
HIMOSMÖKKI KUTSUU !Perjantai 16.10.2009 19:31

Kolmelta ois pitäny olla jo himoksessa mutta ohhoh, aikataulu venähti taas vähäse.. :)
Koht lähtee nää ylimääräset paskiaiset täältä vittuun ja sit Marin kaa Himokseen vetään vähä keittoo !

Kyllä mä taas sanon...Tiistai 06.10.2009 17:21

En pidä sitten laisinkaan uudesta galleriasta.
Mikä ihmeen blogi? Mitä vikaa päiväkirjassa oli.
Muutenkin sekavaks menny, liian samanlainen ku
Boksi on vituillaan ja niin.
Aivan sama.

ASENNETTA SAATANA !Tiistai 06.10.2009 17:20

Missä se on ?
Kyllä taas sai kuulla että mitä vittua on tullu tehtyä viikonloppuna. :)
...nii että siellä on saatana pakkastaki jo !

Kapasiteettiyksikkö - Mita tanaanTiistai 29.09.2009 01:09

Tässä päiväs ei voi muuta ku kasvaa
Istutaan alas vaan
Ajat muuttuu. Tää päivä
on sun. Sun päivä
Pitkin omii polkui tänne jo päästiin
Tänne jo päästiin!
Ajat muuttuu. Tää päivä
on sun. Sun päivä

Mitä vittua oikeesti.Maanantai 21.09.2009 18:07

Timo soittaa ja hehkuttaa kuinka Tutta on ihana ja sit "joo ei sussakaan mitään vikaa ollu muuta ku sun juominen."
Sillai... O_o?

Lord Est - Sun vieres on lämminSunnuntai 20.09.2009 00:05

No joha ny on vittu..Lauantai 19.09.2009 12:33

..Tämä neiti on eilen viinahuuruissaan tilannu galleriaan vipinki.. ahhhhahhahah.

Ja on sitä vissii purjoiltuki eilen, mut nyt, darraruokaa ja tupakkia <3

Cheating death, Stealing lifePerjantai 18.09.2009 17:48

"It is said the true meansure of a man can be determined not by how many times he falls down, but how many times he picks himself back up. Eddie Guerrero's life is a celebratio of just that. It's a story about inspiration, about a man who succeeded in times when countless others would have failed. His strong family roots coupled with his faith in God dave him the power to rise above asversity and help those around him when they themselves were in need. This made Eddie a World Champion both in and out of the ring.
Eddie was unwaverig in his determination to succeed in the bussines he loved with all his heart. He looked forward to the challenge of creatig his own identity and taking the famed Guerrero name into the twenty-first century while paying homage to the family members who paved the way for him. He was the consummate performer and loved being in front of yhe fans. Every move he made had a purpose, everythig he did had meaning. From the moment he walked trough the curtain, he had you on the edge of your seat. Nothing was ever wasted or taken for granted. It's rare that someone so humble has such a profound effect on the lives of people who were privilegend enough to be around him. Eddie's influence on the professional wrestling business will be felt for generations to come as he will be immediately regarded as one of the squared circle's greatest competitors. To quote his older brother Mando, "Eddie was born to wrestle."
God bless you, Eddie, for you'll ever know how deeply you touched us all. You'll be in our hearts and mind forever. Watch over us. Viva La Raza!"

- Vince McMahon
Apua ;)