 12 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 13 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 14 - A song that describes you
Day 15 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 16 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 17 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 18 - A song from your favorite album
Day 19 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re angry
Day 20 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re happy
Day 21 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re sad
Day 22 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 24 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 25 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 26 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 27 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 28 - A song from your childhood
Day 29 - Your favorite song at this time last year

hugs?Tiistai 27.04.2010 03:38

Sano JOO, jos voisit halata minua,
ja kopio tämä sen jälkeen omaan blogiisi.
Näet ketkä olisivat valmiita halaamaan sinua !

uuuuujea <3Maanantai 26.04.2010 18:54

randomiiMaanantai 26.04.2010 14:49

Day 01 - Your favourite song
Day 02 - A song that makes you happy
Day 03 - A song that makes you sad
Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 05 - A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 07 - A song that you know all the words to
Day 08 - A song that you can dance to
Day 09 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 10 - A song from your favorite band
Day 11 - A song from a band you hate
Day 12 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 13 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 14 - A song that describes you
Day 15 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 16 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 17 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 18 - A song from your favorite album
Day 19 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re angry
Day 20 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re happy
Day 21 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re sad
Day 22 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 24 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 25 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 26 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 27 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 28 - A song from your childhood
Day 29 - Your favorite song at this time last year

THE GIANT LEAP-BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE (tosin näit lemppareita riittäs)

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 08.04.2010 19:32

oɹd uo ɐʞnʞ tiedät uııu 'blogiisi ɐɯɐʇ ıoıdoʞ uɐɯɐʇ uɐɐɯǝʞnl ʎʎʇsʎd ɐʞʇoɾ ɐʇsııu ısʞʎ ʇǝlo soj

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 06.04.2010 19:15

1.Avaa musiikki ohjelmasi.
2. Laita random päälle.
3. Kirjoita 25 ensimmäistä randomilla tullutta, vaikka ne olisivat kuinka noloja.
4. Kirjoita lyhyesti joitakin muistoja/ajatuksia jokaisen biisin alle.
1. keep the faith-special denpä oo pahemmin kuunnellu joten en sano mitään
2. brush ur teeth-raffihauska lastenlaulu
3. beautiful goodbye the giant leap @ apollo live club 4.3joo nää on näit mun omii nauhotuksii mut oli parhaa julkkarit ikinä and now - technicolourei mitää erityisii muistoi
5.Gots To Get Her (Inspired By Puttin On The Ritz)-blake lewis
no ihan mukava piisi vaik on jääny vähemmälle kuuntelulle
6. kuolema tekee taiteilijan-nightwish
eipä juuri mitään kommentoitavaa ei oo tullu kuunneltuu oikee
7. everyday-the rasmusihan ok
8. everytime i hear ur name-cascadatanssittava piisi
9. any other day-bon jovibon jovi rules
10. the final cut-a-teensihan kivaa poppii
11. damned-bon jovienpä osaa sanoo mitää
12.kesäkaverit-pmmpkaverit on tärkeitä
13. sleepwalker-adam lamberthyvä piisi ja saa hyvälle tuulelle minute more-måns zelmerlöwyks minuutti lisää olis kyl iha jees ;D
15. come with me-special dnoni ihan okei djpiisi
16. a loaded smile-adam lambertnoni hymyä ihmiset ;Dladatkaa sitä
17. love me for me - ashlee simpsonjoskus olin faniki mut nyt on jääny...mut rakastakaa minua minuna vai miten toi suomennetaan oikein
18. burning for love-bon jovijoo kyl se rakkaus polttaa
19. perfect girl-tiktakei erityisii muistoi mut tuli kuunneltua tiktakkii ku ne alotti
20. Lady Marmelade-pink,lil'kim,xtina&myaennyt erityisemmin pidä mut taitavii laulajii kaikki
21.naked-jon bon jovienpä osaa kommentoida
22. runaway-cascadajos haluu tehä naapurit hulluiks täl onnistuu XD
23. next to you-darudesheik ur asses....
24. come with me technicolourenpä juuri oo kuunnellu of our own-westlifeno tää tuo 2005 keikan mieleen

hyvää pääsiäistäTorstai 01.04.2010 21:13


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 29.03.2010 02:27

Ekan kerran kun juttelin sinulle. - Ihastuin.
Ekan kerran kun satutit minua. - Ihastuin enemmän.
Ekan kerran kun tajusin tykkääväni tosissani. - Rakastuin.
Ekan kerran kun katsoin silmiisi. - Hukuin.
Ekan kerran kun lähdit. - Jäin kaipaamaan.
Ekan kerran kun kosketin sinua. - Halusin olla siinä aina.
Ekan kerran kun ajattelin sinua. - Jäit mieleeni.
Ekan kerran kun jäit mieleeni. - Huomasin että olet siellä aina.
Jos ajattelit vain yhtä henkilöä tässä tekstissä, lisää tämä päiväkirjaasi.