


ANAL THUNDER - DRINK MYSELF TO DEATH <3Torstai 03.04.2008 18:43

Next time I fall down I wonÂ’t rise.
I lay down and die, I close my eyes.
‘Cause there’s nothing left for me except these hurting feet, this hurting head.
Kick my ribs I donÂ’t care... I just donÂ’t care!
Like Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas,
but thereÂ’s no Elisabeth Shue and all that cash.

It might seem fun to you, but NO.
IÂ’m fucking fed up with this show.
IÂ’ve gone too far.
I just canÂ’t stop...until I drop
IÂ’m gonna drink myself to death.
Smell the whiskey in my last breath

Next time I fall down I wonÂ’t rise.
Next time I fall down I wonÂ’t rise.
Next time I fall down I wonÂ’t rise.
Next time I fall down I wonÂ’t rise.

IÂ’m gonna drink myself to death.
Smell the whiskey in my last breath

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