


Danke Schön 20/6/2010, 25/11/2011 und 15/2/2012

:(Sunnuntai 19.09.2010 02:50

Haha!Perjantai 17.09.2010 02:50

Nyt vihdoinki... 4 vuoden odotuksen jälkeen oon Converse All Stars kenkien omistaja =)))))) Kiitos kuuluu Janinalle ja tämän isälle! Sopivat täydellisesti jalkaan =)

Vkloppu pelastettu. Rammstein LIFAD huppari venaa postissa ja silleen :DDDD

UGH!Maanantai 13.09.2010 19:44

Auto olis niin vitun kova sana ettei mitään järkee. Prkl!

Kamat kasaan ja menoks!

We are but falling leavesPerjantai 10.09.2010 02:31

Think of your lifetime as one day
It's fading away
The shadows are growing long
Think of existence as a flame, and death as rain
Storm clouds - there right along
At life's eve our flames will cease
Eternally, unavoidably
Eventually all paths will lead
To the cemetery

We are but falling leaves in the air hovering down
Unaware we are spinning around
Scattered fragments of time
Like blink of an eye we are
That's all we are

Think of your lifetime as one year
Look autumn is here
Getting colder, the winter's impending
Your conclusion's drawing near-certain, austere
Yes, only the circles unending

At life's eve our flames will cease
Eternally, unavoidably
Eventually, all paths will lead to the cemetery
To the prior deceased

We are but falling leaves in the air hovering down
Unaware we are spinning around
Scattered fragments of time
Like blink of an eye we are
That's all we are

Just when we realize that we are alive, we die


Everything is nothing to me, I couldn't care less
A stern cold man is what I am, hard, relentless
And thought I might have strayed the path I wouldn't change a thing
I've hated life to the fullest yet with longing deep within

For my name is sorrow and I'm a friend of misery
I deprived myself of love for eternal agony
And I don't even dare to try - I know I can only lose
Between this life I live and nothing I have to choose

Take me home... the one I belong

I'll see you all go down and witness your demise
I'll be the last to close, the last to close my eyes
And forgive me nothing for I truly meant it all
- what I've said, what I've done

The Kiss of Death... That's all I needTorstai 09.09.2010 20:29

Vitut tästä. Kaikki kusi lopullisesti tänään sitten.

UGH. Maksimaalisenmultivitutuksenmultihuipennus atm.

Näin meillä....Tiistai 07.09.2010 02:42

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jurpu sanoo (23:39):

Herätti hyviä muistoja :''''''''D Rikusta tehdään viel malli <84375845

Onko terveellistä alkaa lukee Regeniä kuudetta kertaa?

As I see, no.
Bileet anyone?

Lul.Lauantai 28.08.2010 23:28

Aloin miettiin Australian huippumälli haussa kisaa niin siel oli tyttö jonka nimi oli Alamela..... Interesting....

PrklLauantai 28.08.2010 19:47

Vittu jos ihminen hajoilee jo yhden vitun äikän kurssin takia niin mikä on todennäköisyys et selviän ilman lääkkeitä koko paskan läpi? -.-''


Ja enkun aine oli sentään piece of cake. Siihen ei paljoa vaadittu.