
[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.04.2008 22:03

Du sku int säga sådär, om du sku int känna mej.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 30.03.2008 20:09

Ai ei ollu?

Eei ollu.

"Wuuoo wuuoo wuuoo wuuoo"

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.03.2008 00:55 <---- Uuuaaaahhhhh
"Make some noice!!!"

Simple Plan !!Perjantai 28.03.2008 10:55


"this song goes to all hjyvän näköisiä tyttoja"

Uuuh ja nimmariii !!


TODAY! TODAY! TODAY! TODAY! TODAY!Torstai 27.03.2008 12:30

Simple Plan !!!

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 25.03.2008 23:42

Vittus gris. Du e en stor o fet gris.

Du e int normal.


Du e så vacker.

Ja kan int umgås me dej. Du e för vacker.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 23.03.2008 22:48

Tie me up with sheets, and hang me from your tree
I'll stay out here all night, it doesn't even matter
As long as I can see, into your room and feel
Like I'm inside your life,
I'll follow you forever
She, watching the sky burn oh how it burns
Run for the skylines run for the skylines darling
Follow the light of the moon just stay alive

Forgive me
For tomorrow
If I'm late
I'll died before I wake

Cut threw the limbs
Stab threw the enemies eyes
Any last man will die.

What's left for you
You wanted life
I showed you love
Conserve protect your life

Your life is my well being
And if lay in shadows then so be it
But left it be known that this soldier will not rest a day

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 12.03.2008 10:37

Nu e ja int 16 mer ^^