
Fearless !!!!Perjantai 06.07.2007 03:40

It used to be - I believed - everything
You said was real - I've had enough - I called your bluff
now I can see your hoves and horns
and now I'm getting out - ain't gonna hang around
long enough - for it to hit the ground
the same old lines - for which I fell
for every single lie you tell

Now you see - the hold on me
You had it's gone, gone, gone, gone

Doesn't matter what you say - I'm fearless
Doesn't matter what you think - I couldn't care less
Doesn't matter if you stay - doesn't matter if you go
Don't give a damn no more - no

Doesn't matter what you do - you're not perfect
Doesn't matter what you gain - it's not worth it
it's not worth it - it's not worth it
don't give a damn - cause I'm fearless

I used to think - without you here - what could I do
You got me scared - you kept me down - while you played around
I was lost a while but now I've found - myself again
I've seen the light - I can't pretend
I'm not here to fight - if you look again - into my eyes
You will see that there's a different light

At last you see - the hold on me......

Doesn't matter what you say - I'm fearless
Doesn't matter what you think - I couldn't care less
Doesn't matter if you stay - doesn't matter if you go
Don't give a damn no more - no

Doesn't matter what you do - you're not perfect
Doesn't matter what you gain - it's not worth it
it's not worth it - it's not worth it
don't give a damn - cause I'm fearless

I'm barely hanging on - but not afraid of falling
not afraid of what will happen to me - to me
and for the first time in my life I hear it calling
(my) future calls for me

-Hanna Pakarinen

Amy Winehouse <3 Sunnuntai 01.07.2007 21:13

All I can ever be to you is a darkness that we knew
And this regret I got accustomed to
Once it was so right
When we were at our height
Waiting for you in the hotel at night
I knew I hadn't met my match
But every moment we could snatch
I don't know why I got so attached
It's my responsibility
You don't owe nothing to me
But to walk away I have no capacity

He walks away the sun goes down
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way
In this blue shade
My tears dry on their own

I don't understand
Why do I stress the man?
When there's so many real things at hand
We could've never had it all
We had to hit a wall
So this is inevitable withdrawal
Even a bust up one of you
and perspective pushes through
I'll be some next man's other woman soon
I cannot play my self again
Should just be my own best friend.
Not fuck my self in the head with stupid men

So we are history,
Your shadow covers me
The sky above ablaze


I wish I could sing no regrets
And no emotional debt
Cause as we kissed goodbye the sun sets
So we are history
A shadow covers me
The sky above ablaze
That only lovers see

He walks away the sun goes down
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way
My blue shade
My tears dry on their own

He walks away the sun goes down
He takes the day but I am grown
And in your way
My deep shade
My tears dry on their own

He walks away the sun goes down
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way
My deep shade
My tears dry

So sick...Lauantai 30.06.2007 05:18

And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?

LOLSunnuntai 25.03.2007 20:55

Piia: Eksie tosiaankaa voi juoda sitä muumilimua pullosta?
Anne: En, pitää olla porvari ja juoda lasista.

...ja anne kaatoi limukkaa Golden cap- siiderilasiin

Merry X-mas...Sunnuntai 24.12.2006 11:28

Joulu muka taas...ensinnäkin inhoan sattuneesta syystä joulua . Ihme kyllä nyt on ihan hyvä fiilis ku eilen tulin äitin luo joulun viettoon. Mun unirytmi on ihan outo nykyään...meen aikasin nukkumaan ja herään ihan helvetin aikasin. Tänäänki heräsin aikasin ja kun äitini on yrittäjä nii kauppa on tietty auki nii mä siivosin sen ennen ku avattiin. Että töitä tässä vielä on tehty mut pitäähän sitä auttaa :). Odotan vaan tapaninpäivää ku lähetää juhlimaan ja dokaamaan ja kattomaan helvetin kovan Bleakin keikkaa :). mutta nyt pitää lopettaa kun menen paketoimaan jotain lahjoja....

Baari-ilta takana....Keskiviikko 06.12.2006 08:27

pitkästä aikaa juttua tänne..hieman humalassa..oli ihan jees iltal..baarissa tietty tuli oltua..onneks tuli syötyä nii ei oo huomenna hirvee krapula. TOIVOTTAVASTI. I can`t speak finnish anymore so I continue in english. Oh well i`m so drunk and i`m tired. My friend are speaking about evanescence and their new record. I haven`t heard it but maybe I will hear. But I don`t have energy to write anymore.Perhaps I should to find some more time to write diary so maybe I will continue later.


Mikä ääni!Torstai 17.08.2006 22:21

Oon sanaton, melkein. En oo ennen tykänny Christina Aguilerasta mut nyt ku oon alkanu kuuntelee nii oon alkanu tykkäämään. Mut nimenomaan siitä äänestä. Sellaista ääntä joka kattaa niin monta äänialaa on harvalla. Tänää aamulla katoin Christina Aguileran yhestä keikasta dvdn, my reflection,se on vuodelta 2000. Tää nainen oikeesti laulaa niin uskomattomasti livenä et iho oli varmaa sata kertaa kananlihalla. Oli kyl mukava aloittaa päivä tällä tavalla.

Huomenna on Lappi itsenäiseksi-mixtapen julkkarit. Siistiä. Tivoliin siis huomenna 18.8 klo 21 alkaen.

Huominen tulee olee kiireinen päivä. =)

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 17.08.2006 04:11

Oon jo parisen kuukautta miettiny, että miks ihmeessä asioiden pitää muuttua aina silloin kun sitä vähiten odottaa tai haluais. Jostakin tosi läheisestä ystävästä voi yhtäkkiä tulla hyvin etäinen. Yhtäkkiä joku jolle vielä vähän aikaa sitten kerroit kaikki huolet ja murheet on sellainen jolle ei halua kertoa mitään, koska hän ei kuuntele. Voiko ihmiset oikeesti muuttua tosta noin vaan ihan erilaiseksi kuin se johon silloin aluksi tutustui?Ihmissuhteet on näköjään jatkuvaa opettelua varsinki jos on tapahtunu isoja asioita näiden ihmisten elämässä. Ei voi olettaa että asiat menee samalla tavalla kuin ennen kun joku läheinen ihminen on ollu poissa kauan aikaa. Se on niin harmi. Hyvästelet läheisen ihmisen matkaan ja sitten kun se ihminen tulee pitkän ajan kuluttua takasin niin mikään ei enää toimi....Olenko minä muuttunu niin paljon vai olinko ottamassa vastaan ihan eri ihmistä kuin sitä joka tuli takaisin?

Britneytä xDSunnuntai 30.07.2006 15:19

"You should never try to change me,
I can be nobody else,
and I like the way I am.
What u see is what u get,
this is me, hey you,
if you want me don`t forget
You should take me as I am,
`cause I can promise you
that baby what u see is what u get."

Iha mielettömän hyvästä biisistä vaik onki Britneytä,.
Tää biisi on vaa nii hemmetin asiaa. What u see (is what u get).
Ihmiset pitäis hyväksyy sellasina ku ne on ja kaikki ei oo aina sitä miltä näyttää. On tyhmää yrittää muuttua jonku toisen ihmisen takii ja muokata ittestänsä sellanen mitä toiset odottaa. Pitäis vaan rohkeesti olla oma ittensä ja unohtaa muiden mielipiteet ja arvostelut. Kun ite hyväksyy ittensä sellasena ku on niin muutki oppii hyväksymään. Heh jotain viisasta piti tänne rustata. :D.

Destiny`s child- SurvivorSunnuntai 30.07.2006 03:49

Now that you are out of my life,
I'm so much better,
You thought that I'd be weak without ya,
But I'm stronger,
You thought that I'd be broke without ya,
But I'm richer,
You thought that I'd be sad without ya,
I laugh harder,
You thought I wouldn't grow without ya,
Now I'm wiser,
You thought that I'd be helpless without ya,
But I'm smarter,
You thought that I'd be stressed without ya,
But I'm chillin'
You thought I wouldn't sell without ya,
Sold nine million.

I'm a survivor (what),
I'm not gonna give up (what),
I'm not gon' stop (what),
I'm gonna work harder (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm gonna make it (what),
I will survive (what),
Keep on survivin' (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm not gonna give up (what),
I'm not gon' stop (what),
I'm gonna work harder (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm gonna make it (what),
I will survive (what),
Keep on survivin' (what).

(Verse 2)
Thought I couldn't breathe without you,
I'm inhalin'
You thought I couldn't see without you,
Perfect vision,
You thought I couldn't last without ya,
But I'm lastin'
You thought that I would die without ya,
But I'm livin'
Thought that I would fail without ya,
But I'm on top,
Though it would be over by now,
But it won't stop,
You thought that I would self-destruct,
But I'm still here,
Even in my years to come,
I'm still gon' be here.

I'm a survivor (what),
I'm not gonna give up (what),
I'm not gon' stop (what),
I'm gonna work harder (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm gonna make it (what),
I will survive (what),
Keep on survivin' (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm not gonna give up (what),
I'm not gon' stop (what),
I'm gonna work harder (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm gonna make it (what),
I will survive (what),
Keep on survivin' (what).

I'm wishin' you the best,
Pray that you are blessed,
Much success, no stress, and lots of happiness,
(I'm better than that)
I'm not gonna blast you on the radio,
(I'm better than that)
I'm not gonna lie on you or your family, yo,
(I'm better than that)
I'm not gonna hate you in the magazine,
(I'm better than that)
I'm not gonna compromise my Christianity,
(I'm better than that)
You know I'm not gonna diss you on the Internet
Cause my momma told me better than that.

I'm a survivor (what),
I'm not gonna give up (what),
I'm not gon' stop (what),
I'm gonna work harder (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm gonna make it (what),
I will survive (what),
Keep on survivin' (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm not gonna give up (what),
I'm not gon' stop (what),
I'm gonna work harder (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm gonna make it (what),
I will survive (what),
Keep on survivin' (what).


After all of the darkness and sadness,
Still comes happiness,
If I surround myself with positive things,
I'll gain prosperity.

I'm a survivor (what),
I'm not gonna give up (what),
I'm not gon' stop (what),
I'm gonna work harder (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm gonna make it (what),
I will survive (what),
Keep on survivin' (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm not gonna give up (what),
I'm not gon' stop (what)(Don't stop me now)
I'm gonna work harder (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm gonna make it (what),
I will survive (what),
Keep on survivin' (what).

I'm a survivor (what),
I'm not gonna give up (what),
I'm not gon' stop (what),
I'm gonna work harder (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm gonna make it (what),
I will survive (what),
Keep on survivin' (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm not gonna give up (what),
I'm not gon' stop (what),
I'm gonna work harder (what),
I'm a survivor (what),
I'm gonna make it (what),
I will survive (what),
Keep on survivin' (what).