
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

rakastan sinua antti :>Lauantai 10.11.2007 00:18

No this feelin' doesn't end
It's with me everywhere I am
Hope it never goes away
It's like defying gravity
I'm losing all control in bein' free
And I always wanna stay

I never thought that I'd let go long enough
To fall for someone deeply
Who had the power to erase my fears
And find me so completely

I get lost inside your stare
Lost when you're not there
And everything I have
Doesn't mean a thing if it's without you
If it's a dream
Don't wake me up
I'll scream if this isn't love
If bein' lost means never knowin' how it feels without you
I wanna stay lost..

Don't tell me where we're goin'
I don't wanna know
I like the mystery
I can't believe we've come this far
So far away from where we started off
You found me when I wasn't lookin'
You found me..

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