


Frans Kaira

John Frusciante - CentralTorstai 09.04.2009 00:05

Staind - Tangled Up In YouKeskiviikko 17.12.2008 02:11

Take a note!Tiistai 11.11.2008 01:05

Kaiken kokeellistamisen, loogisen ja teoreettisen toiminnan tutkia sekä uutteraan puurastuksen harras mahtipontinen taitaja uskomaton ajattelia humaanitieteiden tohtori Lime D' arc on vihdoinkin julkaissut tähänastisen elämänsä suurimman tutkimuksen tuloksen!


(Tutkimistulokset perustuvat pitkäaikaisesti lähipiiriin kuuluvien ja kuuluneiden ihmisten toiminnan muutoksiin sosiaalisissa tilantteissa ja jokapäiväisissä elämän askareissa)

Tarkempia yksityiskohtia tutkimuksista ei ole eikä tule olemaan saatavilla.

Smile from the streets you holdTiistai 04.11.2008 05:42

It's been so long
Since I've felt the heat of the sun on my paw,
You're the one who knows me best
Cuz you think that your flirt intends
You're a smile from the streets
You hold my heart in my hands while I'm beat.
Oh, you're always on the decline
You take another sip of wine -
A toast to us.
You're the one with the stars.
You help the sand for the one that you are
That you... that you...

You're the one in the sky,
Where'd you go?
You know you're where the planets grow
You're in the sun .....

Oldschool!!Tiistai 04.11.2008 05:12

And you will know us by the trail of death - Will you smile again

Melting.Perjantai 19.09.2008 04:58

Ahf... Taas alkaa tuntua siltä etten jaksais enään kauheesti. Lähdin aamulla kotoo 5.30 ja oon vieläkin töissä. Nyt on siis hetken verran pausee ja oon toimistolla koneella eikä mulla ole mitään muutakaan tekemistä kun kirjoittaa tänne. Eniten tässä ahdistaa se että vielä menee muutama tunti että ollaan valmiita. Sen jälkeen putoon tohon sohvalle ja lähden aamulla joskus 7 aikaan seuraavalle työmaalle. No pientä lisäystä harmitukseen tuo se että siellä meneekin sitten lauantain puolelle. Tällä en kuitenkaan pyri saamaan keneltäkään empatioita tai sympatioita, (olettaen että noin voi sanoo) mutta oli mukava avautua. Katsellaan tilipäivänä! Tai siis no... oon vissiin sillonkin töissä.


Better than.Torstai 18.09.2008 16:55

Oh, sick and tired of beeing sick-a-sick and tired, so better take my concrete burned ass and fall into my deranged dreams..
...thats how it goes.
For changing lines
I've got no time tonight
In these times the wind surpasses the tide
when the wake ups hard to find
dreams make up for your life
This crazy shine it never lets you die
Going up
We become what we want
Again the moon rises up too high
And we don't need the sky
Wonder what it is that makes the world turn slower
wonder what it is that makes me feel so mad
everyone that talks to me I so wish wouldn't
I wouldn't even care exept I feel so bad
why is there noone in my life
there's no time tonight
there's no room to see wide
There's no time tonight

-My man JF.

Kirjoituksiin kertaamistaMaanantai 10.03.2008 00:47


QuixoticelixerMaanantai 03.12.2007 14:29

Kick back a little bit just to watch and see
Getting sicker by the minute with debauchery
Whatever your pleasure I'm your punk
Gonna bring the second bait that's not yet sunk
How I listen below when you told me
That I was all you had to hold
I wish you were sober when you told me
That you were solid gold
Gravity-free is she, look at her
Hottest on the map she's full of anti-matter
You never look at very mellow impressions
Smell you with your going to hell expression
Quixoticelixer might
But it will probably not fix your bite
Tell me now, tell me how
Did I your lipstick on my kite

I love this weather
It's the perfect storm
Just keep it coming
In its perfect form
I love this weather
'Cause it keeps me warm
Just keep it coming
In its perfect form

Everyday depression in a beautiful dress
Lady made a beautiful mess I guess
Dedicated mind did a medicated state
Is a highly overrated fate
Terra-bulb is a soul
When she told me there is such a thing
Did you know that you glow when you go
From winter to the spring

I love this weather
It's a perfect storm
Just keep it coming
In its perfect form
I love this weather
'Cause it keeps me warm
Just keep it coming
In its perfect form

The madder the boy, the sadder the song
That's a wicked fate but the sick gets strong
Mad boy, sad song
A wicked fate, but the sick gets strong
Nobody's right and everyone's wrong
I refuse to punt on fourth and long
Mad boy, sad song
Wicked fate but the sick gets...

Kick back a little bit just to watch and see
Getting sicker by the minute with debauchery
Whatever your pleasure I'm your punk
Gonna bring the second bait that's not yet sunk
How I listen below when you told me
That I was all you had to hold
I wish you were sober when you told me
That you were solid gold

I swear to god I could not hurt you
I've got to be inside your virtue
I can't contain my urge to search you
I stand before you there's no curfew
I long to be inside your virtue
My heart is swollen when I search you
I swear to god I could not hurt you
My heart is swollen when I search you
I swear to god I could not hurt you
I swear to god I could not hurt you
I've got to be inside your virtue
I can't contain my urge to search you