" They communicate without words. words are unrelevant when everything is clear even tho they are too shy to admit it. They just throw a key into the world and wait which one will unlock them "
^ as multicultural bitch as I am I wrote this in English like a boss cos it's way more cooler! ^
MUTTAAA srsly just make out already! toi Adamin tapitus so full of love. Mä meinasin pitkään etten linkkaa tätä tänne, koska no. what's has been said in tumblr, stays in tumblr. mut pakko koska tää on joku kaunein giffi koskaan. Mutta anteeksi meen itkee nyt johonkin nurkkaan... forever :'''/
Toivon ettei tämänkaltainen postaus toistu. toivon oikeasti. Now you know what goes through my head day and night. mutta <3 okei ehkä mä meen vain nukkumaan